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spladoum's Guestbook

ArneroJul 20, 2011

Those are not clouds in china it's polution! \:D

taxa08Jul 20, 2011

great shoots\:D

HellsaintJul 17, 2011

Hola spladoun! Exactly, I don't think Juan was thinking at that moment of time \:P Rather, feeling a really strong sense of... impulse (maybe?) to help Adam, which is a nice to do... but as you said, he could be dead meat with the sisters \:o \:D Hopefully his thread is not that short! >.< Thank you very much for your comments again \;\). I have to say, when I started reading sims 3 stories, I started with yours and couldn't stop reading! \:wub\:  \:D Thanks for giving me the inspiration for my series and take care \;\) -Frank

flody888Jul 16, 2011

P.S. And Holden's promo shots look great!!! Accidents should decrease in the city! \:rah\:

flody888Jul 16, 2011

I know! \:D Even as I said that River + Holden and Gwen + Jesse may be done deals...I think, "Waitasec, maybe that's just what 'they' (the writers - you and Rob) might WANT us to think!" I'm still not sure! LOL Have a great weekend though!!! \:D

MajuchanJul 16, 2011

hahahaha.... Those children. =3

PralinesimsJul 15, 2011

Hhahaha thats very good\:D

PralinesimsJul 15, 2011

Heheh\:D whos gonna pay for the damage?\:D

RatRaceRobJul 13, 2011

Aww... Jules \:wub\:s you, too.  And he's glad you stopped by 'Hood(7) with all those nice things to say about him \:wub\: ... he can really use all the support he can get these days \;\)

HellsaintJul 12, 2011

Hey spladown! Thanks for your comments on the recent chapter \:\) I just went on a total experimental craze with poses and scenes. Believe me, I had to scrap my chapter a couple of times before I got something solid... and then my chapter got a little to graphic and had to tone down a little *face-palm* \:D Anyhow, I'm glad you enjoyed the story as much as I am. Take care -Frank

ShelleyBJul 12, 2011

Yessss, Ariel is a sly one. Could she feel the need for some simbot lovin' ? Maybe... maybe not... At this point, I'm not really sure myself. (What a storyteller... \:\( ) Hahaha...

ShelleyBJul 11, 2011

\:wub\: \:D \:o Thanks for the compliments on "The Machine." (Gawd, I can't type today...) I've already submitted the next chapter, so you'll undoubtedly see more editing errors. I grabbed my pen and jotted down all your suggestions. Things may get a little "trippy" by the end, and that type of story may not be too popular, but there it is.....  Thanks again, and keep the critiques comin' \;\)

PoisonStreetJul 11, 2011

I'm glad you appreciate the comment. \:\)

AyuJul 11, 2011

LOL!\:wub\:everything i said is truly from my heart!hee~~keep rocking the series dear!

ShelleyBJul 11, 2011

I wonder how Jo's gonna feel with a po' boy providing the ring and the baby? \:confused\:   Velly Intelesting ...

HellsaintJul 10, 2011

Haha! Its amazing how you managed to colour the characters with such attitute. The recent chapter of Unhappily Ever After just made me fall in love iwth Rosalind ALOT more \:D. Jared, Jo and Connor. Funniest combination I have ever seen, Ros just fuels the fire. *evil grin* Thanks for the good read and congrates on the feature \:\)

ShelleyBJul 9, 2011

\;\) Howdy doody, Punch and Judy!! (Sorry I'm being so maudlin... Silly is as silly does, or something like that... ) I've taken a dive off the deep end and submitted my first story. IF it gets published, I'm BRAZENLY asking you to give it a gander and then grade my work. Hopefully, I merit something higher than an F, for total flop. And I really mean it when I ask the readers to give me feedback. Be brutal if you have to because I really want to give this a go. I may not have the chops for it, but won't know until THE FEATURED COMPOSERS offer their critiques. (I'm going on to BRAZENLY solicit some more business.) Have a good weekend, and hope to hear from you soon!! (I'm utterly shameless... \:o)

kanzenJul 7, 2011

Hey Spladoum, its not exactly a story update, but its better than nothing: http://zenmaldita.livejournal.com/1520.html I miss you guys so much Q A Q

Milii454Jul 5, 2011

Aw, but you know me Spladoum, I do like my twists and turns, so it might not be who you think :P And Claire is a very cool character, she has a lot of scope to be good or evil (I chose evil, always do lol), so hopefully this will be a good portrayal of her VERY evil side and how plans nearly always backfire (at Laura’s expense). Oh and Macy and her husband (not giving anything away there :P) also make an appearance.

spitzmagicJul 5, 2011

ROFL hahah yeah I guess they would..would'nt they LOL \:D

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