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wideopeneyes's Guestbook

WandaJBowenJul 6, 2009

You have some really good work.I love your patterns.Thanks for sharing with us.\:wub\:

midge719Jul 1, 2009

I love the breezeway curtains, however I cannot find the recolours for the counter tops to match?

squeakersJun 7, 2009

\:wub\: Your more than welcome for the thanks on the pigeons, as soon as I do some screenies with them, I'll let you know, and I'm so touched that you showed your father my screenies!\:o I enjoy creating them so much, and I'm so glad you enjoy them, I've posted some new ones if you want to check them out! Have a great week, and thank you for all your wonderful creations, you are so very talented!!!!!!\:wub\:

hiedibear75May 29, 2009

Well I'm sure your pigeons will be downloaded by tons of players......you did an amazing job on them. \:rah\:  We are expecting some extra money here pretty soon since my mom will be getting some major overtime hrs she said she might be willing to help me if the parts are reasonably priced. \:cool\:  So if that happens & I can have cc & meshes again I'll be sure & thank you back with a nice community lot of some sort (pigeons are all over the place after all.....not just in parks). \:D  Thanks for giving me/us credit. \:wub\:  But you're the one who has spent all these weeks working on them. \:rah\:  Well hope you have a wonderful weekend. \:wub\:

NewtlcoMay 27, 2009

Thank you for your great wishes.You are such a lovely person.I wish you best \:wub\:

ElutMay 27, 2009

Oh I would love to have some gargoyles and I don´t like UV-mapping\:\( , have been doing them all day at work\:D

MuranoMay 27, 2009

You're most welcome. \:D Glad you like it. \:\) ~ Cedric

olcia_olivineaMay 6, 2009

Hi \:\) I wanted to say 'thank you' for your congratulations and warm welcome, it means a lot for me\:wub\: wish you a great day! Ola

pfaffMay 5, 2009

I think you are totally amazing. I can't thank you enough for sharing your creations. Please don't stop!

MuranoMay 3, 2009

Hi Wideopeneyes! Thank you very much for your comment you left on my work-in-progress set. \:D Best regards, Cedric

kateknightukApr 26, 2009

I just wanted to say thankyou for sharing your wondeful work with us.  Haven't used custom content for a while, but your panoramic windows made me rethink my views.  Thanks again.  \:rah\:

hiedibear75Apr 23, 2009

Cool.......can't wait to see them! \:rah\:  So a boo boo happened........at least it was caught & you fixed it. \:cool\:  Anywho I know of a site (not going to mention which.......for fear of "rumor spreading") has some artists who have not logged in for some time.......and theirs are the ones that don't get fixed cuz they didn't log in to see what was up. \;\)  I don't make things for the Sims.......and I'm betting I'd jack up somebody's game if I did. \:o  So I leave all that to the "perfessionals". \:D LOL  Oh by the way I've had to retire my laptop & go with a desktop. \:rolleyes:  My laptop's screen is almost opaque so it's pretty much a $3,000 paper weight. \:mad\:  It was a nice Sony vIO. \:\(  So I lost portability but gained a bigger hard-drive. \;\)   But no more bed-SIM-ing for me. \:\(  Oh well......sorry about gripping to ya about it. \:o  Well take care. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Apr 22, 2009

I saw your blog about the diagonal window replacements. \:\)  Uh I just went ahead and redownloaded anything that said Panorama & diagonal......but if it only a couple maybe a link to the new ones would help others. \:confused\:  This sort of thing happens.......at least you updated it......on some of the other sites things don't get updated hardly ever if at all even when players have reported a problem. \;\)  Thank you for the great content you've made for us. \:rah\:  Take care. \:wub\:

BirbirApr 14, 2009

Hi, and thank you for your comment on my 'Love is in the air' screenshot. I thought it looked very romantic too!\:wub\: On my next Incentive Day I'm certainly going to stop by your Mini Site, because I love the look of your creations!

skystars5Apr 14, 2009

Hi Wideopeneyes! I've just stopped by to spread a little love and hugs to all of our truly gifted and wonderful FA's. You know how good you are and have many, many fans, that's all that's important. (((HUGS)))\:wub\: ~Marilyn

Uma DesignApr 12, 2009

Hi, I luv your Panorama windows & doors, they are just PERFECT fot the urban lots I'm working on! Thanks for sharing!\:rah\: \:wub\:

mariluApr 11, 2009

Bunny rabbits, painted eggs and sunshine ... it's Easter time! Wish you happy days. \:\)

AnoeskaBApr 10, 2009

Hi, thank you for your nice comment on the Wardrobe of Wonders. I'm glad you like it. Have fun with it! \:D

Birba32Apr 7, 2009

Hi! Thank you so much for your entry in my blog, really appreciate \:\)

kattsandApr 7, 2009

Hi! Thank you so much for your comment on my blog \:\) and I'm glad you like the pink dress \:wub\: And btw, I love your creations, you're so talented!

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