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tdyannd's Blog

Farewells and Best Wishes

I never thought I'd leave TSR. It has been 'my' home. I've learned so much here, and I have met some very special people...and made many of them close friends. I have so many memories with this site, especially being picked for the Creator's Camp back in 2009 to preview The Sims 3. I will never forget that; thank you, SteveB, for giving me that opportunity. I also have to thank Murano, Apple, Angela, Cyclonesue, Sim_man123, BlackGarden, and Shino&KCR. You all have been such an enormous help in developing my creating skills...I've a ways to go before I can do as well as you all...but, without your help and putting up with my nonsense...I'd still be at square one.

TSR has always had such a special place in my heart, but I think there comes a time when we all must leave our nests.

I have decided, with a few other familiar faces, to leave TSR as a creator/story teller. I will still be creating and writing, and I will always be 'tdyannd'...but, no longer for TSR. You may find me at along with BlackGarden, Moza, sww_sww_sww, Deagh, and a few other of my TSR friends.




Computer Crashed

My computer crashed. My computer dude took it and kept it for two days and finally decided that the hard drive crashed, and needed to be replaced. He was able to save a few things I asked him to, but my game files weren't on that list.

I do apologize, but the cookie crumbled unfortunately for the Andretti's.

I've pulled them from certain death many, many's like they've been doomed from the start.

I will likely start another story...maybe not a legacy, but I will definitely have more. I'll be sure to notify you guys where it is, because the story submissions here are still borked for me after all these months. I give up.

Thanks...all of you, for the support...encouragement...and I do sincerely apologize. I will definitely miss them...


Did you know I'm on Facebook? Well...I am, and I am constantly asking my fans for ideas and objects they want to see in the game! I'm also updating Facebook all the time with my current sets, ideas for sets, and of course...screenshots! You're missing out if you haven't 'friended' me yet!

Do a search for Tdyannd Tsr and you're sure to find me!

The Andretti Legacy

I want to apologize...I have been trying and trying and trying to submit The Andretti Legacy Chapter 112 for a month, if not more, now. Something is wrong with my 'submission' area and I've been waiting on this issue to be fixed. I am so so sorry, but I am continuing to write them...and I have about 5 or 6 chapters just sitting on my computer waiting. Bear with me...I'm sorry!

Add Me on Facebook!

I joined Facebook! Feel free to add me and get updates (on CC or Andretti's or well...anything!), sneak peaks, and all sorts of other things! :)

New Poll

I've uploaded a new poll to my minisite, which I'm hoping many of you will take part in. I've been, for a while, dabbling in a bit of everything I know how to. I think I would like to focus on one thing in particular, but I'm curious what you all think I do best...and what you think I should focus on creating. So, please...take part!

Crime Scene Chalk Outlines - Please Read!

There's nothing wrong with the files uploaded to TSR, the actual chalk outlines...those are fine.

I had uploaded some 'add-ons' to my own site, that I share with BlackGarden ( and it turns out the actual files themselves did not upload correctly. I am sending them to BlackGarden right now, so that she can upload them directly to the server. I apologize for all of you who have tried to download them and couldn't, they should be available within the next 24 hours or so.


Where'd she go?!

I have not falled off the face of the Earth.

Life has been nothing but one drama after another.

I was in a car accident a few weeks back, and I am still dealing with all the events following that. One of my dogs has some internal bleeding in his lungs, and hopefully he will pull through 100%.

On top of that, my sister is getting married in two weeks and we're planning a big trip (obviously!) to drive to Colorado. It is taking a lot of spare time, actually...almost all of my spare time.

I am sorry for the lack of output and updates. And, as usual...bear with me. It'll be back to normal soon...




I hope...

Coming Soon!

Uh...okay, spent two days on very first furniture mesh set for TS3 that evolved from actual furniture! I'm getting together the previews for the items, and hopefully I'll have it out for download within a day or two.

The image I worked off of is this one...


And the set I came up with is this one...

Coming Soon! Bathroom Clutter!

For 2.5 days, I've been honing my meshing skills...they're coming along, slowly but surely. It's 3am and finally, I've completed another mesh set - Bathroom Clutter! The set includes 6 new meshes: toilet plunger, toilet paper stack, a toilet rug, nail polish and file, shampoos and soap, and toothbrush and toothpaste.



The items are decorative only, and serve no purpose other than clutter! Who doesn't love clutter!?

You can click this link to view more screenshots and information regarding the set. It'll be available on Tuesday, February 23rd.


Latest Headlines

Farewells and Best Wishes Computer Crashed Facebook! The Andretti Legacy Add Me on Facebook! New Poll Crime Scene Chalk Outlines -... Where'd she go?! Coming Soon! Coming Soon! Bathroom Clutter!
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