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tdyannd's Guestbook

Cerulean TalonAug 11, 2010

Hi! Thanks so much for your nice comment on my kiddie fun pattern! Smiles and hugs! \:wub\:

AngelaAug 11, 2010

Thanks \:wub\: always a joy reading your comments!! have a great day!

FlatterAug 4, 2010

I just browsed through your creations and have to leave a comment about it. They are so fancy and inventive, and most of all: tasteful. Your presentation is very professional, too. I am impressed. Thank you for sharing!

marcorseAug 4, 2010

re the white/pink/blue hydrangea - please don't do a special search on my account - just sometime if you happen to be working with the plants would be good enough for me! hugs Marg

marcorseAug 3, 2010

Hello - just had to stop by and say thanks for your excellent patio set - which I have just downloaded and will use in my next lot build. \:D  Much  as I love clutter -  I do  like the uncluttered look of this ensemble. \:wub\:   Could I also be so forward as to ask a question about something which has been interesting me for a while now. \:confused\:   The hydrangea in the game is blue, and cannot be styled, but I have seen pink ones  - and now your white ones -  in preview shots.  Are these 'real' or photoshopped versions of the blue one?     I note that the other flowers in the shot are still in their default colours, so perhaps  the recoloured hydrangeas are in one of the expansions?  My game is fully patched, but I don't have any of the  add-ons themselves installed to check that out for myself. 

rui_pereiraJul 27, 2010

Ok, thank you!! I found it \;\) But the set doesn't have any recommended items

invaderzimxJul 26, 2010

Okay \:D so I think I found the sweatpants used in the picture for your "no show socks", They're be "slice" :]

invaderzimxJul 26, 2010


sosliliomJul 12, 2010

Hi! Thank You\:wub\:  This wedge slippers are for the adults and teens on my own site ( ~ and there is this in two (other) stiles ~ Happy Simming!\:wub\:

AngelaJul 12, 2010

Hi, Thank you so much for your comment on my creations \:wub\: i hope you'll have a great summer!

ekinegeJul 12, 2010

Hi Tiffany! Thank you so much for your lovely comment on the "2Tops & Bottom(Teen)-Set26". I'm very glad you enjoy it.\:wub\: Have a nice week.\:\)

mik0 muffinJul 10, 2010

You're very welcome, it's so well deserved!  Seriously, the quality of your story and the length of dedication you've had to it... insane in a really good way =D

joker52455Jul 9, 2010

You are very welcome! You want to FRAME it? I didn't think my comment was that be honest, I might have embellished a jk it's all true. I've read a lot of TSR stories, and I must say none of them are better than yours. I don't know why, but to me the Andretti Legacy is in a class all it's own (probably cuz it's an actual LEGACY). I probably have you to thank for all the Kudos I have cuz I'm always logging on just to see if you've uploaded another chapter lol. I must admit you can be a tad cheesy, but you make it work cuz that's your style. I wonder if TSR will do anything for the Andretti Legacy; I'm pretty sure this has been the longest continuing legacy on TSR. They should give you some free Kudos or something! lol I remember reading chapter 75 or 76 and saying "It'd be so cool if Tiff made it to 100, but that's NEVER gonna happen," and here you are! It's insane. Btw, THAT'S why you picked Andretti?! That has to be the....funniest thing I've ever heard!!!! \:rah\: I hope to see chapter 101 soon (I can't believe I just typed that) and please try to stay healthy \:P

Sophiee536Jul 8, 2010

thanks for your beautiful creations(: only recently found you LOL! good work, keep it up \:wub\: \:rah\:

mik0 muffinJul 7, 2010

Your Andretti Legacy is really, really great - nicely written narrative and storyline.  I can't believe how many chapters you have =D

paramitiJul 3, 2010

Hope you will be having a Great Fourth of July down in texas..i have to work some this weekend but all i will be thinking about is my Sims Carnival FUN!! You have done so much for me and if your wish was that it bring me Much Got and Get your wish!! \:wub\: XXOOXX \:wub\:

paramitiJul 1, 2010

Having So Much Fun!! Sims All day since early this morning..i am working on two new lots now..Thank You!!! XXOOXX

joker52455Jun 29, 2010

I just found it a half hour ago as you could probably see by the comments; I had to go directly to your Stories instead of using your Stories box on your main page. This site is in serious need of maintenance...

joker52455Jun 27, 2010

What happened to part 98 of the Andretti Legacy? I MUST READ IT!!!!!!!!!

paramitiJun 23, 2010

ok Tiffany..thanx for letting me know straight away..i downloaded all the fixed stuff and then i have the others saved on my slave drive..i will put it all in within the next couple of days..i put the khalid patterns in as a test and they showed up!! Hurray \:D i have a couple things i want for my game..simple stuff i think... if you want to make them some time this year i can upload some example pics..they are not in my gallery..if you dont want to make them i will ask Greda or my brother to make..i am worried for what you said on my guestbook..that you are bad sick or something \:\( XXOOXXOO

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