wolfspryte's Blog
Wow again!
I am just amazed at the fact that quite a few subscribers like what I've created! It makes me so happy! Truly happy! To know that what I've put the effort into some of you really like! It does make it worth while to create!!
I got my first request too! It's hard to believe that someone likes my creations enough to make a request, but it happened! Now, if I can just get my head around meshing, I'll be off on a new tangent!! Creating custom objects for the game!! :D I'll never be as great as Cyclonesue, Mensure, apple, Mutske, Shakeshaft, Ricci, KCRShino, , , , oohhh I could go on, there are SO many talented creators here... and just because your name isn't mentioned doesn't mean you're not a favorite of mine!! Trust me... I've too many favorite artists to mention!! lol I hope to someday have just a tenth of the talent of these fine folks!!
Again, thanks to ALL the folks that liked my creations enough to actually download them!! I'm honored! I hope you and your sims quite enjoy them!! HUGE HUGS to you all! Sooo, off I go to play around in Milkshape!!
And, helly.... I'm working on your request too!! :D Hugs.
On November 20, I had to have my best friend put down. Snipe, my beloved cat. She had cancer, and was in pain more and more, so I made the decision to spare her any more. She was my best friend! She woke me in the mornings, usually to dang early! lol She "talked" to me, and would give me hugs and kitty kisses. But, mostly, she was just always there, beside me. Dave called her my "shadow"... well, I miss my shadow terribly! For 10 years she journeyed thru this life with me. Now her journey is done and I will continue thru this life without her.
Dave made a beautiful oak casket for her, and we buried her in her favorite spot in the yard, beside the barn. I can only believe that she has crossed the Rainbow Bridge and will be waiting for me when my journey ends.
Snipe... thank you for allowing me to travel this road, however short, with you! I miss you so much! But, when my journey here is done... I WILL meet you at the bridge! I hold you gently in my heart til then!! I love you my softy angel kitty!
And holy cow! I was approved! lol
First, I want to thank all the wonderful artists here at TSR for all the lovely content!
Second, I would like to apologize to them! I submitted 2 lots yesterday, and it wasn't until after I had "talked" to Cyclonesue that I learned that the CC was included in the downloads, and that those "linkbacks" didn't mean that the downloader had to download that CC separately. I frantically PM'd all the artists whose CC I used in the lots for permission to use said CC. But, it was still after the fact, and for that I do honestly apologize, and it will not happen again!!
Cyclonesue explained a lot about TSRAA CC and all the assorted other bits-and-bobs, and for that I thank her!!
I thought the submission process would take many days, and that I, honestly, would be rejected for revision or some-such thing... but I woke up this morning to find that both lots I submitted were approved. BOTH! Holy cow and OMGosh!
I can honestly say that "Clutter-free Living" took me almost 100 hours to complete - to my liking. And I hope to the downloaders liking too! "Tumbledowns" took me over 50 hours to complete... and I hope it's enjoyed too!
If anyone reads this, and you're not a subscriber {don't know if that's possible - for a non-subscriber to read this}... if the 2 lots are well received, I might strip them down of the FA custom content and submit a version for non-subscribers.
For any "newbie" - like me - to submitting, ignorance of the "rules" is no excuse for not following the rules... and for doing just that, I am apologizing to the FA's and SA's and artists! I am sorry. Now, it will not happen again!
To Cyclonesue... THANK YOU for all the advice and help you have given me, and I will try not to bug you again! {Too much anyway ;) }..
Thanks again to all the creators! Wonderful stuff! You all make the game fun for people like me that are to computer illiterate to create our own custom content!