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tdyannd's Blog

Tomorrow... the big day. We leave before daylight to head to the hospital...and I will most likely be bawling the whole way. Pray for me, send me best wishes, and good lucks. I will be on to update all of you when I am able...until then, creating and the Andretti's have been put on hold.

To My Fans - Update

Surgery is no longer scheduled for tomorrow, it's been moved to July 3rd. I've been hurting pretty bad lately, so creating and writing has come to a stop for the time being.

I do hope all of you understand and accept my apologies.

To My Fans

...I am not 'disappearing', however I am not able to spend as much time with my game as I have been.

I will be having surgery in less than 14 days, and aside from being terrified...there are some complications rising up.

I won't be updating the Andretti's as often as usual, nor will I be submitting sets as regularly. I hope that you all understand, and please do keep me in your thoughts and prayers.

I appreciate your unconditional loyalty and support. You guys rock!

**Forgotten Furniture TC91**

I just got word that my Forgotten Furniture TC91 (all 4 sets) files are not working at the moment...I am sooo sorry, and I won't be able to fix this until I get home this weekend. I'm out of state on vacation at the moment, and I appreciate all your patience and reporting the files to bring them to my attention.

Leaving Tomorrow

...tomorrow we head out. So, I won't be back creating until after June 8th. I'll still have internet access, but will be unable to play or create.

We're super excited about going to's going to be a lot fun...if we can get passed the family reunion!

Either way, just letting everyone know why my creating will come to a sudden halt! Feel free to send me PM's and comments and whatnot!

Mesh Mush

...well, I have completed my first mesh. But, don't expect an upload any time soon...I want to make sure it's decent quality before I decide to share it with all of you. Either way, for all those that have been helping me with my multitude of questions BlackGarden, Dgandy, and others...thanks so much. You guys are making it happen...

Remembering our roots...

I'm thinking of learning to make some Sims 1 stuff...I've not played it in so long, but there was always something about the original game that has stuck with me and that I still enjoy.

I don't have it installed anymore, but I've got every SP and EP for it. I've also thought about when the Andretti's come to an end, I may uninstall all my Sims2 stuff and play Sims 1 for a while.

I miss it, what can I say?!

Going away for a week...

So, lovey and I do a bit of Metal Detecting and Relic Hunting on the side of our lives...when we have time to get out, that is.

We're headed to Georgia for a week in about three weeks, so naturally...I wll be MIA for that time. (May 30 to June 8)

I wanted to inform everyone so when I disappear, no one worries.

He's got some family over there that owns a bunch of land where a big Civil War battle was's going to be LOADS of fun, and I'll surely bring back LOADS of pictures to share.

Just a few 'Coming Soon' sets...

Okay...the bug bit me good...real good...or it could be that I've been home sick for four days...oh well, whatever the reason...I've got some sets coming out, thought I'd give you all a sneak peek! ...well, the one's that actually take the time to read these anyway...





! 100,000 !

You guys rock! ...I was sooo excited when I logged in and saw that I had over 100,000 downloads! ...that certainly brings a smile to my face.

Thanks fans!

Latest Headlines

Tomorrow... To My Fans - Update To My Fans **Forgotten Furniture TC91** Leaving Tomorrow Mesh Mush Remembering our roots... Going away for a week... Just a few 'Coming Soon' sets... ! 100,000 !
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