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Created for: The Sims 4
This Creation belongs to a Set - Click here to show the whole Set
This lamp started as a vase. It was intended to hold the flowers that were delivered by a secret admirer, (though not a secret at all). But the vase was dropped into the kitchen sink and the base cracked. Despite the vase being a rare and expensive mid-century gem, it was carelessly thrown into the outdoor bin.
Don Lothario happened to be jogging by that afternoon and saw the vase poking up from within the bin. He immediately recognised the vase's value after reading an article in the local paper entitled, How to Recognise an Expensive Vase Sticking Out From Within A Bin, and discreetly slipped it under his jogging vest, and looking rather silly and bumpy, he excitedly set off home. He set straight to work and after a few days and nights, he transformed the broken vase into the beautiful lamp you see before you.
Unfortunately for Don, his latest sexual conquest just happened to be the Sim who originally threw the vase away! Seeing how attractive and useful the vase had become, he immediately demanded it back. Don refused, noting that it had been found in a bin and a tussle ensued. Don came out the victor but out of the goodness of his heart, (and because he wanted a bit of woohoo), he decided to sell the lamp to a dealer and split whatever profits were made. It went up for auction the very next day and the lamp fetched a hefty sum which was split between the two men. And although the romantic relationship eventually soured, the two sims became lifelong friends who often shared their little anecdote.
New mesh with 6 swatches.
Made for The Sims 4 by padre.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1503269
ItemID: 1503269
Filesize: 5 MB
Cloned from a base-game item so should be compatible with all. Do clone if you need to. Conversions to other versions of The Sims is ok too. Feel free to recolour - PM me for shading .png files to help with your recolours - I'll happily supply what I have. The only caveat is that you link here for the mesh That is the only condition. TSRAA friendly. That is, you may include my meshes in your custom lots - but only to be shared here at TSR.
That's it.
Credits: Textures.com, Sims 4 Studio.
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