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ziggy28's Guestbook

hiedibear75Jul 12, 2011

BTW your TS3 paintings are FAB! \:rah\: \:wub\: \:cool\:

hiedibear75Jul 12, 2011

Yikes! \:eek\:  I hadn't even thought about their patches! \:wacko\:  Mom was GOING TO but me $10 worth of credits so I could get my hot little hands on the infant gym & swing. \:\(  Can I cry? \:confused\:  Boy with all that work @ tiling the bathroom,  I'll bet Keith's energy meter was....well....IN THE TIOLET! \:P LOL   So did you guys pick a THEME for the newly done bathroom? \:\)  I've had various aquatic themes in bathrooms; dolphins, fish, ducks, frogs,lighthouses/beach & one 1/2 bath that I decorated all flowery. \:cool\:  No....sadly.....I didn't get to do ANY swiming this weekend. \:\(  It's been warm......but VERY breezy, which is great while I'm DRY.....but since I'm AOK in pants but NOT IF he turns the fan in the window on.....so yeah getting wet probably NOT a good idea. \:wacko\:  Wow that's pretty good......WTG Cyrs! \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\:  She may enjoy track & field events once she's in high-school. \:\)  Or do your high-schools not have things like "100 meter dash"? \:confused\:  I did TRY my hand at track & field......couldn't see the hurdles & ended up crashing INTO them rather than going over.....if they taped an orange trash bag to them I could (this was BEFORE I got hurt) jump them, & I had a hard time running STRAIT......so I went into weightlifting......no vision required. \:P LOL   Oh we have some GOOD NEWS! \:D  Remember how Mike had his phone stolen on 4th of July? \:confused\:  Well some idiot tried to take HIS phone & take it to a T-Mobile store (that's our carrier now....we switched from Verizon to them a couple months ago) & turn it on in THEIR NAME! \:eek\:  BUT.....the SIM card was still in it, & the store traced it as being reported STOLEN! \:mad\:  The store informed them this was stolen property & that they (the store) did NOT feel comfortable putting this phone under their account, nor did they feel comfortable giving it back.......they said they "found it in a trashcan" & can you believe the guy argued with the store until they informed him that "being that it is reported as STOLEN & even you admit it doesn't belong to YOU......we can call the cops if you'd like & you can sort it out with THEM?". \:ph34r\:  OURS!!! \:mad\: \:P \:mad\:  So anywho.......it appears the phone is in AOK working order. \:rah\:  NEXT TIME he said he's going to make sure his jacket has some zippered pockets so that there is little to no chance it could just FALL OUT, OR get pickpocketed (they had some problems with that & stolen bags). \;\)  Oh guess what we're having tonight? \:confused\:  My favorite.......MEXICAN! \:cool\:  AND Mom will be home again tonight. \:rah\:  Well hope all is well hugs to you all! \:wub\:  (((((HUGS!!! Lorraine!))))) \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

hiedibear75Jul 9, 2011

Well WTG Cyers! \:rah\: \:wub\: \:rah\:  Well done! \:cool\: \:wub\: \:cool\:  Well sounds like Keith is not only ON the mend but can MEND quite a few things around the house. \:rah\: \:cool\: \:rah\: Mike is more of a car guy than a home repairs guy. \;\)  Speaking of whom, Mike isn't sure IF he wants to go back anymore. \:\(  But I'm sure with some time he'll perhaps get to a point where although aprehensive he'll still be willing to go again. \:confused\:  Next time we'll know; avoid putting ANYTHING on the ground, avoid drunks, grab security & name drop so far as that "Sharlene & Amy (Sharlene is my mother, Amy is her boss) have this area designated ADA for a reason" (but leave out the part about her being my mother only because it could cause problems with other concert goers.....mom holds spots for us so I don't have to sit around for the extra 90min as most ADA tickets/seats have to come in 2-2.5hrs before showtime because there is only ONE TINY elevator to ferry people to the 5 floors of seats[VERY OLD venue buildt in the early 1900's] & towards the middle so I have a good chance of an OK view with my monocular).  The County Fair Grounds/race track host quite a few events for the more rural northern area of the county which is where I live, & almost all of the big events that have anything to do with agriculture or livestock like the 4H club & FFA(Future Farmers of America), but most of the rodeos are held in the eastern portion.  What can I say San Diego county is VERY diverse. \:cool\:  I got in the pool 3 days in a row & then the next 2 days Mike had errands to run.....& today is 10 degrees cooler & back to breezy. \:wacko\:  Oh BTW did you see that EA no longer has any TS2 items in the EA store? \:eek\:  So much for getting my hands on those adorable INFANT items! \:mad\: I've though of making some walls or something......but since I don't exactly know where my MAXIS light went off to until I solve THAT I think it best to keep the issue confined to my own game by not subjecting anyone else's if new walls could transfer that problem. \:confused\:  I'm sure you'lll find something LOVELY to make into paintings! \:cool\:  Your paintings are so well put together & ALMOST make me want to swithch.....I said ALMOST enough to switch. \:D  The CC is great BUT ONLY IF your PC can handle it.....mine barely handles the TS2 CC I've stuffed into it. \;\)  Anywho I'll be looking forward to seeing what you make regardless of whether it will be in my own PC or not......it's still FAB stuff. \:rah\:  Take care. \:cool\:  And a have a happy fun weekend to the 3 of you. \:wub\:  (((((((HUGS!!!!!))))))) \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

hiedibear75Jul 8, 2011

Some days it is harder to remember WHY in the 1st place. \:ph34r\:  That was quite a nuaghty thing to have done! \:eek\:  I take it she didn't understand taking fish out of water is like putting us in it then eh? \:confused\:  This time the disabled were all put into one section & access to these bleachers was ristricted to those who ARE or are WITH some who is PHYSICALLY DISABLED......there was even a lady trying to get those seats for a broken elbow......everyone who could walk without the use of assistive equipment of some sort were told to go use the OTHER ADA seats throughout the grand stands. \;\)  Not so much as free consessions (food) although he did get an official opoplogy in person by someone fairly high up in management.....the suit & tie type. \:confused\:  Anywho.....we went back for 4th of July fireworks & Mike got his phone stolen on our way out! \:eek\:  It's one of those smartphones that goes on the web & used touch screen techknowledy, $450......G-O-N-E GONE!    We packed up to leave while the concert was still going on because I was DONE for the day, we got seperated by crowds & when we met back up in the tunnel his phone was gone. \:\(  So now we're trying to see if an older blackburry phone my mom has will work with our carrier. \:wacko\:  Oh what fun! \:P LOL  Hope Keith gets well soon! \:cool\:  Lots of hot chicken soup & orange juice! \:rah\:  Speaking of being down......all that FUN has had me doing a bit more laying about than usual.  I did however get to go.....SWIMMING!!! \:cool\:  It got hot enough that I was able to go. \:D  Some of those pix I'd promised to post were on Mike's phone so that really SUCKS + there is a pic of me in the pool......that's kinda creepy that some stranger has seen me in a bathing suit. \:eek\:  Anywho hope you stay well & don't get any of Keith's kooties. \:\)  Take care. \:cool\:  (((((HUGS!!!))))) \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

akiremaJul 7, 2011

Hi!For some time I have not read comments. Thank you for your nice words.\:wub\:

hiedibear75Jul 4, 2011

OMG! \:eek\:  You'd better "grab a cuppa". \:o  Enjoy the novella? \:confused\:

hiedibear75Jul 4, 2011

Wow WHAT a WEEK?!?!?!? \:rah\: \:rolleyes:  OK so Tuesday the 28th was Charlie Daniels & Travis Tritt & I'll have to upload some pics on FB when I've a good LONG REST! \;\)  Then the next night was The Beach Boys.  Since I was STILL COLD at the Country concert we had more layers for me......I went from looking like I belonged at a luau (Hawaian BBQ) to looking like I was ready for Alaska! :P  I was all bundled up by the time the drunks showed up.  OK so trying to keep this as chronological as I can......  There are specific areas that are ropped off for disabled people/ADA seating (American Disability Act), there were 5 of us 3 gimps (2 manuals & 1 electric tilting wheelchair) & 2 companions (You can only have ONE companion so if people want to have more than ONE person the others have to sit in the row directly infront so the TOP row is reserved for additional companions + those who CAN safely go up & down 1 or 2 steps but NOT a bunch like many elderly people.).  We were set up with the electric on the far left, then an amputee sitting in the companion seat the venue provides for companions & HIS mom sat in HIS w/c cuz she had a bad back that doesn't allow her to sit fully strait up so she sat in his w/c just for the show, then me next to HER/+ the other manual chair, with Mike bringing his own OVERSIZED HEAVY DUTY camping chair cuz he doesn't fit in regular stadium seats OR the companion chairs they provide sitting to my right bringing up the other end.  About 1/2 way along Mike & Karen got me bundled up like a burrito.  At about that same time some drunks came along & started leaning over the blue ropes & they kept kicking the electric tilting chair & using it to lean on as if it were a short retaining wall standing on one foot leaning into the wall/chair with the other.  The man with the E-w/c asked the drunks repeatedly "Please STOP kicking my wheelchair & leaning on it!  You're hurting me & I'm very afraid of my wheelchair being damaged it's not made to be a footrest for anyone but ME!".  Jerks KEPT DOING IT! \:mad\:  Sooo he got the people who help seat people & she asked them to stay back & all.....but they just shot her a dirty "Go to HELL!" look & that was all that the venue did about the situation. \:mad\:  Mike got the idea to play musical spots; the E-w/c moved over to where Mike was sitting in his camping/quad chair, the amputee moved the stadium's seat over by 1/2 a space so he wouldn't be kicked hard if he did get kicked, his mom manuevered his wheelchair over by 1/2 a space (she's not so good with the paralel parking LOL she gave up on doing it seated IN IT & stood infront & manuevered it THAT way. \:P LOL ) Mike was had folding up his quad chair & was going to put ME over by 1/2 a space (these "seats"/spaces or marked with paint like in parking lots), then the man in the E-w/c pulled into Mike's spot within the lines, & Mike was going to put himself BEHIND myself & E-w/c & watch the show from between us.  In our rush to get to the concert & find as many layers as we could Mike forgot to bring the arm-rests & the side-guards.....well I was wrapped up like a burrito so my hands were NOT "free".  When Mike was laying his chair on the ground behind the E-w/c to turn & get ME the lady also DRUNK as a skunk (you don't have SKUNKS in UK do ya? .....well not the black & white stinky kind anyway LOL \:P ) decided to "HELp"! \:rolleyes:  I was bundled so my hands were stuck in the blankets, my brakes were LOCKED so instead of my wheels rolling when she pulled back it was bouncing & between not having my side-guards + arm-rests (they help keep me from slipping out as bad on downward slopes cuz the side-guards hug my hips tighter & the arm-rests give me something I could have pushed against with my elbows) + I do NOT have a seatbelt on any of my chairs (NOT having one makes doing pressure lifts more spontaneous & "easy" to just lift myself up for a few, when I DID have them I didn't do lifts near as often as I should.....so leaving belts out was done intentionally to help make pressure sore realieving) she nearly bounced me right out of my w/c! \:eek\: \:mad\: \:rolleyes:  So Mike turned around from putting his quad chair down to THAT! \:eek\: Yelled "What the F are you doing lady?!?!?" (I think lady was used VERY loosly \;\) LOL ) at her for it! \:mad\: \:eek\: \:mad\:  The mother of the amputee was yelling at her for grabbing someone & just MOVING THEM!   So while Mike was pulling me up & getting me sitting properly again......  She isn't jumping & dancing on the ground.....nope.....she was doing it ON TOP OF his quad chair! \:eek\: \:mad\: \:\(    So she snapped one of the legs in 1/2 (it was just fine when Mike folded it up.....no bends, no dents, no dings, no nothin'! he has to clip the plastic fasteners together which means he WOULD HAVE seen any damage if it had been HIM!!! \:mad\: )! \:eek\: \:\( \:eek\: \:mad\: \:eek\:  So poor Mike in trying to make sure that someone else's night was ruined had HIS night ruined. \:\(  We have to start hunting on-line for this particular chair + when the vender came to the fair last year (they didn't come back this year) it was almost $100.....so I'm sure it'll be even more expensive elsewhere as the prices you get for most of the vender sold items at the fair are well below the "normal prices".....so Lord only knows how much it'll be.  You can see the chair from the pix I'll be posting of our Beach Boys concert, after the LOVELY TIME with the drunken idiots hurting the E-w/c gentleman (found out on the elevator ride down that he has a rod in his back & like me the cold was already not doing him any wonders & them kicking his chair was hurting even more  + he could feel his SEAT leaning towards the drunk cuz he was putting his weight on places in ways that weren't inteded by the makers).  NO Mike's chair will NOT be replaced by the venue.  They did say from now on they would make sure that they assigned 1 or 2 security to specifically keep their main attention on ADA seating & making sure we're not bothered like that again......they had been concentrating their security to "the floor" & where the beer serving areas are. \:rolleyes:  B one-heads E ndlessly E xhibiting R etardation! \:ph34r\:  Joan Jett ROCKED!!! \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\:  Poor Mike had to sit on those hard folding chairs (they're usually/historically anyway) made of metal.....but these are coated with plastic to keep them from burning people if they sit in the sun.....unfortunatly......VERY hard on the bum. \:\(  And Mike said "I may be fat, & I may have a fairly good sized rump roast, but damn I don't even have enough padding to sit on those comfortably!". \:o LOL :P  But she (Joan Jett) STILL ROCKS!!! \:rah\:  And even with a sore butt/bum Mike was still able to have fun & enjoy the show.  We have pix of the Country show, pix from the 1st 1/2 of Beach Boys (last 1/2 hardly any smiles \:\( , Joan Jett got quite a few, + some more of our FUN weekend! \:rah\:  ), we went to a friend's BBQ on Saturday, the 3 of us {me, Mike & Karen} made home-made birthday cards for MOM, & went to a car show today, & tomorrow is REO speedwagon + 4th of July fireworks.......HOLY COW I'M POOPED!!! \:P LOL )  Got pix of a bunch of cool cars!  Some will have me some won't. \;\)  Mom works FOR the fair as their disability coordinator (she is well versed in a variety of disabilities & SHE has the final say-so on whether someone who is obviously disabled can or can-NOT ride on rides & makes sure they (the fair) are covered legally if something happens while on a ride, AND that's how we get to see so many shows......we get in for FREE cuz Mom can slip us tickets (her boss knows & even gave Mom a "parking pass" so we can park in employee parking \:D we just are not supposed to let anyone ELSE know we get these tickets for free cuz she can do it for ME her daughter + my 2 friends/her room-mates, doing it for others would be "slitting their own throats".....can't say as I blame the fair any for wanting to MAKE $. \:cool\: )......all we had to do is have the gasoline to get back & forth. \:rah\:  It's GOOD to have a mom with "connections". \;\) LOL  We had a WONDERFUL time at our friend's BBQ! \:cool\:  There are a few pix I'll have to nab from other GSK members (Golden State Kustoms) since it was a GSK BBQ......one of them is an all ladies pic & there are 2 all guys pix (in 1 "Trash Boy" was playing around & made Tylor who's mom is "Miss Raven" turn round).  We all have "club names"; mine is WHEELS.....I think that one is pretty self-explanatory LOL, Mike is BEAUMONT.....he messed up YEARS AGO doing a burn-out & they've been razzing him for it ever since with Stevie BEAUMONT.....GOOGLE that name, TRASH BOY is our friend Andrew who WORKS FOR the trash company as a mechanic hense "Trash Boy", "DJ Thumper" is Tim/VP cuz his truck has some serious speakers in it & he's got some BIG FEET so we always tease him about being BEING Thumper like from Bambi LMAO,the Pres & founder of the club Randy is "Ring Master" cuz of his favorite hat almost resembels a top hat, Karen got dubbed "Trador" (YES they're making her put it on her club jacket) cuz when Mike & Karen had the $ to have MINIcoopers if both GSK AND their MINI club had a show or "run" on the same day she always chose her MINI club.....but once they no longer had the $ they did before most of the members of the MINI club got really snobby with her/us.......GSK & it's members have ALWAYS been there for us not just to help work on cars but for other stuff as well.....like the list goes on & on......but Karen choosing the MINI group OVER GSK when GSK had been their club prior to getting the MINIS......so yeah.....she got dubbed "TRATOR".....and I can't remember what everone else's CLUB names are. \:confused\:  Looking forward to tomorrow; #1 MOST importantly is watching the fireworks.....they're sooooo KEWEL \:rah\: + it's the LAST DAY of FUN which leaves the rest of the week open for RESTING! \:cool\:  Oh say......you guys don't mind that we throw a nation wide PAR-TAY on July 4th do ya? \:ph34r\:  Kinda like kids.......you start them off, they rebel, then things get "patched up" as time goes on, then the KID comes back after they've been off on their own for a time to save the parent's/founding country's butt. \:P LOL  JUST KIDDING! \;\)  I just couldn't help it. \:ph34r\:  I figure if Russia has gotten over us buying up Alaska in 1867 I'm sure Brits have gotten over that little tif back in 1776......haven't ya? \:confused\:  Anywho.....off for a quick rest before dinner, then I'll post those pix to FB. \:\)  Take care.\:cool\: Oh and sorry it took me so terribly long to write back. \:o  (((((HUGS!!!))))) \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

hiedibear75Jun 30, 2011

Sadly for the coutry concert I WAS wearing jeans......STILL cold.  \:o  I wore my thickest jogging pants which I think did a better job + we weren't out on the floor where it's open, this time being in the granstands the pillars blocked a lot of the wind out which is where ADA seating is. \:cool\: The Beach Boys wer FAB!!! \:rah\:  And BTW if you've seen American TV, John Stamos from Full House is the drummer for them. \:D  On top of still being good performers they're funny too. :P   I am soooo EXHAUSTED! \:rolleyes:  Have barely had time to rest up let alone play my Sims. \:o  Oh BTW I so have to tell you about the drumk lady who started pulling me off & ended up breaking Mike's PERSONAL chair when....oh dear & then there's tomoro's concert. \:o  Well I'll fill you in & if I don't rememnd me. \;\)  Off to have dinner & go to bed if not sleep. \:cool\:  Take care hun. \:wub\:   (((((HUGS!!!))))) \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

hiedibear75Jun 29, 2011

Well got to hear my favorite songs from each artist! \:rah\:  It was kinda sad though how few people showed up.......I mean considering that both Travis Tritt AND Charly Daniels have sold out arenas you'd think that filling up the grandstands wouldn't be a problem. \:confused\:  But we had floor seating so we were right up by the stage! \:rah\:  My top 1/2 did OK warmth wise, so next time we'll bring the leather jacket though so I'm not looking like stay-puff-marshmallow. \:P We'll see if sweat pants will be warmer than my jeans were.  The next show will be The Beach Boys which should be a fun show. \:cool\:  We're going to see if we totaly empty Karen's trunk/boot if my chair will fit in it, if it will then we can take Karen's car which has better shocks.....my biggest problem wasn't the fair it was the getting TO the fair. \:wacko\:  The shocks on the truck are GONE! So every pot-hole & bump in the rode is like hitting a speed-bump! \:mad\:  We shall see. \;\)  Gonna go lay down for a bit again before I try saving Niel! \:cool\:  Take care......(((((HUGS!!!))))) \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

hiedibear75Jun 29, 2011

That's an AWESOME idea! \:rah\: I'll have to try it! \:cool\:  It's just after midnight & we've only just got home under an hour ago. \:wacko\:  But it was worth it! \:rah\:  Now that I'm in some warm fuzzy PJ's time for a late dinner. \:\)  Ta ta for now. \:cool\:  I'll let ya know if your idea works. \;\)  (((((HUGS!!!))))) \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:  (I'll fill ya in on details after dinner or tommeoro....depending how much umph I've got left in me \:P LOL )

hiedibear75Jun 28, 2011

Well he can be telephoned from other households or should I say while playing in another household HE called for a chat. \:confused\:  I didn't think of having them call him & envite over cuz he was gone but I still had higher hopes of getting him back. \;\)  I didn't see him in the Sim bin unfortunately. \:\(  I've though of going to someone elese's household & having hid get killed, if he dies, I've already had to have Luna grow up & skip colleg (she's already had several fits of crying & sobbing about her missed dreams of higher education) to make sure social services didn't come along & take all the children including Skye who is one of the cutest 1/2 alien children I'fe seen since Johny from StrangeTown, if I have Mars & Venus graduate & make Mars go into the paranormal career & get the Reaper phone in career rewards to buy him back.  Once he is alive again then Skye can graduate collegge.....that'll give him his lifetime want & if it didn't count Mars & Venus than there is still the twin girls Astra & Astrea to trigger it. \:cool\:  On the + side Mars & Venus will gain an additional grant for being orphans. \:ph34r\:  Anywho looking forward to the concert tomorrow. \:rah\:  There is a "funny" version of the "Devil Went To Georgia" song called "Devil Went To Jamaica". \:D  It's almost dinner time......chicken breasts with rice. \:rah\:  Take care. \:cool\:  (((((HUGS!!!))))) \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

hiedibear75Jun 27, 2011

Prancer LOVES lap rides & purrs LOUDER the more wheelies I do & he smiles when I do them as well. \:cool\:  Yes he is a BIG cat! \:lol\:   Neil has still not been returned. \:\(  I aged Luna up to adult so social services wouldn't take him away.  And I'm just about out of ideas as to how to get him back. \:confused\:  I'll have to go over to FB & see the comment. \;\)  Oreo will sit on my lap as well but he will NOT stay there for any un-NEEDED wheelies (we have these wood devide things that create a lip going from room to room.....we've got mostly hardwood floors) but he will stay put while going from office to bed. \:D  And Roo will hapily pull me along though he doesn't go where I tell him per-se (I just hold on to his shoulders NEVER his collar). :P  We have a country music concert to go to (the 3 of us; me , Mike & Karen) on Tuesday evening......both looking forward to it but mom said it's always breezy there & most of the music shows are all in the evenings so non of OUR shows will be during the day. \:wacko\:  Have you heard of Charley Daniels? He did a song "Devil went down to Georgia".....he & Travis Tritt will be playing Tuesda night & we love both of them. \:cool\:  Take care tile we chat again. \:rah\:  (((((HUGS!!!))))) \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

hiedibear75Jun 26, 2011

There is a vid of me giving Prancer a ride on FB you'll find it easiest under Micheal's profile. \:cool\:

hiedibear75Jun 26, 2011

O-M-G! \:eek\:  Neil went for another date....I mean close encoutner & he's been gone for OVER 36 Sim hrs! \:wacko\:  I don't want to loose him......he's got loads of friends & I've spent a LOT of time on this Sim. \:mad\:  I was waiting for him to get dropped off/kicked out of the mother ship when Mom came in to talk to Mike & I, I hit "save" without thinking.....just on auto pilot really. \:confused\:  So I can't just go out & come back in. \:\(  This is getting really REALLY OLD....all these confounded glitches! \:mad\:  I didn't want to start over! \:\( \:mad\: \:\( Wuahahaha (sucks thumb)! \:wacko\:  Hope your game is at least glitch free. \;\)  Take care. \:cool\:  (((((HUGS!!!))))) \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

murfeelJun 25, 2011

HI!!!! \:D \:wub\: Thanks so much--I did it!!! \:\) It took a while to understand the banner stuff and how to change my profile and everything, but yeah I guess all the screaming I did at my computer paid off--thanks so much for saying it looks nice! \:rah\: *blushing* (If it were up to me I'd have naked men all over the page, but PG13, you know... *rolls eyes* \:P lol) Yup, I am working VERY hard; I was so nervous after the promo that I would make something people thought was utter crap--can they UNpromote you if your quality falls? \:P \:confused\: lol. But I'm so happy; I'm finally able to do all the things I wanted to do but couldn't because I didn't have the right CC or clothes or hairs to make it the way I invisioned it, so so far I still have 4 lots I have yet to upload as well as 10 more sims--blast those preview pictures ! \:mad\: *shakes fist* \:mad\: They should all be uploaded within the week and into next week. \:\) I'm on vacation right now in Pennsylvania with some family and friends, and the hotel's got unlimited free wireless internet, so I'm HAPPY AS A LARK; I took my laptop and didn't even bother asking about cable TV channels! \:P lol Anyways, I hope you and yours are doing well. \:wub\: I saw a bunch of things in your Upcoming pod, so I'm SO relieved that your energy is returning. \:wub\: \:rah\:

hiedibear75Jun 25, 2011

I put up an album on FB with all the pix I've taken of Neil's family. \:cool\:  Sorry there weren't more pix of the 1st 3 babies. \:o  Luna & the twins Mars & Venus were a bit on the fugly side. \:ph34r\:  SKYE on the other hand is actually pretty darn cute for a 1/2 alien baby. \:rah\:  I'll have to see how she looks as she grows up....I may have to make her a romance or family Sim. \;\)  Anywho I put my infant over-rides (no they're NOT what causes game to crash in build/buy mode) so that the next time (yup the little hornytoad he wants it AGAIN \:ph34r\: ) I can get some pix of him going on his hot date.......I mean......getting abducted. \:P .  Hope all is well with you guys. \:rah\:  Take care. \:cool\:  (((((HUGS!!!))))) \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

PralinesimsJun 24, 2011

Hello my dear!thank you somuch for the wonderful comment!!!!it means so much to me!! i hope you have a amzing weekend!!see  you my dear!!kisssseeesss\:rah\:\:wub\:\:rah\:\:wub\:\:rah\:

francienJun 24, 2011

Hi, thank you for your great feedback on my Harbor! \:wub\: Have a wonderful weekend!

hiedibear75Jun 24, 2011

Oh almost forgot....as to how my son is doing?  When I've called to ask my daughters & ex-husband to ask they just say "Oh he's doing good.", how informative. \:rolleyes:  So I guess I'll find out more when he gets out & can come over for a visit. \;\)

hiedibear75Jun 24, 2011

Actually it's TS2. :P  I'll have to upload a family portrait. \;\)  Before Luna goes off to college. \:\)  Oh boy..... another program? \:wacko\:  I've been catching up OTHER Sims to keep friendships up.  And plus I'm starting off those $ Sims in Uni so Luna can have some friends once she gets there that won't be of help when she graduates. \:D  HER lifetime want is to get to the top of a career I just can't remember which one. \:o  I saw the poem Keith wrote on FB....quite nice. \:rah\:  Good thing my PC can go back & forth from Sims to the web....my FB friends complain I don't play enough FB games. \:confused\:  Only so many hrs in the day. \;\)  Though the FB games do help to not get burnt out on Sims & Sims help to not get burnt out on point & click games.....it all works out. \:D  I'll have to log back on to TSR when I've gotten some pix of the Armstrongs. \;\)  Take care til then. \:cool\:  (((((HUGS!!!))))) \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

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As a registered member, you can add up to 10 items in your favorites list.
As a VIP you can add up to 1GB of favorite items and download them all in one click.


You free quota has been reached. As a free member you can have up to 10 items on your favorites list.

Favorites example

For as low as $3/Month you can:

  • Have unlimited favorites
  • Download all favorites in one click
  • Add favorites to the download basket
  • Download all selected favorites with the TSR CC Manager

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Get 4 free months of VIP at The Sims Resource by upgrading to an annual plan for just $24!
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    TSR CC Manager
    Basket example
    As a VIP member, you can One Click download, install and manage your custom content fast and easy with the TSR CC Manager.
    Start your VIP membership for as low as $3/Month.
    .edu Email detected
    It looks like you're trying to register with an email from your educational facility. .edu emails don't tend to allow TSR emails through the gateway. As a result:
    • you won't be able to reset your password should you forget it
    • you won't able to change your email address later
    • if you need to contact Support, our Support Team will not be able to reach you.
    We strongly recommend you choose a personal email address.
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    VIP Early Article Access
    The Magazine will be publicly available on May 20, 2022. Don’t want to wait? Get VIP Membership and Read it Now!
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    Download Basket

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    Total size: - of 1GB ( left)

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    Date, new to old
    • Date added to the basket
    • Name of creation
    • Artist name
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    Download Basket

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    Date, new to old
    • Date added to the basket
    • Name of creation
    • Artist name
    • Date item published
    • Size of the creation
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    All items
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    • Selected only
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    - items + - item(s) with required items

    Total size: - (1 GB Maximum)

    Please don't solicit our artists for other work, joining other sites or seeking to take and upload their work elsewhere. This is something we don't allow.

    This is a VIP feature only. Unlock everything by joining our VIP supporters plan today!
    Favorites example

    Limited Time Offer
    Now extended to 21st March!

    For a limited time only, we’re giving away a free Shockwave game to anyone signing up to our annual VIP premium access plan!

    Choose your free game!

    I don’t want a free game - just send me my VIP!
    Buy my annual VIP pass for giving me premium access to The Sims Resource and send me my free game!

    Your game code will be emailed to after you complete your purchase

    Want your game code to be sent to a different email? Click here to change

    *Note: games are non-refundable once this plan is purchased. Any refund we issue under our usual Terms Of Service will have the retail value of $6.99 deducted from the refund price.

    Limited Time Offer
    Now extended to 21st March!
    Are you sure you don't want a free game?

    Thanks! Someone from Support will be in touch very soon!

    Replies are normally within 24 hours and often a lot sooner.

    Ensure that you add support@thesimsresource.com to your email safe-senders list!

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    By Artist Name
    Published November 15, 2022 •
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