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tdyannd's Blog

Trouble with my patterns? *UPDATE*

HUGE thank you to FreyanSim for going through each and every single one of my patterns and telling me which one's weren't isntalling or were producing errors.

There were 91 total patterns of mine that weren't working correctly, and as of right now, I have updated 56 of them. You should see them under the 'updated items' banner up at the top of the TSR pages.

If you are not having trouble with the patterns already installed in your game, you do not need to update them. They each have a brand new GUID, so if you do decide to will have two of the same pattern. These updated patterns do not overwrite the original patterns.

Tomorrow evening I plan on taking care and updating the last 35. If you have any trouble with any of them still, please let me know. I'd be more than happy to fix my patterns or help you fix the issue you're having with them.

Thanks, again, FreyanSim. :wub: You're awesome!

Trouble with my patterns?

Apparently, there are some issues with the older patterns. If you are having trouble installing ANY of my patterns, please let me know via a comment here or a PM or by signing my guestbook. I went through and downloaded all of my patterns and installed them without issue, but that doesn't mean it'll work for everyone. So, please, let me know which one's aren't working for you so I can update them and get them into your game.


Slowly but Surely

Okay, it's been over a month since I've played my game...and wow...I'm having serious cravings!

I've a HUGE job change going on at the moment, and the stress and excitment it brings won't be over until at least March 1st...however, I've finally got some time to sit down and start uninstalling and reinstalling my game.

Hopefully, the directions I was given are just what I need and I can start submitting and creating again!

Bear with me!

New Patch Curse

I'm one of those that's been cursed by the EA patch. In fear of losing the Andretti's (the only thing that can't be redownloaded), I've backed up to my desktop, and I will remain dormant until the issues are resolved.

Sorry! :wub:

Where I've been...

I wanted to let all of you know that the past week or so has been a nothing short of a nightmare. My cat, Catillac, had to have her tail amputated on Monday, then my dog, Chica, is having urinary problems. On top of that, it's Christmas and this is always a busy time of the year.

I want to assure you that I am still here and I am still creating and working on the Andretti's, but I do want to apologize for the lack in content some of you may be seeing from me. I've got a nice long vacation coming up in about 6 or so days, so expect an overabundance from me during that time.

I appreciate the continued support and care, you all are awesome!

Head's Up!

Just a head's up for all of you, in 24 hours I'll be taking my computer down and packing it up. No no, no freak outs. Let me explain.

On Friday, 9-25 (my 23rd birthday), I'll be closing on my first house. :D ...all weekend long we'll be moving our things in. With any luck, we'll be completely done by Sunday afternoon (we don't have much stuff and the house comes fully furnished).

So, I will be away from tomorrow afternoon until probably Monday. Maybe really depends on how long I can go without my interent. =) 

Anywho, I have a few things that'll be published on the days I'm not, remember to keep checking back during that time.


Select Artist for TS2 & TS3

So, I just have to say how excited I am! A huge thanks to everyone who has been downloading my stuff...over a million downloads...that's so awesome!

Big HUGE monster thanks to BlackGarden who got me into this mess in the first place...then, stuck by me through my MANY frustrations and name calling and hair pulling and throwing things... :D Thanks, Heather!

Side Note: I'll continue to create for TS2 and of course, TS3. If there's something you'd like particularly (aside from meshes), let me know. I'll see what we can do about it!


Concussion Update

I returned to the doctor yesterday, and was put on an Anti-Seizure medication. No, calm down, I'm not having seizures...not even partials. Let me explain.

The seizure medication is supposed to sedate me enough so that my brain can't process as much as it is currently, which, in turn, should help alleviate some of the intense headaches. I should be on the medication for about 4 to 6 weeks until the concussion is gone/healed/cured/whatever. Eventually, in about a week...I should be taking about three of these babies a day. If I am supposed to take them until the headaches are gone, how on Earth am I supposed to know if I'm completely doped up?

I was doing some dangerous internet researching, and discovered that all the side effects of the drug are exactly the symptoms I am having now. Disorientation, Anorexia, Headaches, etc.

Apparently, I've lost 3-4 pounds in 5 days. He asked me if I was eating, and honestly...I don't remember eating. I mean, a few times...yeah, I remember eating. I also remember it tasting absolutely dreadful. If you know anything about me, you know I don't turn away food.

He told me to eat 2 to 3 times a day regardless, and to drink plenty of water. Well, the only thing I drink is water...and if the food smells and tastes like it has been, there's no way I'm eating it. That's that. End of story. He said that my brain is not telling me I'm hungry, but it's giving me the hunger headaches.

I took my first dose of the seizure meds last night. I already hate them. They smell like vomit. I woke up this morning completely lost and confused. I could barely walk and then couldn't remember where any of my stuff was...even though it was in the same place it always is. I could barely brush my teeth. I was super dizzy most of the morning. I couldn't keep my eyes open or my head up for anything. I feel like I've been on a boat all day...rocking back and forth.

Moral of Story : WEAR A HELMET

Where I've been, and why I'll still be missing.

I hit my head on Friday. I didn't think it was too bad, but Saturday...I was basically dead. Sunday rolls around, felt WAY better and spent the day on the lake tubing and stuff...naturally, bouncing around some more. Monday, went to the doctor...he wasn't too concerned and told me that I did not have a concussion and to take Tylenol for my headaches.

By, Tuesday, I was still having horrible headaches. I can't focus on anything, I'm nauseous. I can't comprehend anything that is new to me. I can't read and understand what I'm reading. It takes me a really really long time to do things because I'm also having memory loss issues.

I called on Tuesday, and the nurse told me that I needed to wait until Thursday before coming back. By Wednesday, I absolutely cannot function. I leave work and go to the ER with my mom, as the receptionist cannot get a hold of my doctor because he is out of the office.

At the ER, I get a cat scan that shows I've no bleeding and no fractures. But, the doctor did tell me I do, in fact, have a concussion. She gave me some serious pain medication and told me not to go back to work until Monday. If I am not better by Monday, then I need to go to my regular doctor and be sent to a neurologist.

So, that will hopefully explain my absence...and I will probably be checking in for PM's and such, and I will of course slowly work on The Andretti's...and continue my pattern submissions. But, I cannot produce much as of now because just waking up and breathing is a chore... :( Drama

For those that have sent me a friend request on, I am not ignoring you or denying your requests. I have sent emails left and right to EA trying to get this issue resolved, but I cannot log in. It tells me I don't exist...even when I use the username and password sent to me by the site.

I got an email from someone at EA and I was told that my TS2 account seems to have been deleted and that they do not have the authority to delete accounts. Wait...what?! I am not talking about a TS2 account...

I recieve 20 and 30 emails a day from the site telling me about friend requests and whatnot, my account can't possibly be deleted...not too mention I never had a TS2 account in the first place. Also, I still see my account and all the creations I made at the Creator's Camp. The account is not deleted, I assure you.

I was able to log in without a problem until they launched the 'public' But, oh well...looks like no one is willing to fix the issue, so I do apologize for everyone that's sending 'requests' my way. I can't log in to approve them...

Latest Headlines

Trouble with my patterns? *UPDATE* Trouble with my patterns? Slowly but Surely New Patch Curse Where I've been... Head's Up! Select Artist for TS2 & TS3 Concussion Update Where I've been, and why I'll... Drama
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