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ziggy28's Guestbook

chloemaykumarAug 13, 2011

Hey thnx \:D

hiedibear75Aug 12, 2011

Glad the riots weren't too close to YOU! \:eek\: \:rah\:   R.I.O.T.S. Real Idiots On Testosterone Stupidity! :P  I'll be 36 on August 17th. :P  Mike just turned 38 June 16th. \;\)  Mom got me a Betta October 2009 & he was a DARK blue so I named him "Indigo", Indigo was full size fishy when she got him for me.....we had 2 really BIG tanks when I was a kid with several kinds of fish in each including Betta (chinese fighting fish).  I only have a small tank that's maybe 1-2 gallons of water (forgot exactly how big & I'm not sure how many liters that is).  The new Betta is still a juevenile.....just old enough to have his color, which is a BRIGHT blue so I (Mike came up with it) Sapphire. \:\)  I finished our friend Randy's birthday card......not in time for Dalton's car show but at least in time for "Cruise & Grand" a car gathering/show every Friday during the summer. \:cool\:  I'm sure there wil be pix posted on FB. \:D  Haven't gone back into my Sims. \:o  Not sure if it's just that I've been too busy.....OR....that I'm just overwhelmed by HOW TO fix my game's issues & getting Neil back. \:confused\:  We've got another 4x4 trip planned for this Sunday & this time we'll try stuffing a lunch size tote to keep some cool drinks & forgo the lunch....maybe bring some snacks that don't need to be kept cold; Mike's daughter Ginger (named after his mother) will be coming along & so her & Karen will have to get really chummy in the back. \;\)  I can't sit in the back seat cuz it's too hard getting me into that seat, the fron seat Mike just picks me up from my wheelchair & sticks me in the passenger seat.....too much up & over & manuevering for the back seat. \:rolleyes:  Mom will come but ONLY if we go on a Saturday.....cuz she want's to go to both the AM & evening services. \:\)  Oh I just thought of something for Miss Energy......get her a WII, they've got some games that apparently you need to move around & even jump to use.....rain or shine if you've got power to the house maybe you can burn some of hers OFF? \:confused\:  Too bad you can't just hook HER up......FREE electricity! \:ph34r\:  Anywho hope your dentist appointment gets taken care of.....don't want you having another absess do we? \;\)  Take care hun & say hi to Ceyrs & Keith. \:cool\:  (((((((HUGS!!!!!))))))) \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

hiedibear75Aug 9, 2011

I didn't get to go SWIMMING but we did manage to get into the jacuzzi on Sunday evening. \:cool\:  I went to the monthly car show (ALWAYS 1st Sunday of every month is Dalton's) & had a lot of fun. \:D  Did MUCH better at pushing myself around....no rain that night. \;\)  Mom took me, Mike & Karen out to eat at "PIT STOP" again....this time I got a hotdog....OMG it was HUGE!!! \:eek\:  Saturday I went to feed my Betta fish Indigo & he was dead! \:\(  He went to that fish bowl in the sky......although I did have him for just shy of 2yrs (they live 1-3yrs in captivity).....I still feel bad though.  Mike assured me that I did take very good care of him & even remembered to have him feed Indigo FOR ME when I wasn't up to getting up...aka stuck in bed (the tank is low enough I can JUST reach it to feed the fish).  So Mike got me a NEW Betta....this one is still QUITE YOUNG ,just old to have his colors showing (Indigo was adult size when we got HIM).  This new one is a VIVID BLUE (Indigo was so dark blue he was almost purple looking on his head)....so the NEW guy has been named "Sapphire". \:cool\:  I've got the "juke box" colored....now to add the glitter/glue, & to create tabs to glue the records inside so they'll be flipped like pages in a book. \:\)  By FAR the most involved card I've ever made.....but Randy has done a lot to help us out. \:wub\:  Nah.....40 aint old. :P  But it's FUN to rib your friends a bit. \:ph34r\:  I hadn't gone into the forums lately.....I wonder WHY so many are abandoning ship. \:confused\:  Wow Cerys sounds soooo much like Johnathan! \:eek\:  ADHD? \:ph34r\:  Make a NEW RULE.....anyone buying her Christmas & birthday gifts; must be something to BURN ENERGY: jump ropes, hula hoops, scooters, Hop-a-balls (kids sit on them & bounce around....like a giant ball with handles), rollerblades BRING UM ON....."Candy are you NUTS?!?!?". \:P LOL  Well....gotta go....it's LATE! \:o  Take care & say hi to Cerys & Keith! \:cool\:  (((((((HUGS!!!!!))))))) \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

HarmoniaAug 8, 2011

hi, thanks for nice comment on my Alta H/s Grandad \:wub\: im so glad you like it \:\) Happy simming \:wub\:

PralinesimsAug 8, 2011

  Thank you so much for commenting on our latest screenshot\:D we´re happy you like it\;\)! We wish you a happy day\:wub\:  

flody888Aug 8, 2011

You're welcome! \:\) I love your new Asian series! I have every one of your first Asian series! \:wub\: Thank you AGAIN for sharing! I really appreciate your style and generousity! \:\)

PralinesimsAug 7, 2011

Hello\:wub\: Thank you so much for the sweet feedback!\:rah\: We wish you a gorgeous sunday!\:wub\:\:wub\:\:wub\:

maxi kingAug 7, 2011

\;\)Hey do you know if Topaz is on facebook?\;\)

maxi kingAug 7, 2011

\;\)I just saw we are already friends at Facebook!\;\)

maxi kingAug 7, 2011

\:wub\:Hi Lorraine!I'm fine,thank you!I'm not much here anymore!Are you on facebook?If so,you can find me there as Joane Sinclair!I'm a friend there with Dee!\;\)TSR isn't working for me anymore,I done so much nice stuff and alot downloaded them but others got SA and some wasn't as good.Don't get me wrong I'm happy for them!Anyway I look forward to the animal for sims3,maybe I will be here more often then,have to see!I wish you a wonderful,sunny and warm day!Hugs Irmtraut\:wub\:

hiedibear75Aug 7, 2011

I haven't gone into my game for WEEKS now. \:o  I'm working on a birthday project for a friend; using scrapbook supplies I'm making a card (HAND DRAWN juke box, with 12 hand made records) from The TWILIGHT ZONE......THIS is his 40th birthday so he'll be spending it in The TWILIGHT ZONE where the ONLY music is THIS juke-box ( 16 candles /40 CANDLES, Blueberry Hill / OVER THE HILL, 99 Red Balloons / 40 BLACK BALLOONS, Little Deuce Coupe / LITTLE OLD COOT, 99 bottles of beer on the wall /40 YEARS OF CALENDARS OFF THE WALL, It's a dead man's party /IT'S AN OLD MAN'S PARTY ,  All we are is dust in the wind / ALL YOU ARE IS DUST & WIND, Twinkle twinkle little star / TINKLE TINKLE MY ENLARGED PROSTATE, Sexual Healing / VIAGRA FEELING, Electric Slide / ICY HOT GLIDE, Start Me Up /WAKE ME UP, Another Brick in the Wall / ANOTHER LIFE ALERT CALL. \:ph34r\:  Mind you 40 really isn't "that old" but you only get to tease friends & family ONCE with THAT one!!! \:P \:ph34r\:  Aint I a stinker? :P  I even made a "The TWILIGHT ZONE" page + an intro page so it'll all make sense. \:cool\:  I've been working on it for DAYS.....since Wednesday! \:rolleyes:  BUT he's our club Pres & GOOD friend + he has done so much to help us out both with auto AND home repairs. \;\)  Glad you're at least able to enjoy your game. \:rah\:  Mike had to fix Mom's PC cuz her video card was going......so much for swimming TODAY. \:\(  Oh well.....there's always hope for tomorrow. \:D  So with all this entertaining Cerys.......did ya mange to wear her out yet? \:ph34r\: \:P LOL  As IF I needed to ask. \;\) :P  I'll post pix of my birthday project for Randy (I'll probably call it "Randy's birthday project" or something along those lines) AFTER he's gotten it.....he's on my FB list of friends & obviously I don't want him seeing it til THEN. \:cool\:  His birthday is 8/10 so the weekend after I'll post the pix. \;\)  At least there hasn't been any 4:00AM wake up calls by the police going to your neighbor's house......"no news is good news"? \:confused\:  Well I've got some more coloring to do.......LARGE CARD! \;\)  TTFN & say hi to miss Cerys & Keith. \:cool\:  Take care hun. \:wub\:  (((((((HUGS!!!!!))))))) \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

fredbrennyAug 4, 2011

Hi Lorraine! \:wub\:  I had to reinstall my game and download all my CC again... Now I am here on your site, and instead of thanking you for each individula painting, I wanted to say a big thank you here. Your work has been a major decoration plus in lots of my houses. Thanks for that!!! \:wub\:  Have a good weekend ahead! Hugggs, Fred

hiedibear75Aug 3, 2011

Actually.....I haven't played my game in weeks. \:o  I've been having too much fun + recouping from all my FUN. \;\)  Speaking of which.....  We didn't end up getting to go on Saturday instead the guys all ended up putting some upgrades on one of the trucks (we went out as a group)......Saturday night-Sunday morning it rained \:wacko\:, Sunday we went out only to find quite a few of the trails had gotten some really bad ruts in them from the rain so the trails were SUPER bumpy. \:rolleyes:  There are more pics & videos of our trip up on Mike's FB page. \:cool\:   Mom wanted to go to both the AM & evening services so she'll go another weekend. \;\)  There are not enough hours from the time AM church gets out til she'd have to be back. \:confused\:  Yup you two did a great job on the repairs. \:rah\:  Too bad kids don't come with batteries or an on/off switch eh? \:ph34r\:   Sorry the pills are making you so sleepy. \:\(  MINE do that to me. :P  But the kind for bloodsugars never did......they had OTHER side-effects though. \:o \:eek\: \:o  Yes maybe your Dr. can put you a different one or let you split it up to 3x a day at a smaller dose than your 2x a day won't make you feel AS sleepy? \:confused\:  If you need to take 300mg per day is it OK to take 3x100mg instead of 2x150mg for instance. \;\)  It's good to keep on top of your sugars so see if there are any alternatives.......perhaps a few minutes on an exercise bike while dinner is simmering your sugars could drop enough to let you use a lower dose?  Just trying to help.....sorry if they seem dumb. \:o  Karen got a cut in her hrs & so each check will be shorted by about $100! \:mad\:  So off-road-ing may have to be a 1-3 times a month hobby.......can't afford it every week. \:\(  Stupid gas is so expensive! \:eek\: \:mad\:  It costs $75 to fill up the JEEP & $40 for Karen's car. \:eek\:  I think bicycling is going to be the next hobby......NO GAS! \:P LOL  Anywho hope you have some fun trips & keep your sanity for the summer break. \:D  Tell Keith & Ceyrs "HELLO from across the pond". \:cool\:  Oh yes & do give them each a hug. \;\)  Take care hun. \:wub\:  (((((((HUGS!!!!!))))))) \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

DOTJul 31, 2011

Hi hi \:\) Thank you very much for your feedback on the Asian Metal Lamp Set I tried to make. I appreciated it \:\)

Sunpowder65Jul 30, 2011

Hi Ziggy you ask who Suzie is I 'm the better half of   Sunpowder. My husband set up the account for me.\:D   Hi, thank you for your comments But who is Suzie??  My name is Lorraine  Happy simming

hiedibear75Jul 28, 2011

Karen & I did some scrapbooking....well.... I scrpbooked....she worked on a card for her mom. \;\)  Planning on an outing with Mike to the main hangout for all the gear-heads (car lovers) aka a bunch of our buddies on Friday evening. \:cool\:  And on Sat....4x4ing! \:rah\:  And this time we're gonna see if Mom wants to go with. \:D  Why not....she enjoyed bungee cord jumping. \:cool\:  Oh & if you look at the very end of that slide-show vid is another VIDEO that's ME....well....my voice anyway in the background.....with a bit of Mike & Karen as well. \;\)  I used my camera phone to take a video & the background noise was the AC cuz it was HOT out there! :P  I'm so sorry you've been having so much trouble with the game. \:\(  I know how disheartening it can be. \:confused\:  Good thing you didn't toss out your old TS2 discs. \:cool\:  When we had all that rain this past winter several of the roads around our house were almost too dificult for the truck (it's front wheel drive but has better tires for going through mud than Karen's Honda does).  So the JEEP will make just about any road so long as it isn't comepletly flooded quite driveable. \:ph34r\:  I think in the VIDEO you'll get an appreciation for how STEEP that trail was. \:eek\:  I never "got it" when I saw the plate covers on jeeps that said "When's the last time you got an adrenaline rush at 3 miles per hour?".....now.....NOW I GET IT! \;\)  So anywho I'll have to get pictures of the cards I'd made for Mom & Mike for their birthdays. \:\)  I'm going to start making birthday cards for each of the members of our car club. \:D  Hope you guys get to have some nice family outings for the summer. \:rah\:  Take care & hugs to Ceyrs & Keith. \:cool\:  SPECIAL (((((((HUGS!!!!!)))))))) to my extra SWEET friend!!! \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

hiedibear75Jul 26, 2011

Well....I got my back to stop hurting......but it's SUMMER.....so I just couldn't say "No" to some more fun. \:o  I'm glutton for punishment.....we went out "rock crawling" in the new JEEP. \:ph34r\:  Mike had to let his 55 Chevy race-car go. \:\(  BUT.....we got a JEEP in it's place so that we've got something we can drive around town + still have "a toy" AND it is in perfect working order unlike our truck. \;\)  And BTW if you & Keith have a look on Mike's FB page there is a slide-show/video of our 1st rock-crawling trip. \:rah\:  NEXT TIME.....we're bringing Mom along for the trip. \:cool\:  I'll just have to put the cooler under my feet to allow a 4th butt to come along. \;\)  Dang....what a rude awakening! \:eek\:  You'd think once the officers had the situation "under control" that they'd be able to send at least one officer arround to take care of the sirens whaling away on all the cars. \:mad\:  You should have tossed the old sink at them. \:ph34r\:  I haven't gone into my Sims in ages......been having too much summer fun. \:D  1st I have the FUN them I rest off the "fun" til the next go around. \;\)  I haven't managed to go swimming since the last 3x but it's still better than last year when I didn't get ANY pool time as we had a really odd summer or lack there of with record lows for a "summer day". \:\)  Having griled cheese & french fries.....oooo la la. :P  Take care & get some naps in. \:cool\:  My SWEET friend. \:wub\: \;\) \:wub\: (((((((HUGS!!!!!))))))) \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

simromiJul 25, 2011

Hi Ziggy. I just stopped by to thank you for the nice comment you left on my Swim Trunks for Boys and preview pic \:wub\: . I really appreciate it. \:D   Enjoy and have a SIM -ply wonderful day. \:rah\:

zodapopJul 24, 2011

Thank you so much. Have a great week. \:D

LilyOfTheValleyJul 24, 2011

Hi Lorraine \:\) Thank you so much for commenting on my under stairs shelving and little treasures set. \:wub\: I am very happy you like them and hope they will make good decorations for your house. \:D Have a nice weekend!

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