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ziggy28's Guestbook

Sweet-BoricuaSep 7, 2011

Thank you so much this one is the one I meant, I was looking all over for it ^.^

MINISZSep 7, 2011

Thanks you so much!Have a nice day!\:wub\:

killercsajSep 7, 2011

Thank you for your congrats! \:D Hugssss \:wub\:

jmi-lu9999Sep 7, 2011

Hi thanks ziggy 8 xxx

PralinesimsSep 6, 2011

Hi\:D its me again\:D you are soo welcome!! You deserve wonderful comments!\:wub\:

PralinesimsSep 6, 2011

Hello Lorraine! You are welcome!! We hope you have a nice tuesday!\:wub\:

Sweet-BoricuaSep 4, 2011

okay, thanks, I'll be waiting xoxo

Sweet-BoricuaSep 4, 2011

well.. I haven't made anything yet, I dunno where to download the sims 3 work shop to be able to make paintings nd stuff. I'm pretty curiouse where you downloaded it from.. I searched on google and it mostly says its from this site TSR, so I checked here but didn't find anything.. I would be happy if you would give me the link of the direct page where you can download it from. xoxox

paramitiSep 4, 2011

Hey  Lorraine ..i am doing okay..how are you and your family? yes long time..but i havent been on TSR very much this year..lots of things going on since i moved to nashville and dont have the free time i used to have..i was playing sims 1 and then sims medieval in what free time i have had..am uploading some art here at tsr  right now....thanx for the tip on sets..bc actully i uploaded clocks which were rejected bc they said please make sets now..then i got rejected a second time bc i didnt know about the new 4:3 ratio rule..finally got it all right and one set uploaded hope to be uploading thru the fall..those nursery paintings you did are Totally Adorable!! paramiti~

TenshiroiSep 3, 2011

You're welcome ! have a nice sunday !

martoeleSep 3, 2011

Thank you and I wish you a nice weekend as well.....! \:\)

LilyOfTheValleySep 3, 2011

Hi Lorraine \:\) Thank you so much for commenting on my Beach Fun set. \:wub\: Hope your simmies will have fun with these on the beach. \:D Have a nice weekend!

fantasticSimsSep 3, 2011

Hello!!!! Thank you so much for your encouraging words! Hope you have a great weekend!

hiedibear75Sep 1, 2011

Oh yes that's right.....NOW.....I remember. \:o  I'm so glad you like fish.....cuz I've got the memory of one. \:P LOL  If we were to wear long sleeve we'd be overheating.....you try a long sleeve T @ 95-110 F on for size. \:ph34r\:  We put on SPF 30 but next time we'll get some SPF 50. \;\)  I think Mike's nose got the worst of it cuz it's oozing. \:eek\:  Karen has a triangular strip that comes in a close 2nd to Mike's nose...somehow she got everything lotioned up with the sunblock EXCEPT this one spot. \:confused\:  My burn quickly turned into a tan. \:ph34r\:  As for the family stuff I'll PM ya L8R....quite a bit so once I can even wrap my head around it all. \:wacko\:  My Dr. says most of the studies show we (people with Spinal Cord Injuries) tend to physically age about 1.5-2x faster than our non injured peers......I can believe it.....just wish my kids would. \:mad\:  But like a girl I knew who'd been in foster care said "Friends are the family you would have if you had a choice.". \;\)  Take care. \:wub\:  (((((((HUGS!!!!!))))))) \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

Sweet-BoricuaAug 31, 2011

OMG thank u so much for the link! I'm going to try it right away

Sweet-BoricuaAug 31, 2011

OMG thank u so much for the link! I'm going to try it right away

murfeelAug 31, 2011

\:D LMAO!!!! :P

hiedibear75Aug 31, 2011

We had a BLAST! \:rah\:  We all got overheated though.....including one of the vehicles....so since Cory kept having to cool down his motor so it wouldn't overheat we turned around early. \;\)  We only ended up with 4 vehicles; 2 got called in to work last minute, another his kid had the flu & so did his wife, & another is active military & he was called in for menuevers. I did get burnt so my passenger arm is now going to be 4 shades darker than my other arm. \:P So much for sunscreen. LOL  And aside from being a tad sore.....it went AOK. \:cool\:  I PM'd ya about the dart that popped my happy balloon on FB. \:wacko\:  The drama/crap from the wedding now seems like a lovely time with nothing but sugar & smiles by comparison.......O-M-G!!! \:eek\: \:confused\: \:\( \:confused\: \:eek\:  So now I'm back to wanting to take that short roll off an even longer pier. \:eek\: \:\( \:mad\:   Well did you get to do any fun outings with Miss Ceyrs? \:\)  We'll get some pix of Dalton's Sunday & if I go to Grand on Friday I'll post pix. \:D   Mike will be posting up some pix & vids of our trip this weekend. \;\)  Did you see the vids from our previous trips?  \:confused\:  If you haven't just say so & Mike can repost the older vids he has already uploaded on to YouTube. \:D  His account on YouTube is rocky71673 which I think is almost all our 4x4 trips. \:D  Anywho....chat with ya L8R luv. \:wub\:  Give hugs 2 Keith & Ceyrs. \:cool\: \:wub\: \:cool\:   (((((((HUGS!!!!!))))))) \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

Sweet-BoricuaAug 30, 2011

Isn't there a special guide of how to make such things like that, i would love to create my own and share no problem.. if you know a site or anything i would be really thankful x

Sweet-BoricuaAug 28, 2011

I totally love your creations and pictures where do you get 'em all from, guess its a secrete its allright Thank you for the link and thank you for sharing all these creations with us xx ^^

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