zvaella's Blog
I am back!
Hi everyone!Its true, I am finally back! I never really left in fact, I was just really occupied with work and family.
Anyways, thank you so much for all of your wonderful comments! I will have new things coming soon : clothes, eyes, make up, etc.
I hope you'll like them!
Have a nice summer time! :D
Thanks for the comments!
Hi everyone!I just wanted to thank you all for the very nice comments you sent me! It's a real pleasure to know that you appreciate my work and the time I spend on it. I would like to thank each of you individually, but it would take me a lot of time, too! (aren't we all missing time in our life? :) )
I hope you will keep loving my next creations too :) I have two new set I'll be uploading soon : one has a spring-summer look, it's called "Striped Candies", and it's striped shirts with jean skirts. The other set is called "Casual Date", and it's a sweet top with dark pants, I'm pretty happy with those two last sets :)
So once again thanks everyone, bu sure I read each and everyone of your message :)
Lots of updates
Hi everyone! I am updating a lot these days. Other than my Sweet Lights Set (for elders, going to be published tomorrow) and the Shy Time Set (for teen), I also have been working on swimsuits set and an other elders set. I try to vary my work too, I tend to do stuff only for adult females, and generally casual or formal :) Hope you'll like those too!

Retro Dresses
Hi again! Just a quick word to show you my new work! It's a kind of retro dress : I was going for something Retro, but I'm not sure it fits the style now... thus the name of the set, "Almost Retro" :-) Hope you'll like it! The mesh is by Sunair!
Sweet tops
As someone suggested to me, I did a few tops inspired by my evening silk dresses. I think they look cute, tough it was pretty easy to do :P I hope you'll enjoy them!
I am back!
Whoa, it's been a long time... and I missed the sims and all of you so much!I have been sick and had to keep the bed fow a while... than we moved and I began a new job. But now I am back, and I have plenty of new stuff to upload and lots of ideas too! I hope you will like it :)
Thanks to all of you who downloaded my clothing and leave me such nice comments, it was really sweet to read you all! <3
Hello and thanks to YOU!
Hi everyone!I decided my first post would be to tell you a big hello, and also to thank you all for the downloads and the great comments I received! Its really great I can share my things with you so not only my sims use it! So dont hesitate to ask me questions and do comments or suggestions, I am always happy to answer :-D
So, what will be the use of this blog? English isn't my usual language in real life, but I'll do the best I can! I plan on using this blog to talk to you about my currents projects, and about the way I work. I hope it will interest you :-P
Thanks to you, and have a nice day!