Member Blogs
I'm back!
I apologize for the fact that it's taken me a while to get back to creating CC. I have moved cities in the mean time and started a new job, but I'm working on CC again now, so hopefully we'll have some new DW stuff soon! Oh and my last TARDIS object submission was rejected :'( So, I'll try again!
TheSims4 Gallery
Hi all! ♥ You can find my SIMS, LOTS and ROOMS on my Gallery catalog, ID paogae. I don't use cc on Gallery.
The Merman's Kiss - a ts3 and ts4 machinima
Thanks so much all the CC creators for my video stories <3
I know I've been away... BUT ...
But reality can occassionally byte when it comes to doing things and living life. However I do have some New CC on my Domain - and I alway list stuff I done on my Simblr. I currently have a new Shirt awaiting moderation to approve.
I started to add Swatches now so I have conisered teh older files to revisit these and Have decided currently i wont Unless You request these to be Then i'll consider to do so. I've also had a Custom Thumbnail to my CC so you know WHO made it, and it looks much tidy in your game. ( i persoinally hate content that has no Personal thumbnail so I educated myself to gain that along with swatches.
Anyways off to make some stuff...
Where do I get cute boy CC? Please tell me because I want to do an LP. Sorry for bothering xx
Bleh bleh bleh
Not that anyone at this moment will even read this...or maybe even ever but I would write my lovely sim experiences on here. I worked for four hours yesterday creating the Manner for my sim story. I must confess I use CC objects from here. Honestly having trouble with having notes and ZzZzs to dissapear. I downloaded the mod from MTS but nooopeeee, no luck. Oh well. I'll get around it.
I should really go to bed.
About TWE...
hi guys. i know, its been a long time since i uploaded the next chapter, but it keeps getting rejected. as you know, the story is about demons..possessions are obviously included. this isn't really TSR appropriate, and i had this whole scene set up between Theo and Verin, this inner battle kind of thing, but im going to have to remove it. ive been working on this chapter for what seems like forever, and making changes to get it approved, but the content isn't exactly PG 13. i promise i'll keep trying to "fix" it as much as this hurts my little achy breaky heart to get rid of so much that i was excited for. if you want to read the "unfiltered" version, let me know and i'll send you a private message. (don't even know if that's allowed). i mean i personally don't think there's any adult content just some possessions here and there lol anyway, im thinking of moving to Wattpad. it will be under the name Tessa Crane. I don't even have an account yet lol but that's where i'll be putting up The Wicked Entice as it was meant to be content all the way lol. it'll be under a new name, (the word Wicked will be in there somewhere, so look out of it!) and it will be like you're basically reading a familiar, but new story. it won't really be anything like the one here, and i think thats a pretty good thing. i'll let you guys know once im official over there. once again, sorry for the wait! i'm really trying my best to not water it down, but its not going so well...
Installing custum sims
So I downloaded a bunch of cudtom content and placed it into the mods folfer. Everything works fine except the custom sims. I can't seem to find them anywhere. I go into the gallery and tick the box allowing me to see custom content yet it shows a bunch of households but nine of the custom sims that I downloaded. It there a different way to install Custom Sims. Any help would be appriciated.
Sorry For Deleted Comment
I'm so sorry that i accidentally deleted all comment on my creation. I want to mark it as read, but i accidentally click delete button, (I think they must add delete confirmation).
I appreciate all comment on my creation, Thanks
and with my first blog post i want to say "yay I hit my first achievement 10k download" on my personal achievement,
thank you very much for all downloader, and thanks for trying my creation :)
Hope you enjoy it.
for my next creation which is still in progress. I create winter or ice themed set (I don't know when will i upload them, maybe next month or wait for December :D )
YAAS. how the h.. can I even screenshot.
I'm doing tons of recolors these past few days for my sims because my faveorite artists doesnt have specific colors that I want (which is PASTEL PINK, GREEN, YELLOW AND VIOLET" but everything I see is black, white and every neon color there is that punches my eyes.
I also tried doing some transparent for some of my naught sims but I seem to suck at it a bit specially when I make some skirts and shorts SHORTER and the mesh just b***ch slapping me cause I dant do that or it will all mess up.
Aaaaaaanddddd I decided to publish some. maybe this week but how the hell can I even screenshot such highquality beauty to showcase what I did?
google just noped on me about it *sigh*
I wanna submit olredi :<
Some words about me
I am employed in a Japanese company as a logistics specialist. Before I had a job in building industry - Arenzana Luis, a Structural Engineer business. The total value of the project was $55000.00 and for the permission itself we needed to pay $2091.67 in bank opening times. But this wasn't a proper job for me, so I set up other direction for my professional life.
New Ideas and Updates
I will be away a few hours and days updating and getting ideas on what to create next. Updating, will be back soon! Oct 5, 2015 11:24 p.m. central time
CC question-linked sites?
I'm new to downloading CC. I tried it once witht the Sims 3 and my parents blamed it for my then-computer's problem. What I like to new if sites that are linked to on clothing be safe to use? Thanks for your help
I would rather use AdBlock and wait 60 seconds for a download , then have 15+ ads on my page at a time . I can't even load what I'm actually trying to download , because its still trying to load the stupid ads . So no TSR , I will NOT disable AdBlock on your website (: .
Halloween 2015
Hi everyone!
Halloween is quickly approaching, and I've started making a few little deco bits to celebrate! At the moment, my plans for what I'm going to make are still pretty sparse - some more candles, some potion jars/vials, something with bats (or perhaps ravens)... I'm not sure yet! Here are a couple items I've finished so far. Expect the rest of the set in the coming weeks.
(Click the image to enlarge.)
Tardis needed to be fixed.
Although I didn't call it Sexy while fixing it, the Tardis will no longer disappear as you place it around your home. I apologize for the troubles. Please re-download and let the new file overwrite the old one.
Again I apologize.
TSR Artists
I can't say enough about how much I love you guys. This custom content makes my Sims games fun. I have a request. If some of you would please make some more short hairstyles, like ear length and above but not buzzed. You know like Pixie, Stacked Bob, etc.
Bungalow Windows Part 2
Currently I am working on a second set for the Bungalow Windows.
I think the picture says it all..
~ 2,000,000 DOWNLOADS GIFT ~
Hey Guys ^^
Oh my God, after 1.5 Years I finally got over 2 Million Downloads!! Incredible!! :D So I just wanna say THANK YOU for your lovely comments, guestbook entries and messages, every single one makes me happy and I try to answer all of them. I've made a little gift for you which is ONLY available through this link:
Have fun with it and keep on Simming!! :)
Linda aka Lutetia
TARDIS update and new items coming
Hi Everyone!
So I've gotten to a point of having a TARDIS in the game, but it's not working 100% yet. You can see the progress here. So... it'll be uploaded as soon as I can fix the problems :)
Also, in honor of the 11th Doctor, I've made a sonic screwdriver accesory and I'm working on a fez and a Handles (the cyberman-head) object. I'll also be working on more Doctor Who clothes and posters soon.
I haven't had much time to work on CC this week, but these will be up ASAP. In the mean-time, enjoy TSR!
Working on the Freya Livingroom!!
Working on a livingroom to suit the Freya Dining... Want to see the work in progress picture??
Please check here
Working on a TARDIS
Now that I feel fairly proficient in doing recolors, I'm working on creating a TARDIS object for the game but so far have been having trouble with the meshes not working in the Sims4Studio :( SO, as soon as I can get that working, we'll hopefully have a TARDIS for the game :)
new sims story
“She knows what she’s asking me about now! She must know! I mean what went in her head that this would be a good idea? She knows I hate him, he bullied me in 6th grade. I know she’s my best friend but… alright! Fine! I will make Cassie’s cousin, Alex fall in love with me!”
New Diningroom Sunday Available for Sims4 and Sims3!
My New diningroom *Freya Dining* which will release this sunday will be available to players from both the Sims4 as the Sims3 players!
I hope you all will enjoy these latest meshes :D
Sims 3:
Sims 4:
TS3 fifth conversion pack
New conversion pack is available on my tumblr page, four pair of shoes were converted. Download them HERE
.Package Files
I have noticed some people don't know how to get poses or skintones. On TSR and other sites, they have .Package files. They are kind of like saves in your game like if you save a color for hair. You can't open them though. Here is a way to get them in your game.
Step 1. Go into your documents folder. Then find this Documents>Electronic Arts>The Sims 3> Mods. Create the Mods folder if you don't have it already.
Step 2. Create a new folder in that mods folder and name it Packages.
Step 3. You need the Resource.cfg file in your Mods folder. Link-
Step 4. Download the Resource.cfg, unzip the file (if it isn't already), drag it into the Mods folder. It might appear under the Packages folder.
Step 5. Put your .Package file into the Packages folder.
Step 6. Enjoy and hope it works!
That's how you do it in 4 easy steps! These step also work on other wedsites. You might need to extract files into your Packages Folder. Hope this helped! . .
Hello everyone ;)
Hi everyone!
I am getting a lot of messages and comments about hairstyles I am using on preview piectures. And considering the number of them I decided to make this little post to answer it, so you can freely go and download the hair.
All hair I use on my previews are from two amazing creators, who you can find on this site (TSR) and they are : Alesso and Nightcrawler_sims
I am personally using ALL hair from those two, I have every single piece in my game. I hope that will help a little ;)
Happy simming ^^
Kitchencounters and the EA Dishwasher
With the new EA Update came a Dishwasher. It uses only the EA counters bcoz the animation for counters has changed.
I will update my Kitchencounters within the next weeks after I can be sure that EA has fixed the bug that Sims reject to use the Dishwasher.
Current Project
Hi guys!
First, I want to say thank you so much for commenting and downloading all the time! You're the best <3
I just wanted to let you know, that I'm working on a special creation at the moment ;) A lot of you already asked for it! Here's a little sneak peek of it, can you guess what it is?
Have a wonderful day, hugs and much love!
No Time and This Isn't Helping...
Lately I have been extremely busy at work and at home. I work for a traveling agency - which is fun and frustrating all at once - and while I love the job, it still wasn't enough to keep me entertained so I kept my old college gig of tour guide in Prague. Apparently it was all great and managable as long as I managed my time between friends, writing, travelling and movies. Not so much when me and my very good friend finally came out of denial and started dating.
Usually I'm great at time management. Usually I'm also a great cook but I have not been able to enter the kitchen for a week now. :)
I had to drop the tourguiding - a thing that hurt me very much because of all the great memories I had of the job. I didn't even get to go home this summer, that's how crazy things have been. But now I'm determined to get back on the horse and make a nice time table between work, friends, writing and this one annoying guy I really should have dropped, were it no for the beautiful things he says. Like 'I'm forgetting something, am I not? Oh, a book! Nearly left home without a book. The horror!' or 'If someone attacks us in this dark street you run. I will cry I have no money and I refuse to surrender the comic book and maybe they leave us alone.'
But the most important thing: I decided to give sims 2 hours a day, twice the week, TSR time included, so if I submit something and it gets rejected it won't be back until the end of the week. And it WILL get rejected. I'm dumbing it down as much as I can, but sometimes I just give up and post it elsewhere. Anyway, I'm working on the first chapter... wrong. I'm working on getting the first chapter approved, which is so much harder than working on the chapter itself.
Just wanted to let you know I'm doing my best, not procratinating somewhere...
Thank you people!
years have enjoyed my creations and who downloaded
so my items and my houses!*__*
Thank you very much!
I continue so :)
A worm - HELLO - to all of you! I am back from hollydays with new ideas and a lot of ne inspirations! So be anxious and enjoy!!!
Can somone make me 3 cute teenage boys please ? maybe girl too? Please...... if i don't have it that i need i can't make my sims series some i will make...... please see this fast:(...