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ziggy28's Guestbook

Sweet-BoricuaAug 28, 2011

I will check 'em out thanks!

murfeelAug 27, 2011

\:wub\: So far so good; thanks for asking!! ^-^ I just hope the power doesn't go out--again \:mad\: Will keep you posted throughout, if I can! \:wub\:

martoeleAug 27, 2011

Of course Lorraine! Go ahead... you may use those screenshots to make paintings....! \:D Have a great weekend...!

Nemesis_3050Aug 26, 2011

^^ ... Have a nice week-end!

sandrinhaAug 24, 2011

Hi, Ziggy! \:\) Thanks for commenting on my blog post about my first million downloads!!! Yes, as you know, it's just GREAT! Hugs, sweetie!\:wub\:

Bugab00Aug 24, 2011

Hii Ziggy!  Thank you so much for commenting on The Tinted Gingerleaf!  I really appreciate it, especially when you, yourself, create such beautiful things!  Have a lovely evening!  :}

shargrlAug 23, 2011

love your work thank you\:\)

SWSpeederbikesAug 22, 2011

Thank you for the link. I downloaded those.

hiedibear75Aug 20, 2011

More like nervous because it always seems that somehow I manage to "do something wrong". \:rolleyes:  Susan moved out of her dad's & in with some members of the church who are quite a bit more well off.  When Mike still had MINI's she was cool with him picking her up & dropping her off......once she stayed with them for a while she started getting quite snobby......her latest thing is that she doesn't want Mike to bring me in the truck "it's too beat up looking", & she doesn't like the JEEP idea "it's going to stick out being such a high profile vehicle" & she'd rather Mike take me in Karen's honda cuz "it blends in" but my wheelchair doesn't fit (even if her trunk is emptied we'd still have to use tie-down-straps t osecure the trunk/boot lid from popping open & my chair flying out + it obstructs the driver's vision a bit in the rear.  Her new hubby's family is quite well off. \:cool\:  And their wedding will be at the country club here where her other family (the ones she moved in with) are members.  We may not have the blue bloods of Europe or the locked system of India but believe you me there are most definitely CLASSES here in the U.S. & my class of blue collar friends & living in a trailer isn't where she wants her NEW family to associate her with.  Oh joy. \:D 

hiedibear75Aug 20, 2011

Oh yes the game.....I was able to PLAY it even FULLY LOADED with CC, it's just that as soon as I'd go into build/buy mode it would crash. \:confused\:  I could create new Sims & shuffle through all the hairs, clothes, & accessories, etc. but JUST build/buy mode. \:\(  So I THOUGHT perhaps it was a HIGH POLY statue I got from SimplyStyling but....wellll.....it looks great. \:\)  Now the question is WHAT then IS IT? \:wacko\:  Soooo I'll just have to slowly put things back in folder by folder til I find where THAT item might be. \:rolleyes:   Sapphire is doing great he's already getting more robust instead of his 1st slender appearance......all animals especially males "fill out" as the age into adulthood. \;\)  The girls kinda sorta played TS2, mostly Johnathan played TS2.  The girls were brought up in the days of TS 1 ! . :P  They each had a different # hood & they'd each be given a timer that I could set for 90 min & I set another timer @ 80 min as a warning so that their Sims wouldn't be out on the town or in the middle of coming back & forth when THE timer went off & on weekdays IF they got their homework done intime I'd give them 45min on & set the waring timer for 35. \;\)  And yes.....I had the "Mommy mommy mommy mommy?!?!?!?" bit too only x3! \:rolleyes: \:mad\:  Once they discovered BOYS it was all about having them go downtown to use the lovebeds....then they got old enough they were allowwed TO date & it was all over for the Sims. :P  Johnathan was too little being born in 97 he did things with his buddy Alex (Laurie's "Lolo" eldest son) as they were only 11mo apart they were busom buddies & both high energy they could feed off eachother & play on the LITTLE TIKES jungle gym with eachother for HOURS. \:ph34r\:  She ran a daycare so any toys bought were a tax write off/ business deduction but on weekends OUR boys had run of a home play-yard & several push toys that burned off some energy (she had a farily good sized yard & patio. \:cool\:  I'd go over & play cards with Laurie & Clay, & Mike & Karen would come over & we'd all have dinner & play games of some some sort......usually it was cards cuz of having 5 players.....during the day I'd come over & play a board game while the kids napped & while they were up our 2 would entetain eachother, I'd help diaper babies on the floor, & she'd do the food prep for lunches of the toddlers & such.....her mom would come over & the 2 of them would referee the kids outside for a bit & I'd verbally get our 2 to behave (they got a SPECIAL snack when the day-care kids left of a Hostess goodie) snack time during day-care hours was healthy stuff like fruit & cheese & crackers.  MY "pay" was that AFTER day-care hours Laurie helped me do a lot of the shopping & such.  And during some nap times her mom would watch the kids (ours took naps too) while we'd go pay our gas bills one day, & the cable the next day. \;\) + Johnathan & I got to go with them (their treat) to things like miniature golfing & Chuck E Cheese pizza & even the zoo once. But helping her out started being OK on my back here & there but every day was just too much.  So I backed off on the helping (SHE was OK with it & understood Clay was an jerk about it) & then she moved to Kentucky & quite doing day-care.  This was all before she got sick & found out she's got some form of MS.  I'm going to stop writing you this book of my memoirs & all this rambling now. \:P \:o  Take care hun. \:wub\:  Give hugs to Kieth & Ceyrs. \:wub\: \:wub\:  Ands as always SPECIAL hugs to SWEET friend! (((((((HUGS!!!!!))))))) \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

hiedibear75Aug 19, 2011

The pool is here in our trailer park & because there are a # of seniors who live here AND go swimming the vote was to heat the pool & pay the extra cost (home owners association had a meeting & it was voted 60 something % in favor of heating). \:cool\:  Everyone else we know has to go to the beach for water fun & cooling off OR go to a lake but often you have to have permits to do anything IN them as many are reserve resevoirs.for the surrounding houses & orchards.  And the apartment my kids & their dad live (not that I'm too keen on being around HIM let alone in a swimsuite) is apperantly VERY cold because although the days are warm/hot where they live (several cities to the east but same county) the nights are often VERY COLD (it's a desert thing)....so what ever heat the day generated is sucked right out. :P  ..........and I forgot EVERYTHING ELSE (time to go back to my page \:o )

hiedibear75Aug 19, 2011

You're such a sweetheart! \:cool\:  That's nice of you to help out your friend. \:\)  Yeah I got Niel back....then his children Mars & Venus aged into teens, now guess what Venus wants to do? \:confused\:  SHE want's the "Alien reperations grant" & Niel wants her to get A (any scholorship). \:eek\:  I'm kinda scared to send anyone on any more "solar system singles' cruizes"....that's what Mike started calling them with Niel. \:ph34r\:  His twin toddlers Astra & Astrea are children now. \:cool\:  Now that they're all a bit older & the teen twins can look after the children twins (Skye is still a child just an OLDER CHILD).....I can try firing the nanny & see if they won't GO HOME! \:mad\:  I had to call in a nanny while Niel went up into the mothership.....or interstellar dating game......another one of Mike's nick-names. :P  What I THOUGHT was the too high a poly content apparently wasn't. \:confused\:  I'll just have to keep adding in ONE folder at a time to see WHAT folder messes up my build/buy mode. \:wacko\:  I was kinda glad it wasn't that statue cuz I had some ideas for more businesses including a potery/statue type store. \;\)  So now I'll have to see WHERE it screws up. \:\(  I've been able to create new Sims including making their clothing choices so I don't THINK it'd be anything in the bodyshop category. \:confused\:  I'm quite bummed really. \:\(  WHAT item did I put in that my game/PC does NOT like? \:rolleyes:  Oh we have a GORGEOUS DAY TODAY! \:cool\:  It's SUNNY, it's warm, & it's not too breezy! \:rah\: \:cool\: \:wub\: \:cool\: \:rah\:  Now if our pool was only in working order. \:mad\:  It's funny you should mention getting Ceyrs on Sims3; I got my girls started on TS2 when it 1st came out, (remember there were neighborhoods set up identically 2-8 100% same & #1 was the exact same just IT had the tutorials?) so I'd have them each have a different # hood (I took #2, gave Susan the one getting married Sat. #3, Kirstin who got married in Feb was #4, & Steph was #5......Johnathan was still too little then.  Johnathan came to SIM age in TS2 when he was about 7 or so about 2005 I was letting him play in StrangeTown (he likes playing with vampires & zombies.....typical BOY)......& so I had to be careful that none of my Sims' unmentionables were to unmentionable. \;\)  NOW Sims is "too slow"; Johnathan wants to play things like W.O.W. where he can go around killing stuff, & the girls are off doing their own thing & could care less abound entertainment at our house. \:wacko\:  Mom had to work ON my birthday so we'll probably do something this weekend. \;\)  And there was some.......ISSUES with our last off-roading trip......I'll have to PM ya on FB under Kieth's account or something. \:confused\:  Well chat with ya L8Rs! \:D  Give hugs to Kieth & Ceyrs. \:cool\:  (((((((HUGS!!!!!))))))) \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

flody888Aug 18, 2011

Another you're welcome and thank you!!! \:D Seriously, I love your taste in paintings! I am very grateful!

hiedibear75Aug 17, 2011

Well from the OTHER times I'd loaded up my game & tried getting Neil back by kiling.....only he never seemed to be dead......welllll.....he was DEAD!  But that's OK actually cuz I was able to unlock the career rewards' Reaper-phone & got him back. \:ph34r\:  No I didn't zombify him. :P  So I've saved him & he's BACK! \:rah\:  He came back with a different life-time want though. \:confused\:  NOW he wants "3 children to graduate college"....OK. \:D  So anywho I'm playing my SIMS! \:rah\:  We can't go swimming.....a BUNCH of BEES dropped dead all over the pool area like tens of thousands of them.....a whole swarm just PLOP & kicked the tiny bucket....so now we have to wait for the pool guy to unclog the filter & rid the pool of bees & the maintainance is having to sweep up bee carcasses all over the trailer park. \:wacko\:  So at least I got Neil back. \:rah\:  Anywho TTFN! \:cool\: (((((((HUGS!!!!!))))))) \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

hiedibear75Aug 17, 2011

Thank you for the birthday wishes! \:wub\:  I'm so sorry to hear Keith's friend past away. \:\(  Do give him a big hug for me. \:confused\:  The trip wasn't really "boring" LONG yes. \;\)  The trails we were on were so narrow & we were parked so precariously that any time you so much as recrossed your legs the JEEP would creak. \:eek\:  And we were going waaay up into the hills so high & low my ears popped several times. \:P LOL  I've selected a few folders of CC that I know were OK + ONE that has some iffy CC (the possible cause to my game crashing when I went into build/buy mode) so I'll kill 2 birds with 1 boot; have one of Niel's friends have him move in, & #2 see if a "high poly" statue I downloaded from SimplyStyling is to blame......sometimes my PC doesn't like higher poly stuff. \:\)  Oh & its SUNNY! \:rah\:  With any luck the breeze will be minimal & I can go SWIMMING!!! \:rah\: \:wub\: \:rah\:  OK off to boot up Sims.....you know the kind that requires a CD (not the FAKE one on FB \:P ). \:cool\:  Take care. \:D  (((((((HUGS!!!!!))))))) \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

hiedibear75Aug 16, 2011

I'll have to do 3 million happy joy joy 360's for ya.......on 2nd thought....make that 3 million wheelies for joy.....3 million 360's would have me DIZZY! \:P LOL  You deserve it! \:rah\:  Yeah.....actually I did forget. \:o  I'll have to go in before I forget.....AGAIN! :P  Glad your check-up went well. \:cool\:  Well our off-roading trip was fun. \:D  But wow what a looooong day! \:rolleyes:  We were supposed to be done by like 5-7PM so we'd be back into civilization before dark....NOPE! \:confused\:  We didn't get back til nearly 10! \:eek\:  We got 2 of our convoy of 10 stuck & had to dig out & head back, + 1 of the trails we could take all but 2 that is.....2 of them are too wide so we had to find wider trails back out of the revine. \:wacko\:  8hrs of trails is about 3-4hrs TOO MANY! \:\(  So no sunburns.....but even Mike & Karen were sore after THIS trip. \:wacko\:  EVERYONE agreed this time was too rough.....if we do anything that far out we may as well bring along the gear & just make a weekend camping trip of it. :P  Mike even helped me use the restroom. \:o  With one arm I held on to his neck, held my britches out of the way with the other, while he held my legs....I must have looked like a dripping I.V. bag & Mike was the pole. \:P LMAO  But that's a really REALLY GOOD FRIEND! \:wub\:  Oh & then of course we had to explain to his daughter why I can't just go off into the bushes like the other ladies (everyone brought their families for the ride this time \:cool\: ). \;\) \:o :P  My daughter is getting married this Sat., so I'll be going to that this weekend. \:\)  Hopefully I'll have rested off all the "FUN" from this weekend. \:P LOL  Like Mom says "your mind makes appointments your body can't keep". \:D  YUP! \:ph34r\:  That's ME! \:D  Anywho.....I'll try & boot my game up.....if they haven't abandoned MY ship already that is. \:o  Say hi to Keith & Ceyrs! \:cool\:  (((((((HUGS!!!!!))))))) \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

murfeelAug 15, 2011

NO. \:mad\: I have to work extra hard to make sure everything is really nice, so NO. I repeat: NO. \:mad\: I DON'T like being an SA; I'm too lazy to be working so hard. \:P lmao \:D

murfeelAug 15, 2011

Hi! \:D Hope you and yours are well--saw something about riots; I hope you're okay! \:\( Just stopped by to thank you for leaving comments on my creations, and I saw your latest creations, so expect comments from me pretty soon, too! \;\) \:rah\:

flody888Aug 14, 2011

You're welcome as always! Love your new kitten in charcoal too! \:rah\:

pregbelle1987Aug 13, 2011

thank you for signing my guestbook \:\) xxx

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