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spladoum's Guestbook

martoeleApr 12, 2011

Thank you April for your nice comment on Moon 13. And yes... I myself wonder as well what will happen to Jeremy at Bubbles.... \:D

RatRaceRobApr 12, 2011

[Jesse:] "I'm teaching him to have a little musical fun. Kid needs it after spending five days a week with the Red Ink Witch.  Seriously." ((thank you for visiting pseudo Captain Hammer, drop by anytime, he'll be here all week.  Maybe longer.  In fact, I think I'm going to have some trouble getting rid of him)) \:P \:D

fredbrennyApr 11, 2011

\:wub\: Thanks my dear! I found it!! \;\) as you know by now! Great!! This is FUN!!!

RatRaceRobApr 11, 2011

Dang.  Between the towel, the shot, and the redhead, my fun has been ruined as Jesse forgot all about his futile effort to smack me.  So I'm going to go sulk while I let him do the thanking for The Shower Shortcut visit.  [Jesse:]  "THANK YOU!!!" \:wub\:

fabrizioammolloApr 10, 2011

My pleasure! Take care, F.

RatRaceRobApr 10, 2011

Lol lol lol... every time I see you use the 'hot mess' descriptive I snort and/or smirk and/or laugh out loud... I think this is the first time Jesse has won that one from you... fits like a straight jacket, doesn't it?  Hmm... now that you are creating clothing... PIPS sure could use a shipment of those... wait a minute, where was I?  Oh yes.  Thank you for the rofl and amazing compliment on 'Hood (3), always a pleasure, always \:P \:wub\:

fabrizioammolloApr 10, 2011

Hi April! We really have no mercy of them \:P But after all they have been created for our fun \:D! Have fun! F.

mspassions2Apr 10, 2011

Thanks so much for commenting on my Sims story "Our Love". It truly means a lot to me. I really love the second screen shot and fought with myself on whether or not to make that the featured shot. It took a lot of positioning and repositioning to get it perfect.

Peachybitz1Apr 9, 2011

Wish it would, then maybe it would help with the gardening \:D instead of just hanging around...they can turn the TV on but not weed! Ah, if only.. \:D

YrS92Apr 9, 2011

Now I don't think the teen girls would mind if the teen boys were walking nude in Sunset Valley :P

daniel1208Apr 9, 2011

\:\) \:\) Thanks for your lovely comments \:\) \:\)

RatRaceRobApr 9, 2011

Poor Jules, indeed.  And it actually wasn't him that defiled the chalkboard... \:ph34r\:... thank you for visiting Miss Crumplebottom \:wub\:

YrS92Apr 9, 2011

Hi there April \:\) Thank you very much for the birthday wishes you left for the Gardens, they sure appreciate it, for all that they forgot all about it \:P Have a great day, hugs, Senja

RatRaceRobApr 9, 2011

Yes, RLY... and ah, YEAH!  And thank you for checking out the Repomen... they really are the coolest never-had-an-actual-gig band in the Valley.  Hey now, you know exactly where Whistler has been shopping-- and he's even taking the time to do those craptastic online surveys in hopes that you make more cool beer clothes for him \:cool\: \:D

flody888Apr 9, 2011

Totally! Although, poor Gwen and Holden (and Rosalind) are really suffering! \:\( Poor Jesse too if he becomes stuck in the middle of a love triangle! \:eek\: Can't wait to see what happens! \:D Have a great weekend!

Milii454Apr 7, 2011

I only just discovered how to post on guestbook’s \:lol\: so I just wanted to say thank you very much for following my story, I hope you enjoy the rest of it and I appreciate all your comments \:\) . Thanks, Emily x

fredbrennyApr 5, 2011

I think Kenny will leave without saying his goodbyes...\:D Thanks my dear friend... your comments always are heartwarming and great! Love you!!!! \:wub\:

fredbrennyApr 5, 2011

Hi April! \:rah\:  I did submit chapter 3 last night. My guess is that the site is being re-born at the moment. I have all sorts of advertizing AND I am logged in \:eek\: My best guess is that it is because of v8. I think Kenny's story is great. It does shine some light on Barry too \;\)  Thanks! \:wub\:

YrS92Apr 5, 2011

Hi there April \:\) Thank you very much for reading and commenting the chapter 48, I have been quite lazy lately so I apologize for the belated reply \:P Yes, Egg is indeed rather oblivious, I suppose most men are what it comes to their mothers \:D Anyways, have a great day, hugs, Senja

spitzmagicApr 2, 2011

ROFL for a moment there I thought you were talking about something else  hahaha \:D

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