Member Blogs

A Brief Absense, folks

Sorry I haven't been around much lately, everybody. Over the weekend my computer somehow got a *crazy* registry error, and after a few blue screens of death in a row I decided (rather irrationally) to delete my entire user account and start afresh. Unfortunately, the last time I backed up my pc was on Halloween. :P So, I have been running around like mad trying to backtrack everything I've done over the past 2+ months, and try to recover as much of my game (and the multiple creations I was in the middle of completing--GRRRR!!! >_< ) as I possibly can. So far so good--I am currently reinstalling a LOT of CC, and hopefully I can be up and running again and back to finishing more creations some time next week, with uploads ready for you all by early February. My save files are all corrupted, so hopefully the backup versions will work, or it might take me even longer, as I'll have to start multiple projects all over again--*SIGH*. :(

Just FYI!!! ^-^

Thank you very much everyone for your comments.


Thank you very much everyone for your comments.

Sorry answer them around here but I have no time to thank almost never your commentaries one by one, so thank you very much to all for your comments and for your downloads, it makes me very happy that you like my creations



when i try to make content, i have no idea what to do. i looked up how-tos but their all ancient, and the the whole entire workshop makes no sense to me. 


Hello, lovely TSR, i hope to make great content!





Hi guys!

I'm so glad to announce that my creations were downloaded over 1,000,000 times! I want to say thank you so so much, your the best! <3 <3 <3 Therefore, I will soon publish a small gift for you all. It's also a very special set for PLL-fans ;) Stay tuned, it will be available on my minisite very soon!

1,000,000 hugs,


For Khira

With your flash drive crashed and your email "glitched" when it comes to Sims .packages, I hope you enjoy the HiLux Skirt and the (hopefully) upcoming Dr Who glasses!  XOXOXOXO

PMs All Gone, folks

Aw crap! :( They got rid of the old Private Messages in my inbox; so my PM page is totally empty--I was saving certain messages from almost a whole year ago--NOOOO!! *weeping* If you've sent me a PM recently and I haven't responded yet, please send it to me again. Sorry. :(


Hi, this is my new account. I love SIMS. It's SOOOO fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AM I TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WEIRD?/

Thank You

Thank you, for making my first 100,000 downloads possible in such a short time.

I enjoy designing for the Sims and there will be lots more soon. I have so many ideas in my mind, but 

the days have only 24 hours *sigh*



My gratitude knows no bounds

I really feel that I should make a proper statement, that words really don't do much credit for, but I'll try to be as eloquently sincere as I possibly can: I LOVE YOU TSRAA!!!! :D lol


All silliness aside, I really owe the entire collection of TSRAA creators at TSR a debt of eternal gratitude. Without all of you, I would NEVER have been able to even START creating the way I do, let alone be promoted to Select Artist and then Featured artist a few months later! I get such inspiration from even looking at your creations and imaging how I would like them used in a room, and that's what makes my Lots come alive to such an extent that I get so many compliments, when really--TSRAA deserves ALL the compliments, utterly and truly. *Bows down before all of you with love*


I also want to give a direct BIG thank you to some of my largest fonts of support and inspiration: TSRAA artists Ziggy28 and Jomsims, who were my two very first Bookmarked artists that I chose when I came to TSR and totally fell in LOVE with at first sight. I love you, your works, and your continued contributions, with all my heart.


Also, to all of the other artists I am continually Bookmarking, I am such a HUGE fan--forgive all of my often senseless gushing on your creations download pages! ^-^ I just get very excited when I see something new that I really like! My Downloads folder is busting at the seams because of all of you!


And a final very appreciative Thank You to the very few of you who have Gifted me at my Murfeel page at the Store! I really can't describe how touched I am that you would actually GIVE me such a valuable present--you know who you are, and I am always just stunned when I get a new Gift; pleasure mixed with pain that I am so broke that can't get anything at the Store myself, and for you to help me to such an extent, just so that I can keep creating happily, REALLY means a lot to me--you guys really redefine the saying Putting Your Money Where Your Mouth Is!, and the only way I know how to repay you is to just keep creating!


I hope in my new position as a Featured Artist I can give you all above and beyond what you expected from me as a Select Artist! I am told that I deserve it, so I really hope I don't let anyone down! Elle Lauren

Leave Requests Here

As most of you should know--I am always open to Requests. My favorite types of Requests are for making Sims and Patterns for people, but I don't mind doing Lot/Object/etc Requests either, though they tend to take (a lot) longer to complete, as I have my own Creations Schedule to keep (I'll never post what wickedness I'm up to--it's a surprise! :D LoL). I have decided to let people leave Requests in these blog messages. It will be easier for me to keep track of projects people want done this way, as I need to flush out my PMs folder PRONTO, before it fills up. DOs: So, leave your requests in a post below! I like getting links to pictures online so that I have some idea as to what you all want from me, so try to include that in the Request. Even though I mostly stick to Historical/Fantasy creations, I don't mind doing Celebrity Sims at ALL, so those are 100% fine. Themes I am fine with: -Cultural -Historical (anything from prehistoric times all the way up to the Vintage era (no later than the 1940s)) -Scientific (Steampunk through Futuristic) -Fantasy and Horror DON'Ts: The one thing I don't do, however, are 'Contemporary' lots--bleh. If you just want some regular modern home with the works that just looks nice, or a plain Starter Home or whatever, I am NOT the one to ask, lol! Same goes with asking for Model sims--Celebrities are fine, but I won't just make 'A pretty sim man or woman, please!?' NO. Also, don't Request anything that will force me to have to use something from an EP or SP--I don't have any, pfft! *weeping internally* Don't expect your Request, if I accept/consider it, to be finished right away, sadly. As I said, I have my own Schedule I keep, and though I tinker with it on occassion it takes time to create things, so waiting is not an option. And remember: keep your Requests PG-13 (so we don't get banned)!

Starting to post costom content

Hi! i am starting to upload costom content and its pretty good because i have worked on it for a week and i have so much to post so please comment if you want to download and see what it looks like


Love this site to download store content

 S i have been using this site for more than 6 months and so far it is so great it is my only sims3 costom content because rigth now i cant find any elsewhere to find good skins and male things and kids and toddlers other sites i have looked at i could barley have the stuff i like and there is only like 100 shoes on there for males and hairs and outfits



Hi everyone,

I just found out that I already have more than 1 Million downloads!! OMG still can't believe!! :D So I think it's time to say THANK YOU for all your comments, downloads & messages, I appreciate every single one!!! Unfortunately I'm quite busy with university at the moment, so I can't answer all of you but I do my very best!! :) Anyway, I'm working on a new set which is almost finished, I hope it'll be finished until next week!!


Quick Tip if the Launcher Won't Install Files

In addition to the other advice I gave in my last post, sometimes it's not anything wrong with anything at all. Sometimes TSR, especially if you download something as a sims3pack, botches up the download, and you'll end up with a dud file. :( When you put it into the Launcher, instead of seeing a proper thumbnail, all you'll see is a brown box--you'll know it when you see it: TRUST. ;) 9 times out of 10, if you try to install anything showing up as a brown box in the Launcher, the installation will FAIL. But don't despair! Just go back and try again--this time, try to dl the desired item as a ZIP file, NOT a sims3pack. Extract the ZIP file wherever you need it, and reinstall the sims3pack(s) within. This time, the installation SHOULD work. ;) This happens to me when I download things at LEAST twice a day, and dl-ing the file as ZIPs instead has ALWAYS worked for me. ;)

Happy Simming! :)  

Problems Installing My Lots & Sims

I have recieved a few complaints during my time here at TSR that my Lots fail to install with the Launcher. I find this very disturbing. I have had some people test my lots in-game with 100% success, so I know the files aren't BROKEN or anything, but when others tell me that they don't work, I get very confused.  As of November 2011 I only have the WORLD ADVENTURES, AMBITIONS and LATE NITE EPs, and NO SPs at all, so any lots of mine dated BEFORE November 2011 do NOT require ANY EPs or SPs. Therefore, the problem clearly lies with who has certain CC properly installed, and who doesn't. With lots made ater November 2011, you may need to update your game to the latest patch or game EP I have to get them to appear. As of March 2012 I am currently using Patch Update 1.29, so as to avoid all of the social crap nonsense going on with Showtime.

1. ) PACKAGE FILES: as I ALWAYS say on my Downloads pages: You NEED to install the Extra CC Not Included files BEFORE you install my Lots and Sims into your Launcher, or it won't work! Download ALL of EA's FREE sets and things, including Riverview, at The Store if the frakking Launcher keeps telling you you're missing something.

When I list Package files I use in my creations, you MUST follow the links I give you, and download EVERYTHING I tell you to. The Launcher cannot read Package files, so you must already have the Package files in your Packages folder under Mods (under Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Mods/Packages). If you don't know what a Package file or Mods folder is, go here to learn what to do: . DO NOT try to install my Lots or Sims creations in the Launcher without having FIRST put all the necessary Package files in your Packages folder. DO NOT.

2. ) STORE STUFF (RIVERVIEW): Riverview is a MUST. Register your Base Game at EA's TS3 site, and download the world--it's FREE (thank goodness). A lot of CC I use on my landscapes comes from Riverview--stuff like the wood logs and the scarecrow, especially.

2b.) STORE STUFF (WORLDS): I currently have Barnacle Bay, Hidden Springs and Lunar Lakes installed. There is exclusive CC that comes with these worlds that I may or may not use, so if you think something is missing, it might be from one of these 3 Store Worlds.

3. ) STORE STUFF (FREEBIES): As I said above, I recommend that you download it ALL. Any and everything Free at The Store: GET IT. I did, and I may or may not use any of these CC objects/clothes in my creations. Sometimes I use them without even realizing it, and TSR does not always list what is included in the creations, I have come to realize. If you don't know what is being offered freely, this is a good site to see everything all at once, and then go to the Store and get them:

3b.) STORE STUFF (FREEBIES--ACHIEVEMENTS and MYSTERY BUNDLES): I learned at Mod the Sims a few weeks/months back that it was possible to get free things at The Store by uploading your sim Memories to the website. Eager for anything my broke behind didn't have to pay for, I started uploading my Memories to My Studio, and sure enough I received a lot of cool things from EA, which are all listed here: so be sure to Upload your Memories, folks, so you can get the freebies, too! ^0^ Also, a few months ago EA started including a few TSM to TS3 conversions as Mystery Bundle Prizes for buying simpoint bundles at the Store. I have them ALL. You can see images and learn more about Mystery Items here:

4.) STORE STUFF (PAY): I won't name individual files, but I'll list Store Sets I own that I might use stuff from: Mediterranean Life, Viva Las Vegas Living, Regency Arcade, Olympian Physique, Morrocco Mystique, Buccaneer's Bounty, Hacienda Luxury, Indulgent Living, Zen Again, Asian Fusion, Old Town Starter, Worldly Goodies; Adrenaline Rush, Transportation to the Future, Pushin Pedals, Speedy Styles, ALL Futureshock, More Magic, Steampunk (plus Return and Kitchen), ALL Street Couture, Through the Spyglass Bedroom, Frontier Finds Living Room, ALL Faire Folk Life, Gothique Living and Sleeping, ALL Regal Living, Victorian Fashions, Complete Castle Kits, Tiki Living and Dining, Mid Century Fantasy Living, Killer Classics and Three Lakes, Boho Vintage Womens, ALL Jazz Age, Bayside Laundry and Kitchen, ALL Storybook.

5. ) EXCLUSIVE DOWNLOADS: I was lucky enough to snag a few downloads from the T-Mobile GetConnected promotion a few months ago, and got some things. The offer is no longer available, sadly: T-Mobile - Retro Record Player and T-Mobile - Music Arsenal.

So download all of these things, if you can. If you can't get the Sims Store Pay Items and Exclusive Content, then you can't use my lots, whether they're free or not, sorry :( least, NOT VIA THE LAUNCHER. It won't work, so your only other option is to....

6. ) DELPHY's MULTI-EXTRACTOR as last minute rescue: Download my lots anyway, and then go to Mod the Sims and download Delphy's Multi-Extractor at This will allow you to turn any sims3pack into a package file, including lots and sims. Turn the lots/sims into a package file, and put it in your Library folder under Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Library if it's a Lot, or the SavedSims folder if it's a Sim, and load the game--EASY! You now have my lot/sims!

If you still have problems, PLEASE: LET ME KNOW!!! I have over 400,000 people who downloaded my things so far, and I can count on both hands the people who told me that they had problems. If I don't know it's broken, HOW will I know to fix it?

I hate knowing that people are having problems with my things. :( It takes me so long to do lots (especially the Furnished ones--those are a pill) and I truly and utterly mean this: HAPPY SIMMING!


My Tumblr blog: Galleria

Check out my Tumblr blog for my Sims 4 screenshots... and upcoming projects previews! I'll post all of my featured screenshots there, and will post the most important updates here. But if you're lazy right now, here's my most recent project:


most recent project


You will get it next week. :P



Thank you, again, TSR!

After repairing the Normal/Bump map for my Little Black Leather dress, it was approved.  I just love the dress and I hope y'all do to.  It is so kind of TSR to Feature the dress on the Front Page, and does give me incentive to keep creating!  Meanwhile, I'm uploading some art I hope everyone enjoys.

More Things Shall Come

I just wanted to say thank you, to all of you the community, and all the people and creators who have downloaded my creations. I have a few more Creations that I will up within the next couple of weeks. I hope you will enjoy them.




100,000 downloads Reached!

Hi everyone!,

After three months we have reached a new milestone! 100.000 downloads! I want to thank you all for such sweet comments on all my downloads. All the support means so much to me. And it give me so much joy in making new creations! I hope you all would appreciate my new creations, as much as you did with the other I already had made.

lots of love,


Evil Trait CAS Male Pose replacement

100% working. tested in actual game play live mode over and over again.



First version of Aqua, inside

Aqua, or WIP



This is the first beach or carribean house I've tried to do. It's still a work in progress, and some details are still wrong, but I might finish it one day!


Aqua Aqua

sims 3 series

This is my first ever sims 3 movie i've put together, this is a trial/pilot so don't hesitate to comment what you think though bear in mind i'm very new at filming/ taking photos on the game so it is a bit rubbish at times-sorry guys! x 

i hope you enjoy watching some of this good ol' teen drama and yeah tell me if you want me to upload more from this series xxxx

Lack of Sims 2 Submissions !!!


Firstly I wanted to apologise for the lack of submissions these past few months.

If you have been in the forum(s), you will have seen that I have had trouble uploading my Sets to the Submissions Area for a number of months now. My last submission was made available in January 2015!!!

Since 7 February 2015 I have been unable to submit which is VERY frustrating and TSR have advised me that they are currently working on a new Submissions Area which will also include the Sims 2 which I am pleased about.

I did notice that the submissions for the Sims 2 have been quiet and i am unsure if the issues i have had have also affected other Sims 2 submitters??


I apologise to those people who do download my sets / items and i am very grateful for your support.

I am unsure when this new system will be up and running but i am hoping myself and others won't have to wait too long.

Thank you as always

♥ Cherrybooboo ♥


Upcoming Creation preview! Anyone wanna color it?



Screenshot! Here's Chanel wearing my upcoming creation, sitting at the bar with a lady named Bianca glaring at her in jealousy. So I took this preview under recommended settings and I swear I'm trying my best to make good textures for my succeeding creations. They look so good in the game now, I think! Also, I'm considering allowing others to recolor my meshes. Maybe some of you have excellent ideas, it'll be good to know I inspire others to create.

Should I allow recoloring?

Why sims or houses wont`t show up in the game.

Hi everyone,

A lot of people ask me all the time why sims or houses wont show up in the game. Please don't worrie, it happend all the time and nothing is wrong. the house/sim is installed to your sims 4 game when the zip is unziped in the tray folder. You only have to set some settings.I used some custom content, so you may have to set your game as follows to see the house or sim appear in your game : Go in My Library, at the bottom of the left columns check "Advanced", then check "Allow unowned objects" and "Allow custom content".


The problem should be solved by these settings. I wish you all a nice day and happy simming!


Lots of love,


Towel Wraps Craze *fixed*

This is now a stand alone recolor of the original Towel Wrap cloned from EA ruched dress . Tested alone and also tested with the original towel wrap  in game. 



Thank You TSR

I am so flattered!  When I logged in, I saw my Chisos Bustier listed on the front page.  Thank you TSR!  I have only just started creating clothes and to have the 6th item I've EVER created listed there is truly amazing.  THANK YOU! 

Help needed with submission please!

Hey Simmers, i really neeed help on how to submit sims4. Now i dont know if im dumb that i dont really understand the submission help article,but i really need help, cause my sims on the gallery page only shows if you click in the box below 'include custom content', so ive decided to upload them here but  have no idea how. Please if someone would so kind into helping me would be great.

Summer Dress


rejected because TSR didn't like the specular (shine/no shine) 


Feels Like Wanted To Quit

This is my happiness but I have to learn more.

Learn more what?

Everything about TSR. Designing is not for me, Every downloads I get is still precious.

but for now, I have to learn and discover about designing, New Meshes, Everything. Maybe I shoud quit for a while. Starting over again and quit making childish designs.Maybe more fabulous when I came back! 

Thanks for the downloads Loves!

OPS: Everyday I'm online, I wanted to see all my friends here! Thank you so much Loves!

Reach 50,000 Downloads

Hi Loves!

I Had to reach 50,000 downloads to post new clothes because I felt like, I' m so overwhelmed in working and uploading, I didn't notice that I had so much creations that floods you. I'm sorry, But when I reached that goal I'll upload what you requested :)

Under Cabinet Lighting

Under Cabinet Lighting

Welcome to my blog



Wow, just realized almost 5 years........dang


Hi guys....been a long time, years in fact, but oh well that is the way of things.   Of course I have had Sims 4 since the release and all the updates and the new expansion which I love (competition going on in my head between it and World Expansion).   I think I have turned into a chicken scared former player of morrowind and oblivion.  For some reason, (cannot rule old age completely out yet), those games make me too nervous (even though i know it cannot be real). 


Anyway, even though I am probably the only one tha cares.  I love playing the game again.  I lost that somewhere since sims 1.  Building still does not have any draw for me yet.....hopefully it will again but I am not sure.  I crochet now (well again, mama hale (granny) taught me when I was very young.  And my love for sims is returning like a long lost friend.

Sims 3 Crazy nice bad mom challenge

this is a challenghe i made and this is how it goes.Back story:You and you boyfriend didint want kids because you said they were too much work in a dream before the day he dumped you and died you were geting married that day and you found out you were haveing  a baby you told him he told you a littel bit later you got  the news he die you were stuck with aa baby you didint want then you turned crazy you said to your self i shoud kill the baby but first make it feel nice you planned too treat it good till it was a teen then you would kill trap it in a dark room and make it stay there till deas.Rules:you must have 10 kids with 2 have you be able to chose everything about it so it has to know how to talk walk and to go potty kill 9 kids when they trun teen have no.10 live you must have 5 girls 5 boys you do the same thing for 3 gens 5 gen have a haappy rich family(staarting off you get 100.100 in funds.and thats the crazy mom challeng

Latest Headlines

A Brief Absense, folks Thank you very much everyone for... Help Hello Tiffany 1,000,000 Downloads! For Khira PMs All Gone, folks NEW USER Thank You My gratitude knows no bounds Leave Requests Here Starting to post costom content Love this site to download store... 1,000,000!!! Quick Tip if the Launcher Won't... Problems Installing My Lots & Sims My Tumblr blog: Galleria Wired Thank you, again, TSR! More Things Shall Come 100,000 downloads Reached! Evil Trait CAS Male Pose... First version of Aqua, inside Aqua, or WIP sims 3 series Lack of Sims 2 Submissions !!! Upcoming Creation preview!... Why sims or houses wont`t show... Towel Wraps Craze *fixed* Thank You TSR Help needed with submission please! Summer Dress Feels Like Wanted To Quit Reach 50,000 Downloads Under Cabinet Lighting Welcome to my blog Rejuvination Rejuvination Sims 3 Crazy nice bad mom challenge
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    Published November 15, 2022 •
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