Member Blogs

♥ Fantastic Baby.

I've been teaching myself meshing lately. It's not that hard.. but it consumes a lot of time. So it will.. take.. A LONG TIME.. before I'll be able to do anything fancy.. Currently only doing objects, so far.. Hahaha =o=' I think I'll put more effort into it, during the summerbreak. For now, I need to concentrate on school. 

Anyways, I'll be starting a few sim projects and probably 2 houses. Sim projects? Oh hell yes, I call them like that, because, these sims will be certain "characters" from, cartoons, games, you name it! Of course they are all personalized, since they are no realistic people.. Now you might be wondering what I'm going to do huh? Haha.

More information coming soon! Have an awesoke week, my cuties. ♥

Temporarily on Hold...

Well, I thank all those of you who have been supportive of me on my brand new quest to become a Sims creator and (hopefully) learn from the masters. Sadly, I will have to put my creating on hold temporarily. I'm in college and I'm a STEM major headed for grad school in a couple years, so my free time is virtually nonexistent during the second half of every semester.

Therefore, I will have to put off any further creating until May (when my summer begins.) - I already have some ideas and I hope to get some guidance from our masters on this site.... I'm still an idiot about meshing. lol -

I apologize to any of you that may have been waiting for me to post something new. Or... if nobody cares... I'm talking to myself... which I'm a fan of. lol.


Anyhow... happy simming and I hope to bring more of my amateur creations to the internet soon.


Thanks simmer peeps!


Love you all!


- Skycomet

Coast View

Coast View

Madlen Catarina Dress

Madlen Catarina Dress can be found HERE

Madlen Debora Bikini

Madlen Debora Bikini can be found HERE

Madlen Gabriel Shoes

Madlen Gabriel Shoes can be found HERE

A new link to my creations Facebookpage

Hey guys, 


With this post i'd like to forward you to my facebookpage for updates on my creations. All the new work in progress pictures and releasedate updates are posted there, If you "like" the page you can follow the updates in your news.


See you there!!


I believe I can fly!

It has been ages ago again since my last blogpost! My apologies :'(. Np, not many read these posts anyways! Hihihi.

My my my. It's been. A while since I've uploaded a new creation huh? Ahm.. Well what to say? Busy life.. Checking the tsr site at least once a day, but, my tumblrsite.. Not really. Haha. There's nothing left to say :D hm. Well, I'm considering to start posting more screenshots. Most likely you'll see sims and scenery shits. Because, my sims are hella pretty. OK? No need to discuss about it :3 

Have a beautiful day my dears!

For those who wanted to read

First of all, i need to apologize for not updating "Message in a Bottle" for so long.


I have personal problems as well as the game itself, so I can't continue the story for now. (I am also heart broken) -_-
But the good news is, the story was already finished as a novel. So, if you guys wanted to continue reading Erin's and Jasper's story, feel free to message me ^^
For my friends here at TSR, you can still keep in touch by messaging me on Facebook or Skype. (or if you guys wanted to give me a PM regards the story)

FB: just search for Juu Loctonagan
Skype: jeuel_PL

I'm really sorry about this, i just can't play Sims for now because of extreme lagging. But soon, i will buy another PC and re-install my game. though it will take time to download all my CC items again *Deep breathe, trying not to cry*

Plus, as for now, I am working as a visual artist on a TV station, so i am so so so so, busy and always tired. (Gawd, I missed being a freelance artist O_O)

So, about "Message in a Bottle" and "My Borrowed Heart" I will post the novel version of it on wattpad soon after I had time to update my profile there.
And, if you wanted to, I could also send you the screenshots of my Sims character versions of the people inside the story. (Like Jasper's family and Erin's)
I know, it'll be not the same but, please understand T_T

atleast you will know the end of the story. :)

So... that's it.

I'm truly sorry. I will catch up as soon as I am settled again.

Thank you for your support and concern!


Hi all!

I'd like thank everyone for lovely comments, friendship, support and ... downloads!
Hugs from Paola! ♥

I'm Back

I'm back and running the builders contest again in the forum. Come join me in Sims 2 and Sims 3 forum.


Koloro Desk Set


Sims 3!!!

Well I finally had some spare money due to some overtime at work and I finally purchased Sims 3 and World Adventures.  Stll putting custom content in the game and testing it.  I have A LOT to learn about Sims 3.  To me, it is VERY different from Sims 2.  I will eventually get all the expansions, especially Island Paradise but can't do much until I replace my Hard Drive.  It only a small one, 120G, which limits me with very little room after Windows 7....LOL.  My wonderful son, had found me a 1TB Hard Drive for an awesome price.  Now I just have to wait for him to come and install it and re-install Windows 7.  He wants to put Windows 8 on it but I think not.  Hope everyone is having a wonderful winter.  We here in WV has had a lot of snow this year.

Mephistopheles Boots

Mephistopheles Boots are now available on my tumblr page HERE

Megara Shoes

Megara Shoes are now available on my tumblr page HERE

2 New lots coming soon!



Im sorry! D: I usually upload a lot every two days,because I am crazy excited with this little "Lot" project I've started.

But,sadly,I couldn't publish any recently.Yesterday I uploaded 3 lots.I was super happy,but....they were all rejected for the same reason,the front view was too far from the lot.IT WASN'T! 

So...yeah,I'll take some more screenshots of each lot today and hopefully,this time,they are approved. :)

That's all (Wow,It's the first time I make a short Blog Post) :D


"We can be all poetic and lose our minds together

Hey :)

hey guys, i am Cat, or Cutii --whateva.

i have a twitter account called catsimmer. check it out plx haha :>


Here's a brief tutorial on how to change the creat a sim room.

Get your own valid XHTML YouTube embed code

Om nom nom... new work in progress

Om nom nom, new work in progress,... cupcakes coming to your sims houses..


Please like this facebook page to keep updated with all the new work i do.. javascript:mctmp(0);


Finally back!

Hi there!

As you may have seen today, I decided to make my comeback to TSR. Sadly my friend won't be with me this time and I'm not sure how much my life allows me to create. So the daily updates won't be possible any longer. Anyways, I hope you'll enjoy what I do!

A new rug set got published today, you can find it here.

See you around!


Ugh! *Rage*

Hi!!!,I'm angry.Just like that.I'm usually the happiest,craziest and weirdest girl alive I'm just angry. D:

And this unusual anger is because TSR Submission likes to mess with me.

First,when I was trying to upload a new lot,I couldn't! The site would freeze JUST after I clicked the "Upload" Button.UUUUGHHHH! 

But,apparently,that's not enough.After doing everything possible to unfreeze the site, I just closed it and opened it up again.

2nd Try: I put all the lovely screenschots,delete/hide the ones I hate don't want,wait because I don't have anything else to do do other things,

And when I'm about toupload the lot,as usual,I check the images one more time.When I do....THEY DUPLICATED!!!! Now I had,somehow,31 images in the file!This didn't fill up my Anger Bar that much,I was just....shocked.

But I knew I could easily delete them.So....I click in every image I need to delete,and click the button Update Item.What happens? IT FREEZES! UUUUGHHHH!


3rd Try: Again....I close and open TSR.This time,when I tried to upload the lot,everything when pretty well...UNTIL... (*dramatic music*) I checked my Uploads section.

It said I had uploaded 5 creations...and I hadn't.So when I checked I found that THEY HAD DUPLICATED TOO!  UUUUGHHHH! It was something like this:

File #1,The Empty File: It had no information....NOTHING

File #2,The Empty File-Part II : Same as above (Laaaame)

File #3,The Photographer File: This one was the file with 31 images!

File #4, The lost Empty Triplet: SAME.AS.#1.AND.#2. (Again??!!!)

File #5,The File: This one was the normal one :D



Luckily,I could submit File #5, but I still wanted to delete the rest,when I try to do so,what happens? IT FREEZES! And no,It's not my computer,because this one is new and pretty good.It's not my Internet connection,I have a good one and the router is literally at my side.IT'S TSR!  I don't know what happens....


Okay Guys! Hope you enjoyed my misery, I will post a Part II of this,because it's getting too long as always 


For now:


"We can be all poetic and lose our minds together"

Lily Love Lake was approved!


I have some great news to tell ya: My community lot Lily Love Lake (Dedicated to Lily_chan) was approved! 


It's going to be published in Feb 18th (tomorrow) and I'm very happy (as always haha)

Ok guys,that's all,I'm already thinking of making another house and maybe I'll make something like a....Wedding Park,maybe? 

Let me know what you think of that,and if you have any suggestions,feel free to leave me a PM or a comment in my Guestbook! I would appreciate it.


Love you all!


An Answer to My Blog

I recieved an email about my last blog post from TSR. Amazing because I thought nobody read these. It seems that there was a glitch in the TSR system that suspended my account. Whew, it seems they cared enough to send me an email. So I'm back!

Working on another project!

Hi!! <3

Happy Valentine's Day!! (It's February 16th,Valentine's Day is over!!!!!) I know,but still!

I even made you guys a Valentine's gift (Which was requested by lily_chan)

So,I just finished this gift and I'm ready to upload it.

Also,if you read my last post,you should know 2 things: That I recently published my first lot! (It's Colorful Feelings,a residential lot for your simmies :3) And that I also wanted to upload another thing,a surprise for you.But ended up being a surprise for me,because my creation was a complete FAIL (Loseeeerrrr)  :(

My surprise/failed creation was a Sim,but sadly,she was rejected *cries*

Anyways!!! I'm going to upload Lily Love Lake!!! a community lot inspired in Valentine's Day,so,watch out for that.


Okay,guys!! Thanks for all the sweet comments,thanks Lily for you suggestion


Gosh...the excitement

Hi guys! Tomorrow my first lot is gonna be uploaded,I'm very excited!!! \:\) Also,I'm waiting to see if my other creation is approved.For now,that one's a surprise,but most problably I'll tell you guys what it is,because I hate surprises!

One last thing,what type of lots do you like? (As long as they only need Base Game to be made,I can try to create them for you)


Little Hearts Set

Hairstyles, clothes etc. I've used on my previews

When I have submitted several creations to TSR the last few days, ~90% of the comments sounded like "OMG I WANT THIS HAIR!!! WHERE DID YOU GET IT FROM??" and I've mentioned a few times that I usually write all CC creators whose creations I've used in the previews down in the notes, but I still get lots of those comments. This is really annoying, so I strongly recommend you to READ the notes before you ask me about hairstyles etc. In my following creations I'll also link to the notes in my description and, please bare in mind, I WON'T answer any comments like this anymore!! Thanks for your understanding!!



HELP ... Internal Error 500 Message & Forum Problems!!!

Is anyone else experiencing issues with the site at this moment in time? I am seeing 2 issues at present:-

(1) In the Submissions Area i am receiving the "Internal Errror 500" message.

(2) I am also being asked to "log in" when i try and reply in the forums when i am quite clearly logged into TSR.

I have had the first error in the past & this has been resolved within a couple of days but this has been happening now since 8 February 2014. I am unable to post in the forums due to issue number 2. I have cleared my cookies and cache files, logged in and out of TSR and tried using a different browser and its still asking me to log in...???

The last time i managed to upload/submit anything to TSR was 31 December 2013 due to other commitments. I am unsure since then if there have been any issues regarding uploading that has occured? Can anyone advise me on this?

I have reported these issues on 8 February and numerous emails have been bouncing back and forth. I am very very grateful for all the advice i have been given but i am now becoming extremely frustrated with not being able to submit my items.

As i create for The Sims 2, i still use The Sims 2 Homecrafter Plus & i use Winrar to put all my Sims2pack and JPG files together. This has never been a problem since i started to create for TSR. The issues rise from server issues which are usually out of TSR's control.

I use the Submissions Area to upload and submit my creations. I have used this for many many years with and without its glitches too.

As advised i have tried to use the Filestorage area however, i am having trouble understanding how to use this system and for some reason it is not recognising my files. I was told i could use this system even though it falls under The Sims 3 category. Could it be because my Simpack files for for TS2 and not TS3?

I have just downloaded the TSR Workshop but i uninstalled it as it couldn't locate The Sims 3 game which i dont have as i create for The Sims 2 and not 3.

Can anyone provide me with basically an idiots guide on how to use the Filestorage area as i am really struggling.

I would post in the forums but i am unable too.

Your help, guidance and assistance would be gratefully appreciated.

I am unable to respond or see any private messages due to the log in issue.

Thank you for your time.





250 Days of Sims, my new tumblr


Welcome to 250 Days of Sim

This tumblr is to showcase my own personal archive of Sims screenshots from my days playing the game.

Things you should know about me:

  • I am a long time simmer, I played the first game back in August of 2002 and haven’t stopped since.
  • I was a story creator back in the Sims 2 era, my name then was Game13769.
  • I have an account on The Sims Resource where you can see more screenshots.
  • I am a 22 year old college student, studying Developmental Psychology

Things you should know about my Sims:

  • I like to play with legacies to most of the Sims you will see are in one family.
  • If you would like one of my Sims feel free to ask and I will try to find an outlet for you to download them from.

Things you should know about my game:

  • I use mods
  • I use a lot of custom content (If you have a question about where something came from feel free to ask and I will try to my best to find it)
  • If I get The Sims 4, there will be screenshots from that game too

Things you should know about my screenshots/tumblr:

  • I currently have over 150 screenshot on my hard drive and I’ll be posting at least one or two everyday but keep in mind I am a college student, with a boyfriend so certain things may take priority.
  • Most screenshots here are “natural gameplay shots”, no poses or animation mods. NSFW screenshots (and even SFW screens) are the exceptions.
  • NSFW and SFW screenshot will be tagged

Thank you for visiting, and I hope you will enjoy seeing these screenshots as much as I did taking them.

-inthebasementinthesky a.k.a Game13769 


Bad, Nisuki.. Bad nisuki..

It's a crime to do such a thing! ..

I've been looking at my stories and I noticed, I'm being veryyyy funny with my chapters. I noticed this...

23624 Endless - Chapter 7 | Submit x posted 07-02-2014  
23603 Endless - Chapter 7 | Submit x posted 31-01-2014  
23440 Endless - Chapter 2 | Submit 17 posted 17-11-2013  
23439 Dear You - Chapter 2 | Submit 8 posted 16-11-2013  
23427 Dear You - Chapter 2 | Submit 6 posted 09-11-2013  
23342 Dear You - Chapter 1 | Submit 35 posted 12-10-2013  

... Hehehe. 

The reason why there's a x on both chapter 7? Well, let's say that one was like, half finished, but then I had an entire new idea, so I decided to re-do it. Hahaha! Oke, I have to admit, it's not a good thing.. Though, I do enjoy reading those chapters back. 

Well, I'm going to head to bed now, and finish chapter 7 tomorrow ^__^ Have an awesome day and a great weak!


Monsters University - Request Open

So I've been puzzling a bit with the idea of making the characters from the wonderful Pixar animated movie, Monsters University. Though not them as monsters, but sims of course. Haha! ;D

So far I have planned to make Sully, Mike and Celia, and of course Randall! <3 

How do you guys like the idea? I will accept open for requests with these. how's the deal? Simple! 


You send me a PM telling me which one you'd like me to try and create, and I will decidate it to you of course. Quite simple right? Please do note that you cannot request either of the mentioned above, cause I am going to make them no matter what, haha~


Happy weekend everyone~ <3

First post of 2014

(〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ. Woow, my last post was like.. one month and some days ago! kufufu.. in 2013! 
Hopefully, everyone has been doing fine! Currently I'm busy with re-writing the drafts from chapter 7 of Endless. Man, how I love this chapter! What am I saying? I'm saying this about every chapter lately.. Lol!

Anyways, as you might know, or maybe not, I had one the third prize of the Holiday Spirit screenshot contest. And damn, this "VIP"-membership is actually quite nice. The pages seem to load much quicker than usually ;o If I could, I would buy this vip-member forever. LOL. ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

Have an awesome day ! x

February update

Happy February!

With rainy Janruary gone I'm feeling a bit more creative again so will be working on some new projects this weekend. Not sure where to go with this yet but current ideas are apartments, or clothes (one item I have ready but will probably make a set for Feb) or possibly swimwear. Any preferences or things you'd like to see please leave me a comment and I may change my priorities :)

Thank you to all my followers for keeping track on my page - I really appreciate your support, especially with the sims 2 taking a back seat to newer games. I still love it! :D Also thank you to everyone who takes the time to comment on my work, lovely to see :) 

In sum, new stuff is on it's way. Keep checking in! Thanks! Hope everyone has a great weekend! 

Annie xoxo

Desk Lamps

Desk Lamps


You can recolor my meshes as long as you credit me. Do not use my textures. Do not re-upload any of my creations.

Seven Day Lamp

Seven Day Lamp Set

I'm back!

Hi, all!

So it's been a LONG time since I was here last (nearly four years, I think!), and I'm very sorry for that. A lot of things happened, and life just sort of got in the way. I am about to start my second year of univeristy, so I haven't exactly had much time for simming, and I probably won't when study resumes again in March... but I'm making the most of it now. I have a few new creations to submit, which hopefully you will all enjoy, and I will try to keep up with TSR and my sims more often. :)

Also, a big thank you to everyone who left comments on my creations and stories while I was away - I just had a chance to read through all of them, and they absolutely made my day. :)

Sad News! Story deleted.

Hello fellow Simmers!

Not sure if anyone will read this, but... I have some news about my first and only story "Just a Kiss" that I posted last year. I had been working on it, but sadly didn't have the time or energy to really play and continue the story. Sorry about that, but my studying and real life keep me rather busy at the moment, with family stuff going on and exams coming up.... 

Now... unfortunately I am going to delete the story, because I can't continue. With the last update my game was broken and I had to re-install everything. Sadly I couldn't save the game from the story, so I can't really continue, because I don't really have the time, or muse to recreate everything, plus I probably wouldn't be able to. I am sorry :( 

For those of you who actually liked my story... THANK YOU! That really meant a lot to me. Maybe, during my next break from studying, I'll come up with a new idea and maybe start another story. I might just use the same title though, because I kind of had an idea in mind with this, but the beginning of the story was different from the original idea, so maybe I'll try it again with different characters. I don't know yet. Maybe. 

Thank you everyone! I hope you understand.

~ blackrose538


PS: By the way... there are some downloads on here, that I created, if you are interested. When I have some time and inspiration I will work on some new downloads as well, maybe a chic maternity dress or something like that. Sadly I can't create new meshes, haven't figured that out, but I can re-texture ;-)

The Seashore Collection

Introducing the brand new Seashore Collection by CrazyxChaosRaWr!

Modern beach homes that are right at the ocean's edge.


The Seahorse; 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom

Download it here!



The Jellyfish; 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom

Download it here!



The Angelfish; 1 bedroom, 1 1/2 bathroom

Download it here!



The Stingray; 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom

Download it here!


This is my first lot "Quaintance",Quaintance is a modernized loft occupies a small lot overlooking the whole town, and has a Masculine and simplified Appearance which is in contemporary way.this macho loft has been exquisitely designed with the style of German exquisiteness for male elite mainly. 

Latest Headlines

♥ Fantastic Baby. Temporarily on Hold... Coast View Madlen Catarina Dress Madlen Debora Bikini Madlen Gabriel Shoes A new link to my creations... I believe I can fly! For those who wanted to read Hi all! I'm Back Koloro Sims 3!!! Mephistopheles Boots Megara Shoes 2 New lots coming soon! Hey :) CHANGE THE CREAT A SIM ROOM... Om nom nom... new work in progress Finally back! Ugh! *Rage* Lily Love Lake was approved! An Answer to My Blog Working on another project! Gosh...the excitement Hearts Hairstyles, clothes etc. I've... HELP ... Internal Error 500... 250 Days of Sims, my new tumblr Bad, Nisuki.. Bad nisuki.. Monsters University - Request Open First post of 2014 February update Desk Lamps Policy Seven Day Lamp I'm back! Sad News! Story deleted. The Seashore Collection Quaintance
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