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spladoum's Guestbook

AyuJun 20, 2011

hahaha~beautiful disaster?\:D

Milii454Jun 20, 2011

The phrases "pot, kettle and black" come into mind when it comes to Jared and Jo \:D. Hope they both get what they deserve :P

IAMAPERSON13Jun 19, 2011

Thanks for the lovely comment on my story!

fredbrennyJun 18, 2011

No need to be scared for Bubbles doing the wrong stuff.... hehehe... she was happy to help me out trying the new EP... It is back to work in no time for her... and maybe she  all dreamt it... having a family and all, and a NICE Vincent instead of the one in her life now... hehehe \:P Meanwhile Drew and his best buddy Dreyfuss, and little Marcus are enjoyable. \:wub\:

spitzmagicJun 18, 2011

Hahahaha awe poor Stiles LOL...he is usually in mine too..but I needed someone and he just happened to walk up to the shot. Too bad is wasn't Jared LOL....\:D

spitzmagicJun 18, 2011

LOL thanks (((April))) I felt kinda sorry for Stiles myself. He was such a good actor...\:D

ohgodcaitlynJun 17, 2011

Oh yes, they sure do have a lot to learn. & you'll hear all about it in the next chapter that I will be sure to have out soon. Thank you for reading and commenting on Once Upon A Time \:D

janyangoJun 17, 2011

thanks for the comments on my screenshots; I really appreciate it. also, I am a big fan of your stories.

spitzmagicJun 17, 2011

LOL...well lets see a new hairdo...Generations comes with a pretty goodlookin cut for males and what else lighter shade of eye color and new personality traits...but even as he is before he's still a nice looking sim. LOL and yes Conner rocks....hahaha..\:D

spitzmagicJun 15, 2011

ROFL  actually I was singing Hi-Ho Hi-Ho off to work we go....all day long ROFL....hahhaha \:D

spitzmagicJun 15, 2011

(((April))) LOL I've been singing that song every since I read your comment thanks \:D

spitzmagicJun 15, 2011

((((April)))) thank you lots and lots for your birthdays wishes. \:wub\: \:wub\:

spitzmagicJun 14, 2011

ok well...the smilely face thingy wasn't suppose to show up.... it just ruined the effect....     : )~~~~~~    there I bet it workd now :P

spitzmagicJun 14, 2011

PHATT   \:\)~~~~~~  ROFL...\:D :P

martoeleJun 12, 2011

Hi April! You're right! It turned out to be quite easy for the young ladies because of the montly pay which I didn't think to write about. That has been an error. I planned that they had been given only one amount of money (a generous amount) on which they had to live from that moment on. I don't know why I wrote certain moment about the monthly thing... must have been very late at night and must have been sleepy to let that get through but anyway \:D it cannot be altered anymore. In my Dutch and Spanish traduction I will change that. Thanks for the comment, honey!

fabrizioammolloJun 10, 2011

Hi April! You are welcome! Wishing an awesome week-end! F.

flody888Jun 9, 2011

Oh, I'm glad! I really like River! \:\) She's got sass and class. \:D But then again I love Holden and Gwen and then again I don't know if they're better as friends but then again they've never tried to be more but then again Jesse and Gwen seem so similar but then again...Argh! My head hurts! \:D Great job! \:D

staceface2009pJun 9, 2011

Of course!!! You are welcome\:wub\:. That entire series is hilarioussss, I never laughed like that, ever reading a story on here! I wish it can go on forever! I haven't written a story in AGES! Since last year! I've actually been playing my game and two of my sims just had a beach wedding, exchanging their vows and enjoying vacation! They are back home now, and someone is PREGGO!!!! \:D But I can't wait to read the rest of your stories. . . .I'm impatiently waiting, hehe \:D

fredbrennyJun 9, 2011

You bet your ass Freddie's back \:D \:D

FlovvJun 7, 2011

Thank you so much for your cool comment! \:wub\:\:wub\: Have a very cool week! \:\)

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