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ziggy28's Guestbook

murfeelMay 27, 2012

ZIGGY~~~~!!!! \:D How have you been lately--well, I trust? \:wub\: My mom abducted me and carted me off to the hospital after the last massive swelling attack, and the doctors now tell me it's Rheumatoid Artritis, all through the hands, feet, and more than likely elbows and knees, too. They put me on Naproxen for now, and it seems to be getting the job done, even though I almost choked on the daggone horse pills last night, lol! \:P So I'm feeling a lot better nowadays, now that I have meds that actually beat back the swelling rather quickly instead of those silly Ibuprofens that take 4 hours, so now I can freaking FUNCTION throughout the day. \:mad\: In any event, I was happy to see your comment on the Red House! \:D I'm feeling very into vintage/shabby chic right now, and I had fun with it, even though there wasn't a dragon in sight. lol! \:D Well, I hope you and yours are doing well, and having a great weekend. Over here the weather seems to be improving day by day, so I'm not freezing anymore, and Angie's asthma risks are a lot lower. But now it's allergy season, lol! \:D Ta!

PralinesimsMay 22, 2012

You are very welcome honey!! I hope you are doing fine!! HUGSSS!!!!!

matomibotakiMay 18, 2012

MB-BunchOfFlowers - thank you so much for your nice reply, greatly appreciated!!! Have a wonderful weekend!!! Hugs matomi

WimmieMay 12, 2012

Hi \:\), many thanks for your lovely comment on my mediterranean-style Villa \:wub\:! I'm glad you like it\:wub\:. Wish you a wonderful day\:D !

ekinegeMay 5, 2012

Hi! Thank you so much for your lovely comment on the "Haute Couture: Ivy Night Dress".\:wub\: Have a great weekend.\:wub\:

iiKissApr 29, 2012

Wonderful work hun, I love you millions keep it up your doing a great job, seriously you keep improving more and more !\:wub\:\:\)\:D

GuardgianApr 16, 2012

Hi Ziggy, I just downloaded so many of your gorgeous pictures and as there is no more "thanks" button I thank you (a ton) here for sharing your so amazing creations ! Have a nice day \:wub\:

wolfspryteApr 12, 2012

Goodness Ziggy! I wanted a couple pictures for in game... I think I downloaded ALL of them!! LOL And a bunch of your patterns too!! Thanks! Mel

QuietMusingsApr 9, 2012

I love everything you do =]

rhosymedreApr 7, 2012

Hi, I just wanted to say that you're work is absolutely amazing. I know I've commented on a few of them separately but I figured I might as well comment here as well, that your work is absolutely fantastic \:\) Thanks so much for it all, and please keep up the great work.

fabrizioammolloApr 6, 2012

Hi Lorraine! It's my pleasure! Have a fantastic week-end! F.

murfeelApr 6, 2012

This hasn't been a very productive time for me, I'm afraid--I feel so LAZY lately, lol. I've got a ton of stuff to do, and haven;t started anything--mostly I just gab away online lately, cussing EA out over their exorbitant prices and the lack of a Fantasy EP--HURRY UP AND GIVE ME WIZARDS, EA~!!!! LOL Other than that, I'm fine, I suppose. My right hand swelled up REALLY badly, bright red like multiple sausages, and PAINFUL, and is only now starting to go back down again, thank goodness. All of my family keeps yelling at me cuz I refuse to see another quack, who'll just send me another $2000 bill just to prescribe me frikkin Ibuprofen. \:mad\: I can get Ibuprofen on my own--I don't need to sit in here wasting my time while you strut about looking all important and charging my eyes out just to hem and haw over what I already know! Get out of my FACE! :P And Angie had another asthma attack, so she's been home with me or 2 weeks out of school, so I couldn;t even use my time of convalescence to take care of myself--I had to take care of her 24/7, too, which sucked. I just wish te weather would warm up already, so she doesn't have any more spells. It's the cold that sets her off--and it's just freezing lately. No snow (thank goodness), but a lot of frost. How's everything with you been? No more health scares, I hope? And your family? \:o I hope everything's going well with you--2012 is just being BRUTAL to me, and it's only just now April! LOL! :P

matomibotakiApr 5, 2012

Happy Easter!!!\:\)

ProwlerTyloApr 5, 2012

You are welcome.

katalinaMar 31, 2012

Stopping by to give you {{{HUGS}}} and chocolate! from the work pc lol.. Have a great day!\:wub\:

akiza82Mar 21, 2012

You have such beautiful work, keep it up!\:cool\:

fabrizioammolloMar 20, 2012

Hi Lorraine! You are very welcome! I hope you are having a nice week! F.

chedderprimeMar 20, 2012

Hi Ziggy where did you get that boat bed in Adventure?

talonz57Mar 19, 2012

Hi Ziggy i just took a stroll though your artwork. what a enjoyable stroll it was and i didnt even have to pay for parking  i feel honored to have had that priviledge and you are truely blessed with talent /s and a keen sense of style and taste/flair  Thankyou(no smiley can do that stroll justice its a feeling not a expression )                

mrsimulatorMar 19, 2012

Hi Lorraine! \:\) Thank you for your beautiful comments on my lots, I appreciate it so much, Take care! \:\)

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