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My Surgery Day

...we got to the hospital at about 5:45am. We followed the little map I was given by the nurse three weeks prior, and we ended up at a dead end of the hospital. I was really starting to get mad and even more stressed because this particular nurse has been a flippin' nightmare since the beginning.

We noticed a small sign on the wall that said that we needed to report to this other place, so that's where we went. I headed for the desk to check in and they didn't know who I was and didn't even have my chart. So I just started crying...really loud. I was so upset, I knew this was going to happen as everyone in the entire hospital had an entirely different surgery date than I did. Nothing about this entire surgery experience has gone right for me, and I mean nothing.

Anyway, my mom went up to see what the problem was...and they directed us to a different part of the hospital. They took me back to my bed, and I started crying again...of course, I was scared and nothing was going right. They put in my catheter and then my mom went to switch out with my dad. Because I was an adult, they would only allow one person to visit with me at a time.

My dad came in and gave me a hug, and we talked for a little bit...and then a Chaplain came in and started praying for me...which got me crying again. He then asked how old I was, and he just about had a heart attack when I told him 21. He said I didn't look that at all, and then started talking about how he used to lie about his age when he was younger so he could get a cheaper price on things. I thought that was funny. Then, my step-dad went to switch out with Charles. When Charles got there, the nurses were gathering my things and about to take me to the OR. I was the first sugery of the day. So, they told Charles to go get my step-dad and my mom, and then wheeled me away.

I didn't get to spend any time with Charles at all before sugery. Once we got to the OR waiting room, there were two nurses who just started yelling at each other. One of them got pissed off when I told her that my mom wanted to talk to the doctor before surgery. So, Charles went out to get my they'd only allow one person at a time there, too. He went to get her, and then the nurse told him to wait for the pissed me right off. She was such a jerk. She was ticked off because the other nurse should have taken me directly to the OR instead of stopping in between. Way to go, girls...let's just stress out the surgery patients a lot more while we're at it.

Eventually, they wheeled me away to the OR, and I just started crying again...I was so scared. I went to sleep, and then it seemed like within seconds I woke up. There were about 5 or 6 people standing over me. I was shaking like crazy...I wasn't cold, but I was nearly shaking right off the bed. They gave me some drugs, and I stopped shaking. I kept hearing them talking about how low my blood pressure was, and then at one point he said it was 50 over something, and then the other lady said it's higher than it was. I kept asking when I could see my mom, but they said she wasn't allowed to see me yet.

Eventually, they moved me into the original room I was in where they put in my IV that morning. My mom, step-dad, and Charles appeared. The lady said that I needed to get out of the bed and into the recliner on the far wall. I asked her if I could stay in the bed and she told me no. She then helped me into the recliner, looked at my incisions and told me that I was bleeding alittle bit.
She also said that as soon as I could pee, I could go home. I finally made it to the bathroom...and holy hell, I just about died. It hurt soooooo bad. It was like peeing razor blades.

My mom also told me that the doctor told her he'd removed a nearly quarter-sized something or another off my uterus and is sending it off to a lab for testing. We should have results in one week, he then also told her that he wanted to see me in two weeks to remove sutures and whatnot.

Jaws3 ∙ Jul 11, 2008

You poor thing! I hope you feel better soon!

MissJay ∙ Jul 9, 2008

I sincerely hope that you recover well and quickly. I'll keep you in my prayers!

kay44 ∙ Jul 7, 2008

Aww, I hope you recover quickly and get better soon. Take your time and try not to rush things.. Once again, I hope all goes well with you because you're awesome..

TeenIdol ∙ Jul 7, 2008

I feel so sorry for you!

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