Member Blogs
Oh no - it's back!
Yes, it's me. I'm back, and I'm creating again!
Unfortunately, picture uploading doesn't seem to be working, but what I have in the pipeline is a set of industrial tanks of all shapes and sizes that will be great for anyone wanting a more urban/industrial look or are building a farm or other building that might need tanks. I have another lot in the Bridge Lane series coming (thanks for the requests on this - I'm really happy how popular this dark series has turned out to be, and a small, abandoned factory for those of you who enjoy downloading lots to renovate and make homes from. Finally, I have some steel truss girders and columns that can support floor tiles or be built free-standing. I'll likely do the same with some scaffolding and make that into a floor support set of the Cyclonesue kind. Have a great day and, as always, thanks for all your wonderful comments!
Back up and running! (windows 8) :)
Hi all!
So I have got my game running!! YAAAAAAY! (when I say running I mean it loads, and allows some gameplay longer than 1 minute!) SO I shall apptempt to start creating again!
This means a few changes, for my regular followers:
1) I have had to reinstall the games through origin - they didn't have all the packs I have bought on disk so I now have less expansion packs, this is good news for downloaders as my houses etc will require less packs.
2)some of the creations I had ready but hadn't photographed are lost to me :( as I can't transfer over my saves anymore.
But on the positiive side of things, I should be back in business!! :)
For those of you also struggling to get windows 8 to run the game: I contacted ea support online using the online messenger chat (really good system) and they gave me new game codes so I could get a digital copy to run through origin (the new download platform for ea) so basically now I no longer use the disks I had previously bought. I was able to install the new versions of the game (double deluxe as base now instead of the 4 disker!) and it has a few bugs in that the terrain in neighbourhood looks wrong and it would crash, but since installing some other packs and running them in windows 7 it seems to run ok once you're in the lot. I found trying to visit another lot crashed it. Also I had read somewhere about running it without your computer being connected to the internet so I'm taking no risks and running it with the laptop offline. I managed to play earlier without crashing until I tried to move lots. So far this is the best it's run on windows 8! I hope this helps those of you struggling like I was - it really is easy and worth talking to the ea support team online, they are really helpful :)
Happy simming xoxo
HAHAHAHA, so... I was checking the tsr-site on another laptop and I looked at my story, I noticed that the screenshots are much lighter than when I'm on my own laptop xD Same goes for Sudden End.. Or is it my laptop with low contrast stuff things.. idk how to call it.. lol.
I'm currently trying to finish Chapter 2 of Dear You. My stories are pretty detailed sometimes, but I want to keep the pace up. I'm able to say that chapter 2 is going to be way longer.. than every other chapter I've written before. So most likeily it's going to be more than 40 pages. maybe 50? maybe 60? I don't know! Hahaha. :) You'll see. But I think the reason why it's going to be long.. is that most of the screenshots don't always have a long text. But yea..
Have a beautiful day simmers! xx
Super ducklings!
... Ducklings are cute.
Anyways, I've been superb busy lately and I'm extremely tired, but I'll survive! Just saw that the first chapter of Dear you FINALLY is accepted. Took like 4-5 days o.o? The next chapter is on Halloween itselfs, but yea.. since the site change my planning for uploading the stories went different xD .. So the second chapter will be coming soon, though not on Halloween, while the story will be taking place during Halloween itself. Do you follow it? o.o Hahaha.
That's it for today! I'll have an economics test today. Oh gosh. Not sure if I actually learned it well..
Have an awesome day! xx
Dark Days...
Hello! I'm sorry for the delay of my next chapters, because right now, I am here at my province and my beloved PC was back home at my apartment. :p and oh, I'm going to re-install my Sims because I have some problems. -____-
Message in a Bottle Chapter 10 is almost done before I left home. I just need 5 screenshots but, my game is kind of being an arse. (maybe telling me to, take a break) :p
I celebrated my birthday last october 26 inside the Bus(10hours travelling). Q__Q
I'm supposed to spend it with my love ones but.. ehhh.
I have complicated family relationship, so I need to go back at our province for a while. haaaa, I miss my home Q_Q
For my stories, I will be releasing Message in a Bottle's chapters first. The next chapters will be in fast paced. If you wanted to read the whole novel story version of it, feel free to message me. There are lots of skipped scenes there since Sims has limitations as well as TSR. :)
About the My Borrowed Heart... I'm pretty excited about this story. I love the characters there! and I hope, you would also like them :3
It's the first story of my series. I will put the title of the series on the first chapter.
I had to re-create some of the characters there so, I deleted all my SS for the next 3 chapters. I will be re-shooting them when I'm home.
I hope you understand and wait for it. :o
By the way, the internet on our house was cutted-off and it's been days that the sun wasn't able to shine for me without it. yeah, dark ages without internet. HAHA XD
So, I will reply in your kind comments and messages soon.
Thank you for supporting! :D
unable to build
right now I am unable to build. Unfortunatly I broke two fingers, had to undergo surgery and still can not move my fingers/hand.
Really I would love to build but due to a huge cast I have to wear, even posting here one-handed is not fun. But, folks, I will be back! Thanks for all your nice and lovely comments. I really can not go back right now! Typing is really difficult.
So long I watch what you are up to, what you are building and creating. This is fun, too!
Biology, done. Mathematics come.
Halu, simmers~ ;) How are you guys doing? Do you lead a healthy life? Urm. By smiling and laughing and eating healthily of course! But, don't overdo it, especially smile and laugh. You may look insane at the first sight! hahaha. Anyway, today, I've done my Biology examination. There're 3 papers of it. And, what's important, one of the paper was quite tough. :) Essay. But, I don't care about that, as long as I feel satisfy about it. Right? :) Hehe, since Biology papers were done, Mathematic is coming tomorrow~ Jyeah! Already feeling the heat! :D And, Physics and Additional Maths are coming the next 2 days. and guess what, they're the last papers for this final exam and I'll be free~ *smile broadly* hahaha! But, for next year, I'll be taking my biggest ever examination in a life of a student! by taking the exam and get a flying color result, I can apply my studies in oversea~ Hee~ I'm hoping that I can further my studies to Australia...or Edinburgh...or just locally~ ;) Hmm, it's already 9:34 pm. Have to go now! ByeBye, fellas~ Sleep tight and have a sweet NIGHTMARE!
Coming Soon
As we all know, real life can sometimes kick you right in the teeth and keep you from your keyboard and mouse. I've had my fill of real life for a while, so I'm kicking it right back. :P As for lots...well, yeah. Been working on those too.
For example: I am just finishing the interior on a 64x64 lot so it should be out in a week or so after I give it a good test run. It's a 4 bed, 5 bath horse ranch with a pool and garden. I would post a picture, but they seem to be disabled right now with the move. No biggie. I'm sure that will be fixed soon. :) After that, who knows! Just got Island Paradise, so I suppose I should play around with some resorts, or underwater fun stuff. We shall see! Hope you like the new lot, and thank you for all of your kind words and encouragement! TSR community rocks!
Love and hugs -
Illiana of TSR
New Creations in due course ...
Hello everyone
I have not written a blog since May ... wow where has the time gone!
I have been designing new walls to share with you all.
Hope you like them.
Thanks for your continued support, its always appreciated.
It's time to send you all some fa-boo-lous Halloween wishes! Wish you lots of scary surprises ...
Totally loving the new TSR. I've been a premium member for a few months and I'm stoked it's free for everyone now. :)
Has the Sims Resourse just gotten even better? I have just looked at stuff, and it seems like they have made everything free, is this true? Please can someone comment here and tell me if this is true?!
I just want to know because I want to download everything here, as there are so many great ones on the premium downloads, and I can't afford Premium, so if this is happened, I will be so happy.
Though the site changes aren't that bad, there's no submit button for stories or screenshots and I can't even comment on them either!
I hope they just forgot about it and will add these options soon xD
Well. I'm tired. mother nature did her stuff again. *sigh*
I'm currently building a small beach house! Though it's fall.. hahaha xD!
New look of TSR? T^T
I hate the new look, whyyyyyy? :( I can't even find where are my stories and all, it's just so confusing and eewwhh. :(
It's like it's going backwards not forwards, ugh!
That's all I wanted to share with you, what do you think about it? T___T
Hi everyone i hope to start making new houses soon. A lot of thing have happen in these last 4 years. That has kept me from creating. Plus I lost my pc and had to get a new one this time i when for apple and i love it but still learning how to work it but i will never go back to pc. i still have my other one and fix but only caregiver goes on that one when mom is sleep. So I hope ot have a new home up in the next month or two.
I think I've prepared my math test good.. But what if I get a black out and forget everything?
Oh gosh. Oh gosh. I'm already starting to panick. T_____T !!!!!! After school. today.. I will have plenty of time again to stroll around TSR! I'll be replying to all the lovely comments, guestbook and private mails! :D + I need to catch up on some stories, and I see some reallyy nice new ones! :O I hope school finishes quickly today! Hehehe.
Have an amazing day! xx
FS Design - The Green Mile Subway Station Set
FS Design Franchising monopolized the smallest spots in town by winning a competitive bidding for the subway stations, creating a whole new concept for the way your Sims travel. FS Design - The Green Mile Subway Station Set: six cute subway stations matching the subway’s color, for those crazy about color coordination.
They all have every item Simoleons can buy (each one of them with different registers), toilets (for your Sim’s needs), a comfy couch (for your Sims to hangout, rest or date), and a guitar (so your Sims can perform for tips even if they forgot their guitars at home). FS Design - The Green Mile Subway Station Set: tiny little shops nicely done and beautifully decorated on a 15 X 10 lot, so you can place them everywhere in your city. Enjoy!
FS Design - The Green Mile Subway Station Set
- Set 01 – The Green Mile Cafe Station (Food Register)
- Set 02 – The Green Mile Book Shop Station (Books Register)
- Set 03 – The Green Mile Pub Station (Nectary Register)
- Set 04 – The Green Mile Relics Station (Relics Register)
- Set 05 – The Green Mile Boutique Station (Consignment Register)
- Set 06 – The Green Mile Toy Store Station (General Store Register)
No CC and no EA Store.
Stop Publishing A Stranger In My Apartement
Hello everyone.
It's long time no see you guys. And this is my first blog post, so I will introduce my ID first.
Call me Ladybug ^^ or Aki-chan.
This may be shocking and dissappointing the story's readers :'( but I have to tell you guys.
I may be discontinued my first story :(((((
It's because I've reinstalled the game. And all of the similar contents to the story was gone.
Really sorry guys. But I will write another story.
And this time, I will colaborate my game with my friend's story.
See you around!
New set and an update for the Silvania Umbrella!
So I've just finished up second half of the silvania garden furniture! YAY :D You can look forward to a sofa wicker set and a DOUBLE lounge chair! wewt wewt :p
Umbrella update: I've fixed the texture so that if you're using a striped texture it wont go across the entire cloth, but will show in triangles for a more natural look.
I've also added some cloth folds to the corners and made a new low detail mesh.
So make sure to download the new version when it becomes available!
Ugh, I have a massive headache =.=' Currently I'm learning for my english test tomorrow. Untill thursday I won't be really fast with replying or updating anything. Due to more tests x.x After that! I'll be able to work on new stuff!
Like Finishing two chapters of Dear You, Re-doing my sim "Euni", And a new house! Hehehe ^-^
Well I'm going to continue with learning. The gerund isn't hard.. But it's quite confusing when I have to translate it from Dutch to English. Haha xD
Have a beautiful day! xx
*Yawns* 23:00.
My mom is looking at me with this creepy face.. It's as if it's telling me like. 'Go to bed.. or else..'
It seriously gives me more creeps than a horror movie o.o; LOL.
Anyways, I was doing some stuff and then I noticed something. I didn't know that Cecile Walsh was on the homepage as a featured thingie? .. Oh my gosh. It's weird, though. I mostly made her with standard sim game items.. But I don't mind. Hahaha, but she doesn't look fancy between all those other amazing stuff hahaha xD
BUT I'M PROUD. Good job Cecile. I'll look for a nice house for you to live in! :P
I think going to bed ain't a bed idea. I'm well prepared for my German test tomorrow! So hmm.. My mom's still staring at me.. Yea I sit in the living room with my laptop. I'm always there, most of the time.. It's more fun than sitting all-day long in my own room xD + easier when my friends come over. My room's a mess, they better don't stay in there for too long, otherwise they'll probably faint. LOL, nah just kidding. my room is neat.. Really neat! :3 ... Who am I kidding? xD
Well, sweetdreams, eventhough it might be morning for you already or it's still the afternoon.. timezones. What a wonderful thing! xD Byebye! xx
Oh god!!!!
SO hard to use TSR when you're french!!
I don't know why my profil's informations don't wan't to display.
Idon't know yet how to see other member's profil :/
Well my first post! I'll do better the next time!
Fixin' my slow Sims 3 game.
Hello! I'm currently fixing my Sims because I think I had downloaded some Bad sims3pack. Right now, I've found a method to check bad sims3pack and it also helps to speed up the game.
I can't do SS for my stories because of my Sims, so I took a whole day trouble shooting.
If you have the same slow sims problem, please continue reading:
I'm currently doing the conversation now and here's the link for the method: (don't worry, it's a safe site)
It's a method where .sims3pack files are converted to .package because having so many separated files can cause your game to slow down and causes lags.
Here's some useful tips for using s3pe:
-don't forget to back up!~
-After you have converted via elphy's Sims3pack Multi-extractor, m don't forget to check the (Rename all files Save) or else, your package will be renamed as codes, it's hard to keep track to them in the future. Then, make sure to check for corrupted files using Delphy's TS3 Dashboard Tool and disable corrupted files even though it was the one who look so nice. you need to let it go so you can fix your game. *^*
-A tip for fast coversion of multi-package into one package:
*Go to the folder where you saved the converted .sims3pack into .package.
*divide the files into 150-200 files per folder.
++Reason? because it will take a lot of time the program to finish merging the .packages.
++When you are saving the file, you may encounter a (Not responding) note, but ignore that, do a net surfing to pass the time and wait for it to respond again. If you closed it via taskmanager, you will get an uncomplete .package and may cause you to lose CC. That is why I reccomend to mere100-200 files per session.
*Oh, don't forget this option at s3pe: Select no when prompted to auto-save after each imported package.
Put the files into your mod folder. Enjoy!
Oh, my Sims feels like new after I have disabled the corrupted files and bad CC's
Monday 17:47.
IM TIRED. After I finish this post I'm going to take a shower =.=' After that I'll reply to every lovely TSR-member who made comments/guestbookposts and give my thanks ^_^
After that.. I think I have to learn for my german words test tomorrow.. Aber nein.. T__T; Maybe work a little bit on Dear You - Chapter 1. And thinking about the new house I'll be building :3 . Not sure what I'm going to do with my Fairy, Euni, but I'm probably going to change her hair and make up stuffles. Though I still need to check if I'm allowed to use Beo's dress.. We'll see :D
Oh wait, one more thing! I think it was Euni's hair which caused her to be rejected.. Though I'm really getting confused with reading this TSRAA stuff.. @___@ ;
Hello, everyone. I suppose i should apologize for the relatively late release of my recent collection. I call it a distraction. They call it a fugue state. I'm kidding, by the way. But i can at least say that I wasn't in top shape for building meshes the past few months, and so was my laptop. So I had to study Level 1 object creation all over again as well as recall the kitchen collection that I intended to release after my Project 1827 Solenoid.
Then there's this fuss about The Sims 4. Right now I'm wondering if I should buy into the advertising, but I do think it's cool especially now that Maxis is working on it again. So I'm saying that its possible that I would give up on The Sims 2 and make the shift to that new one, since my laptop may not be able to handle or will have a hard time handling both games. I can only be so patient until I get a better one.
Finally, I think you've all noticed how awful my good ol' machine's anti-aliasing faculty is. My easiest option would be to render the previews outside of the game with the other software that I have. Of course, the previews then would not be exactly the same as how you would find them in the game and may even begin to raise doubt on the functionality of my works since you don't get to see them as they'd be in the game. So I'm sticking to in-game previews for now, until i get so disappointed with the anti-aliasing that I'd stomp back to my lab, take some snapshots of my prototypes, and do the post-processing because my standards are normally way up. But, yeah, I'm still new to the industry/ a designer-in-the-making so you really can't expect anything too spectacular from me just yet. :)
Thank you for your patronage, as always!
So, I just published my house. I hope all goes well and it's approved!! I'm so excited for this. I really hope you all will like it.
Busy Bee !
Though the bees are slowly going away nowadays. Let's say hello to the cold weather! HELLO! @_@
Anyways, Cecile Walsh has been accepted, but.. My lovely Fairy Euni not.
It seems I used a CC which the creator doesn't allow me? Though I used the skin before..
Is it really one of the make-up stuff I downloaded from TSR itself? Or it's the hair from Skysims?
I don't know! T__T I guess I'll be re-doing her a little bit and try for upload later. No idea when, since school started again. I'm not doing bad, but I don't want to slack off xD Yea I'm such a good student. *cough* ^-^ ... Anyways, I'm like.. on 1/3 of the first chapter of Dear You. Yea, that might take some time too.. But I'm SUPER SURE! I'll be finishing the first two chapters sooon. Why? IT'S FOR HALLOWEEN. Hahaha XD!
That's it for now! Sorry sorry, I'll be replying to messages and such later. x.x
I had to work longer than expected and yea school as I said before. =-=' Oh well, noworries, it doesn't change how much I appreciate your kind comments and guestbookmessages! And of course some of you the forum mail ;) !!
Have an awesome week and a beautiful start! xx
Goodmorning! 9:17AM.
I was such in a rush yesterday.. That I immediately submitted 2 sims.. I forgot only 1 each day, was allowed. Hahaha ^___^ Anyways, there's this generally looking base-game girl, as you can see now. (Cecile Walsh) Yea she might not look fancy with that hair, change it into one of yours and the magic will be there :P I made her with a small, oval face.
The another one is a supernatural one. A fairy girl. (Euni Tippens) She does has a certain hair. It's free from Skysims, you'll see it soon. Hopefully :P I made her with a round face. Hehehe ^o^
Currently, I just saw that the intro was published. So I guess I'm going to start with the first chapter. ^__^ Well, that's it for today! I think.. o.o
Have an awesome day! xx
Advantages of single speed bike
Single speed bike got its
name for its functionality that is it utilizes single gear ratio. Such bikes do
not have hub gearing, derailleur system or various other kinds of gearing as
different bikes do. They are available in a variety of kinds such as mountain,
road, trek as well as hybrid bikes. Majority of the bikes that are available
for children comes in the category of geared bikes. Many cyclists choose to go
for this kike as it is very easy as far as maintenance is concerned and the
cost of it is also reasonable.
If you are searching for the riding option to school or college then single
speed bike can be the alternative to go for. This is the kind of bike that is
preferred by most of the people. The main reason behind this is that there are
no cables and thus no shifting gears at the time of biking. These bikes are a
great option for the newbie's and also for the people that want a simple option
for biking.
Another reason that entices people to go for fixie bike is that it requires
less maintenance. In case you have a complex bike you will have to take too
much care of the gear and the parts. When there are many parts you will be have
to be more responsible for fixing the problems that might take place. When
there are many parts in the bike you will be required to keep more check over
it. It also means more weight. Hence in comparison to the complicate bike fixed
gear bike are simple to maintain and handle.
Riding a fixie bike is a no-brainer task. All you need to do is pedal for
moving forward and hit the brakes when you wish to stop. One thing you need to
be keep in mind is that this fixie gear bike is suitable for smooth road only
and not to be rode on various terrains.
This type of bike is also the best option for racers as they move on a flat
path and paved roads. Racers are among those people who buy this kind of bikes the
most because of its simplicity and low maintenance as it helps them practice
more and spend less time of fixing the parts and cables.
Apart from racers, this fixed gear bike is also a great option for a beginner.
In case you are a beginner and getting your first bike, and then the fixie
would be the best option. You can take the bike anywhere you want as long as
the road is flat and smooth. Wearing correct kind of clothes is crucial when
you are riding fixie bike. The reason behind this is to make sure that there
are no uncertain circumstances at the time of riding the bike because of the
wrong attire that you have worn.
House Is Finally Done
I'm so happy to have finished building and decorating this house. I almost thought my computer was going to die on me lol Just gotta clean it up now and make sure everything is accessible for you guys. Hopefully, it will be uploaded sometime today. I hope you all will like it.
Submitting UNFURNISHED versions
At the moment, my main priority is to upload unfurnished versions of my houses. This is due to the fact that most of my furnished lots are made available exclusively to subscribers, and I would rather it if everyone could have access to them (especially since I am not a subscriber myself!).
Happy Simming! :)
Hello everybody~!
So! I've been playing around with my simmies and yea. I'll be uploading two sims very soon! At first I only planned to do one, but I was in such a CAS-mood.. I made another one. Lol. 1 is alright with base game only, the other one is a fairy. So if you have supernatural, you'll be fine I guess? xD
Currently.. I haven't made a huge proces with my new story. I am playing around a bit and I'm thinking about the characters' personalities, but I think I'll continue for real when the approval of the introduction has been done ^__^ ! Okee, so that's it for today I guess?
Have an awesome day! xx
What I'm working on..
This is what i have pretty much been working on! My new hairstyle.
Creating hair isn't a walk in the park, it takes lots of adjusting, and
getting the texture just right haha.
But this should be released no later than next week if
i complete it in time:) So far all thats left is adjusting some textures,
and fixing the top!:D Comment to tell me whhat you think!
the last canvas continued
my online novel, 'the last canvas', has continued on its own blog:
I'm thankful to TSR for having given me the start for this novel, but from the start the gay storyline and the age of the characters and the plot of a story spawning over 40 years -- everything was intended for a mature audience and a different format of story telling, and that's why I've moved it away from here. I could also include a song theme to each chapter and another very soft soundtrack for the blog.
I hope you'll enjoy it!
thank you.