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wideopeneyes's Guestbook

DegeraApr 6, 2009

Hi!  I just wanted to let you know that I am using your Panorama Windows in a house that is being published on the 8th.  I hope you like it! \:D

squeakersApr 5, 2009

\:D Oh thank you from the bottom of my heart, I can't wait til they are done, I love having matching sets when I build!!!!!\:D I love your panorama windows, they look so awesome in the game, and it is wonderful to be able to make windows as long as I want without frames being in the way!!!!!\:rah\: Thank you so much for creating such wonderful stuff for the rest of us, and for sharing your talent, you are truly awesome!!!!!\:D I also wanted to congratulate you on being a featured artist, you deserve it!!!!!\:rah\: TC and have a great day!!!!!\:D Denise

Jaws3Apr 5, 2009

\:D I'm glad you like the lot! \:\) Your edge caps just added those extra special touches! \:wub\: Thanks for your comment!

StrawbzApr 3, 2009

Hello \:\) I always love you creations so which ever one of the patterns you chose to use next I know it will look great! I also love the look of the new doors you are working on \:rah\:

hiedibear75Apr 1, 2009

I thought that when I saw the pictures from the outside it looked as though it might make brown the color rather than how it is; which is a glass section in drywall so we can color it what ever color we want. \;\)  So that's where the mix up was.  As for the pigeons; I do have a couple of birds that windkeeper made & they are very nice to have........but I kinda think the funny way pigeons walk & turn their heads is kinda cute. \:D  I think it's cool that the Sims get to see birds.....but I want to see them. \:P LOL  And there are seagulls for beaches. \;\)  OK shutting up now......I'm probably pushin it. \:o  Maybe in preview pix for the windows you could use a wall that is maxis like stucco or brick.....that would make it obvious to even a 1/2 blind (I'm legally blind IRL so I can vouch for this) should be able to see that the outside of the wall is NOT set but colorable like any wall is. \;\)  And......I just noticed that I went skipping around from one thing to another then back again. \:confused\:  Ooops. \:D  Um THAT would be brain injury saying "hello"......we call it "Sizzler Syndrome" @ my house. \;\)  Take care & goodnight......I've been up ALL night building a boutique using a combo of all sorts of artists (including you) that I will then have my Sims going to....and maybe even my story Sims.....so more people will see what they can make with all the stuff that has been made. \:cool\:  Bye & TC. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Apr 1, 2009

Well answered my own question by getting all the panorama sets. \:cool\:  I'm so glad I did go ahead & get them. \:D  They're going to be a frequent item I use when building. \:rah\:  Thank you so much. \:wub\:

squeakersApr 1, 2009

\:D I love your creations, and I love your poll, and just had to send you a short note! I do lota of screenshots of nature, like gardens, ponds and oceans, and would love to see bluejays, pigeons, and other birds.\:D Where I live, we have a small garden, with lots of squirrells, and bluejays, and we have a squirrel feeder also. We have one big bluejay who has figured out how to get peanuts out of the feeder, and I try to get a picture of it, but haven't been able to. I would love to have some birds around my gardens, that would be perfect, and to even have some with my simmies, if you could find the time to make some, I would greatly appreciate it!!!!!\:D Thank you so very much for taking the time to make and share your beautiful creations, thet are so wonderful, and look awesome in my game!!!!!\:D \:rah\:

hiedibear75Apr 1, 2009

Oh under "park items" (but sotres are ALWAYS a hit for me \:D ) I have been missing of all things......PIGEONS! \;\)  We see them everywhere we go at parks and malls & fast-food places. \:\)   AND they actaully can be quite pretty.....with their different irrodescent feathers and different markings. \:cool\:  I'd love to be able to stick some pigeons (I have hidden shelves of all sorts of hieghts) on statues and fountains. \;\)  Thank yoiu thank you thank you for all the wonderful sets you've made. \:wub\:  Have a wonderful week. \:wub\: \:rah\: \:cool\: \:wub\:

hiedibear75Apr 1, 2009

OK I got all your panorama window sets.......and I'll come back with comments after I go play with them IN game (I often do that.......go see something IN GAME, THEN go comment \;\) ). \:cool\:

hiedibear75Apr 1, 2009

I've been considering (VERY HARD) getting the panoramic windows. \:confused\:  BUT........I've got so many 10's of thousands of download files that I TRY not putting things in........doesn't work out so well though........I inevitabley end up putting in tons of stuff. \:ph34r\:  Say have you thought of anyway to make it so you can color the strip with whatever wallpaper people have (unless it is already that way) like make the strip be drywall so it can be wallpapered? \:confused\:  The only thing that stopped me from getting the panoramic set was that I wasn't too keen on the brown from the pix......but if it was just a brown wallpaper and they are colorable? \:\)  Well in that case I'm there with "bells on". \:D  I still love playing with the urban sets you made for subways & then some shop stuff. \:rah\:  I love playing in OFB & running shops. \:cool\:  Take care. \:wub\:

suzymarieMar 31, 2009

Hi, sorry for the delay in response to your curtains. You asked about certain colors, but nice plain colors will do. Appreciate your work. Thanks again. Do you do request objects?

ElutMar 30, 2009

Hi you have the same problem\:D. I made a post on the bug thread.

matomibotakiMar 29, 2009

\:wub\:Thank you so much for answering . Would be so kind to make a creme recolor of your breezeway curtains.Many, many thanks to you.\:D

b-bettinaMar 27, 2009

Hi there! \:D Thank you so much for the congrats! \:wub\: Btw, your site is fabulous - lol, designing a fab minisite like this is something I kinda need to learn in future \:D I hope you're having a wonderful day! \:\) Bettina

riosmomMar 24, 2009

This is a little late \:o  Congratulations on being FA!

PlayOlga82Mar 20, 2009

Thanks for answer me, I hope you can soon recolour these panorama sets because I love them. Thanks a lot. Olga.

padreMar 19, 2009

Hey thanks so much for your appreciation of the threadbare patches set. I am thrilled that you like it and while I am here... Might I say that these window sets that you've been submitting are so totally sublime!! I have been downloading them like a mad thing!! Much respeck! p\:\)

Jaws3Mar 19, 2009

Hey! \:D Congrats on your promotion to FA.  I know I'm a bit late, but it still counts! \;\) Just to let you know that I've submitted that lot with your floor edge caps, and I'm waiting for approval. If all goes well, it should be out in a few days! \:\) Congrats, again! And I've got my eye on some of those new windows!

PlayOlga82Mar 19, 2009

Hi! (sorry about my english) Will you please tell me, your panaroma set windows are only in white? I love these sets but my windows are only in white, and I saw in the picture that are also in black. I will apreciate if you answer me. Really I love your work, you are an artist. Thanks a lot Olga.

deaghMar 16, 2009

LOL, I won't actually *do* it - I will build from time to time, but I am so finicky about it that I'll fiddle with a lot for three days before I'll decide it's finished...so I don't start, for the most part. \:\)  But these are lovely, and I will likely use them to pretty up lots I've dowlnoaded. \:D  Thank you again!

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