Member Blogs
First House!
Hey guys, I know that my page is pretty empty right now and I'm sooo sorry about that but the good news is that I've been working very diligently on this small project of mine which is a new house. I'm so excited about it. I think it looks pretty decent so look out for that real soon. :-)
❤. And so, it ends.
Bye bye, Sudden End. I've really had fun writing you! Massive thanks to everyone who has been reading it! Love love love love you! ❤
Now.. It's time for Dear You. I'm really enjoying writing this story and taking the screenshots, since I'm actually a huge lover of fantasy and horror stuff. *slyly smiles* The "new" introduction for it has been submitted, I really wanted to start from scratch. I truly hope you'll enjoy the story just like me ^-^
I just saw that my downloads increase everyday with 10-20 downloads? Oh, funny.. Hahahaha xD! I'll be uploading a new sim soon. At first I would do a house.. But I lost the house during my lovely game problem *sigh* I'll be making a new one later.
Have a beautiful day! ❤
while riding a fixie what you should know?
In case you are wondering that there are more two wheelers on the road as compared to four wheelers, and then there is no need for you to worry as you are one of those fortunate ones who do not have to scrimp and save money for gas. With a number of drivers getting a hole in the pocket with the rising fuel prices, it was the right time to find something economical in order to drive to work and back.
Least maintenance and easily customizable single speed bikes are the most
classic style of riding a bike. This is the kind of bike that a number of
people love to ride including the racers. Many people already know how to ride
the fixie bike while on the other hand there are many who would love to learn
to ride this bike if they were ever given a chance.
Riding a single speed bike is though very easy but still it is important to
remember a lot of different safety tips while you actually ride. You might feel
good and even look good at the time of riding this bike but it is very
important for you to stay safe on the road in order to enjoy your ride for a
long time. The main tip that you need to consider at the time of riding this
kind of bike is to control the bike by pedaling as well as keep avoiding
coasting as it is the primary instinct of the rider.
Practicing and knowing about the starts and the stops is a very primary requirement
that you should be clear about. This means that you need to learn the skill of
slowing down where necessary. The main reason behind this is that you have the
option of not using the brake and thus learning the skill of stopping by back
pedaling is important for you to learn. Though, it is important that you
install a front brake even if you have become a master in skidding to stop the
It is a wise option to make certain that your frame makes use of horizontal
drop outs in order to adjust the chain tension appropriately; this will help
the wheels prevent from coming off the bike when you have to make an unexpected
At the time of buying the single speed bike for the first time, one of the most
important considerations that you need to make is about the gear selection as
this is one thing that will dictate how your ride would be. Before you start
your ride, make certain that there is nothing entangled in your chain that
might cause accidents or injuries. Also the shoes that you are wearing while
riding the fixie should not require shoelaces as the shoelace might get
entangled in the wheel and cause accident. Make sure that you wear shorts of
tight pants and make use of clip less pedals so that you feet do not slip off
the pedal. Always ensure safety first.
To get any type of information about fixed gear bike Read here.
Building on a Budget!
I have just submitted my fourth lot, Vista Del Mar. This is the largest home I’ve built, and as in real life, it was a challenge to keep it within “budget”.
In real life, you are limited by the amount of money available for construction. You must make trade-offs between what you really want and what you can afford. Do you really need that fifth bedroom? Can you live without the pool house and gym? And, you must spend your decorating dollar wisely, splurging only on those furnishings that will have the greatest impact on your design.
The same is true in building Sims 3 houses for TSR, except that instead of money, you are budgeting file size. You must stay within TSR’s 50MB upload limit. Unless you are planning to submit your lot unfurnished, you have to limit the size of your home to what you can afford to furnish, so the choices you must make are very much like those you make in real life. Do you really want to spend your precious MBs building the pool house or on decorating your home?
To stay within your 50MB budget, you must limit your MB “spending” to the choices that will best achieve the overall look you want. In choosing furnishings, you need to consider that custom content takes up much more file space than EA’s in-game items and that the MB “cost” of similar custom objects (two beds, for example) may vary widely. Also, subsequent copies of an object cost less than the first copy so using multiple copies of the same object can actually be more cost effective than individual copies of different objects. (Obviously, I haven’t tested this on every item but it generally seems to work that way). And, finally, the size of the file is not necessarily based on the size of the object. Often, files for relatively small, highly detailed objects that offer many variations, such as pictures and rugs, may actually be larger than files for much bigger objects, such as beds and sofas (thanks to AnoeskaB for this particular insight).
Monitoring your lot’s file size and the impact of your various construction and decorating choices is not as easy as it sounds. However, the last thing you want to do is to wait until you finish your perfect house to discover that you are way, way over budget (like 90MB!!). So, periodically during the building and furnishing process, you will have to check your lot’s file size. The only way I’ve found to do this is to export (i.e., share) the lot and then go to your export folder and check the size of the file. How often you need to do this depends on what you’re building and how close you are to the 50MB limit. You also need to know the size of the files for custom content objects to decide which is the best “investment”. Again, the only way I know to do this is to download the objects and then go to your download folder and check each object’s file size. You can assume that any EA in-game item has a smaller file size than a similar custom content item, but, as far as I know, the only way to determine its actual file size is to check the overall lot export file size, first without, then with the item.
While time-consuming, this process wouldn’t be such a bother if it weren’t for EA’s temperamental programming, which “stops responding” at the drop of a hat. It thoroughly dislikes it when you move back and forth between windows, i.e. the game and your export or download folders in Windows Explorer. Too many trips and it’s likely to just quit on you. Of course, you could check file size via the game launcher. The Upload tab will list the file size for exported lots and the Download tab will show the file size for the custom content you’ve downloaded. But, I’ve found that switching between the active game and the game launcher takes longer and is more likely to end in disaster than moving between the game and Windows Explorer (at least it does on my computer). Whichever way you do it, take it from someone who has learned the hard way—save, save, save, and save again!
Thanks for taking the time to read this. I am sure this is nothing new to the experienced builders out there but I hope it helps another novice like me. Maybe staying within budget will become more intuitive with experience. I hope so. But, if anyone out there knows an easier way to build large, fully furnished houses within the 50MB budget, I would love to hear from you!
New Story Commin' up...
While waiting for Message in a Bottle: Chapter 9's approval, I re-submit a story titled: My Borrowed Heart.
I already submitted it before when I was waiting for Message in a Bottle: Chapter 4.
Though, it was rejected because of some screenshot. I decided to not to submit it again, but as I am waiting for my first story's chapter approval, I re-did my new story. I hope it would not get rejected, again. haha!
This new story has a huge part on Message in a Bottle.
Expect some similarities of some details on both stories, because they are connected. :D
I do hope before I could take a 1-week leave, the next chapters will be out soon.
Chapters would delay because I need to go home to my hometown.
This weekend, I'm going to my friend's house because we are having our triple birthday celebration and Grand Eyeball for our game's guild. It's pretty exciting but I will be out for a while.
Not to mention, my friends that I'm going to are the ones who just hate me going back home. They would try a sneak attack to hold me up for few more days. haha. :D
If only I could carry my whole PC set, but the travel's pretty faaaar~
I hope you would understand the future delays.
Happy Simming~
Hello you!
So yea I think my game's normal again, though the quality of the screenshots seem to be different and I lost some clothes.. So yea...... (I've no idea what my game settings were *sigh*)
The Finale of Sudden End, is still with screenshots before my game rampage.
I'm starting from scratch with "Dear You" So you'll see another introduction soon.
I decided to keep it simple now, insteed of confusing people. Hehe :3!
Well, that's it for now! Have a beautiful day! Byebye.
Finally, the story will be approved. :3
I AM SUCH A DUMB DUMB PERSON. The staff have sent me three emails where they say why do they reject it and I haven't even seen that!
Stupid Maria, argh. T^T
So now, I've edited it and removed the sentence that was not appropriate, and hopefully it'll be approved. ♥
I just wanted to apologize here, and thank Audrey May for understanding THAT I'M DUMB! DUH! >.<
Thank you TSR staff for everything. ♥
Until next blog post, see ya! :3
Holy bananas..
I'm not sad at all anymore that I lost some CC, because, wow.. I love my new simmies @___@!
Wait.. I always say that I love them.. Hahaha xD Anyways. currently looking for the perfect lots,
and then I'll be writing a short introduction of Dear You. Yup I'm really starting from scratch!
Sorry for the long wait for any of my chapters! Sudden End's Finale is taking a long time to get approved xD
Have a beautiful day!
Fixie bikes: choose one for you!
Fixed gear bikes are useful for various purposes. These bikes can surely offer you great safety. Some time before these bikes where used by mailman and newspaper delivery people. But then now with the extra exercise factor there are many city dwellers too who are choosing the same. Apart from that these bikes are in high demand from young crowd and beginners. There are many reasons but the exercising aspect has always been the major reason.
If you are also a beginner and do not know how to ride the bike and also do not
wish to fall off a cliff then choosing these fixies would be a great idea. In
order to ride this bike then you will be required to paddle it for moving forth
and apply break in order to stop. Fixie bike is being used by the many
professionals these days and it is not only used for kids. It is not suitable
for a hilly region and a mountain terrain and thus you should not ride it in
such areas. In case you ride in such areas then the possibility of falling from
the bike is high.
One other benefit or a positive aspect why lot of people still use these fixed
gear bikes is because you can reach your destination well in time. With this
bikes speed and pedaling can be manipulated very easily. Here in many cases you
will have to see that when you are riding these bikes you be careful. This is
because as this bike does not have any brakes at times stopping it would become
difficult. Before you start using it on roads it would be good if you try it
out in open space and get a proper hang of it. It is just then that you will be
comfortable riding it in public or then where ever there is a lot of traffic.
When you want to buy fixie for sale you will come across many providers of it.
Before buying just make sure that you do your research well. This refers that
you find the right information on it and check out what you search for at the
time of purchasing it. With this you will be able to get great functionality
after buying it. Remember not to take decisions in haste while buying the
fixies. At the time you know how to ride it well riding fixed gear bikes would
be a great fun. With this you will be able to reach the destination you want on
time although there is more traffic on the road. Just pedal a little fast stop
where necessary and you will be at your destination safely.
To know more read this post.
Argh no! I've wanted to upload the tattoos for you, but somehow it won't let me upload the zip-file, neither directly from my computer nor from the file storage on TSR Dx I am very unhappy about it since I really want to share my tattoos with you!
Anyone who might know why I can't upload it?
Twiddling thumbs...
As for today, I'm planning on releasing some special story but I'm too caught up with making Message in a Bottle.
Message in a Bottle was originally a finished novel of mine, because I converted it to Sim story, I cutted some parts there because it will take so much chapter to get to the main and exciting parts.
I am still making that book's cover and planning of printing the book after I've finished making the Sim version of it because, I wanted to put Erin and Jasper's Sim versions inside of it. ^^
I also have a long line for next stories after the End of Message in a Bottle.
There is also a series commin' up.
I'm excited for Message in a Bottle: Chapter 9~! It was my favorite part and I hope you'll like it.
But if you didn't, that's okay because I did all my best to make that chapter and I have no regrets! xD
I feel so contented after I finished making that chapter.
The next chapters will be on fast-paced, because I wanted to start the romance slow... making the readers get to know about the character first. I wanted to make them... alive. Not just a mere characters of a story. but I wanted a world where every character inside the book has their own lives and stories.
I wanted to create a life at least in my dream world. ^^
It's my first time releasing my story publicity. I am writing for years and I don't have that many friends who are interested in books as much as I do. I'm glad to know other people with the same hobby as mine and even though most of you are at another edge of the world as I am, it gives me happiness to know that my story are appreciated by strangers like you. And those strangers became my friend. (I think I'm going too emotional or heart-talking, whatsoever.haha!)
Nah, it's just me who just finished writing a heart-warming manuscript. xD
Happy simming!
Let me introduce myself
Hiya everyone~
I don't really know what ot start with or what to say, but I've been a huge Sims fan all from the stort from Sims 1. I enjoy making stories about my Sims, and actually make them seem even more alive.
I've been avid lot artist for many years of playing sims 2 and created many neighbourhoods and universities myself and for my friends just for fun. I have never shared any of my creations online before, but after starting Sims 3 for real, and being around TSR daily, I've considered showing a few of the homes I've made.
I am also an avid fanfiction writer and simply adores anime (Japanese cartoons if someone's in doubt) and it has become a style for me and my Sims.
But enough about that! Please call me Lily as it is the name I go under around the web. Due to many years on the web, I often refers to myself in third person.
Have a nice day/night everyone <3
Account Name Change!
Hey people, so you might have noticed I have a new account name! :wub: I made this account what.. 8 years ago? and I havent used Kitriana as a name in 5 years, so I felt a change was in order <3
Hope this doesn't create too much confusion!
Hugs Angie
Invalid format?
Hey guys!
My wolfhybrids are done! But when i want to put them up it says my .rar image has an invalid format or something does anyone have the same issue? I can't fix it ...
Plz help me? :o ( sorry for my bad english :) )
Xxxxx <3
It seems like I really lost all my sims and lots. *sadface* Currently recreating all my simmies. The house I was planning to upload soon is gone too, so yeaaa.. u.u Oh well, time to twitch and play with the CAS =D
*SIGH* I did finish chapter one of Dear You. But I guess I'm going to delete all the Dear You's and start from scratch. It doesn't really matter since I enjoy doing it ^-^ Please bear with me for waiting so long~!! I guess.. Because I'm in the CAS mood, I will upload a simple simmie. ;3
Have an awesome day! *hugs*
Waah! Me happy.
hehehehe.. Even though I had to re-install my game, I didn't lose a lot of CC! WOO HOOO. Happy me ^o^ But I DO need to recreate my sims.. and I did lose all my lots T__T ; *SIGHS* ; I guess, I've got some work to do now! .. Okee, there's nothing left I need to say. Have an awesome day!
Creating again
As you maybe have noticed I have started to create again for Sims 3 again after some time of absence. I lost all interest at the beginning of this year and considered myself done with the game. Apparently the game wasn't done with me, lol. Anyway, it's nice to be back again.
Nisuki uses super sad face. :(
So yea.. I have to re-install my game. That ain't a problem.. But.. I did lose a lot of CC.. Oh dear.. Just.. WHY!! WHY!! WHY!! ARGH *slams laptop* T^T
Oh well.. I do want to continue with the story "Dear You" . Thought, the characters might look different than in the introduction.. *SIGHS*
I kind of.. Maybe.. Messed up my sims 3 game.. I'm not sure yet.. If that's indeed the case.. I'll lose all my CC. Ok, not all, since I do have a map somewhere with some CC, but not all. Horrible! I'm happy that I DID finish the last chapter of Sudden End, but I also finished the first chapter of "Dear You." But If I really lose all the CC. I'm not sure if the right files will still be there for Dear You.. Oh wells, I only need to re-take the screenshots, but that's soooo hard to have the same shots! Oh gosh. Nisuki, you did a great job =.= Hopefully, I didn't lose the CC. Hopefully...
First Blog Entry~ Stuff is on it's way!
Hello all,
I have been looking through tons of creations on here and I have a pretty good idea on what I will be creating.
I would like to say that I will probably be doing clothing first and then moving on to objects, etc. Although I have a good amount of experience 3D modeling I'm still unsure of what to make, what size to make it, and all of that good stuff.
I definitely am new at this...but I plan on getting better--after all my dream career is a game designer. :)
Any tips/suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I get started on my way to becoming a TS3 CC developer.
Hi everyone. It's been a long time since I've posted a story, and finally I've finished it and post it on October 7th. I waited for them to approve and after 4 days, October 11th THEY REJECT IT? :(
I was so sad, and now I re-submited it AND I HOPE they will approve it because I really worked hard for it, I like the text and the screenshot and I'm just SO SAD. ToT
*Please approve my story Mr and Ms TSR* ~~ praying <3
I just wanted to say this, sorry again. :(
Much love, Maria ^w^
passed 100000 downloads :)
Hello followers,
Update in honour of suppassing 100000 downloads:
Sorry for my long absence! Have started a new job/new home etc AND new computer which currently I can't get my game running on properly. Thank you all for continuing to check in on my page, I shall be attempting to get back in to things soon. Probably not for a week or two, but come back then!
It may be in the end that I can only get the base game running, in which case my uploads will be available to more people, but probably not as good (e.g. houses). I have not given up yet! Just been very busy relocating!
Thanks for checking in :)
Annie xoxo
Fall--and all its holiday themes...
It's officially fall where we live. The high temperatures are in the 80s (we'll get cooler by the end of the month, but summer means 90s and 100s!) and the lows in the 50s, the pumpkin flavored coffees are out, the autumn-themed beers (for which DH is so grateful) are on the shelves, and I have dug my ratty pink fuzzy slippers out of storage. IT'S FALL!
I've seen a few people blog about the new season and I agree with them--with a season comes new inspiration! Smells, sights, sounds ... and feelings. There is a famous Halloween attraction near where we live--a haunted house--that I've never worked my nerve up enough to go see. However, as I listened to the radio the other morning, I heard one of their advertisements and was struck with--you guessed it--inspiration. It's time for Halloween!
Jalee and I have been working on our latest themed lots--mine is set to release on Oct 16, and Jalee's glam gothic mini Victorian (if you haven't heard, we have a series of 10x10 lots that we call our "Home Sweet Home" collection) should release soon after that--I know she's been working hard on it and will submit it soon.
I really do love ALL the seasons, but there is a new excitement when each one starts. For today, I shall celebrate in my awful slippers and a cozy sweatshirt with my pumpkin coffee.
Happy Simming...
Install or Re-Install?
I wanted to update my sims to the newest 1.57 patch but I am having a problem because my Sims is istalled at different drive. T___T
I'm currently downloading the movie pack just to update my game, and if I succesfully updated through that process, I'd be really happy because I will save a lot of time and effort re-installing the WHOLE game. O___O
It would delay my next chapters if I have to re-install everything. I hope it will turn out fine.. Oh please Lordy~!
I'm excited about the next chapter, hopefully I could finish fixing my game so, I could get back to work! ^^
I managed to move all my super-huge-memory-eater-but-so-awesome-you-can't-delete, CCs to my other drive for smoother gameplay.
I hope everything turns out well. yaa~
Happy Simming~
About my male sim-model
Hi everybody!
I'd like to tell you about the male sim showing my creations.
His name is Victor, and he is a vampire with a very long biography. I've made him in times of clear base game when there was no add-ons and stuffs. Of course, his image has been improving together with the game. It started with a standard hairstyle and clothing, but now Victor has an elegant and complicated image thanks to different custom content. But his face and general appearance remain unchanged: white hair, very pale skin and blood-red eyes. With a coming of "Late Night" add-on, Victor had gotten his occult nature and become a true vampire.
I led him through all the game updates, and all this time I play only that character. So, we can safely say that Victor is a very ancient vampire, the immortal one and forever young.
I saw that many of you want to get Victor in your game. I'm very glad that you liked him, but I have to disappoint you. I can't share him because he takes a part in some art-project of mine: I write a big sim-story with this character. It is a very big and long project, and the sim will not be uploaded until the story is finished. This is at least. Sorry ––
K. Just kidding, I'm far from being bad.. Maybe *smirks* Anyways! I've been building a new lot.. AND I'm writing Sudden End Chapter 9 AND Dear you Chapter 1. Why at the same time? I DON'T KNOW. One hour I'm at Sudden End, another hour I'm with Dear you. I CANNOT CHOSE. I've fallen in love with both chapters.. Oh. I shouldn't say that, should I? Anyways.... I'M OFF REPLYING TO MY MESSAGES.
CHEERS! Nisuki
Where to find me....
<p>Hello! I haven't been on here in a century LONG time. They even put oldmember in front of my username -_- lol.<p> All of my stats got wiped so I guess I'm starting over from scratch. <p>You could check out my Sims 2 videos/series on my <a href="" target="_blank">youtube</a> channel. <p>I also have a <a href="" target="_blank">tumblr</a> channel</p>
Is it just me or was the old TSR better. I really wish they didn't change it. I liked being able to earn points everyday to get free stuff or even a free subscription for a day. Technically this website is illegal because they are not suppose to be able to sell content because the sims 3 has all the rights to it. so I mean they could at least go back to letting us earn free stuff. It's only fair. I don't know why they changed it but CHANGE IT BACK. If you agree leave it here. Rant over.
Oh TSR, you are a gift from the Gods
How perfect is it that you can create just want you want for your Sim? So perfect!
I've just finished making a tattoo pack (that I'll be uploading soon) and I'm proud of myself. I'm not talented like the other TSR artists, but I'm satisfied with the result ^^
Drop by my screenshot to see them and tell me what you think!
I'm now making wolfhybrid dogs !
Coming soon! :)
I think there are to few of them on this site but I want to make them original so it's gonna take a few days!
( sorry for my bad english im from holland hehe )
Hope you guys will download them when i put them up
Byeee xoxo
A Tender Eternity.
Bwah~ I'm currently wondering about a plan for a new house. I thought, maybe another brick house.. But I think I'm going to play with white plates. The inside is going to be more white, beige, brown -ish. with wood.. Sounds like a simple house, and that's what I like! xD Anyways.. I'm dozing off with my chapters for my stories. And yeaaaaa...
BUT, before it's Halloween, The First two chapters of "Dear You" Should be done. If not, I failed T___T
Lols just kidding, anyways.. Yea that's it! Smell ya' later! ... Nah I won't smell you.. Ew. xD
Pros and Cons of Eyelash Enhancers
Overview on eyelash enhancers:
Most of you might have heard about the eyelash enhancers. These are the newest range of products which helps to enhance the length and thickness of your lashes without affecting their health. It helps to enrich the look of your eyes and enhance the overall appearance of your face.
The eyes are mirror to your soul; it conveys the feelings of your heart. People look into your eyes and get an in depth idea about what you thick and how you feel about the person in front of you. Although people might have good looking lashes at birth; as we age the health of lashes are affected. This degrades the look of your eyes.
Women want to maintain darker and longer eyelashes so that they could enrich the beauty of their face. They tend to apply mascara which helps their lashes to appear darker. However applying and removing this product can affect the health of your lashes. Some of these products contains chemical which causes irritation to your eyes.
The eyelash enhancers are products consisting of natural ingredients which help to enrich the look of your eyes. Here we'll evaluate certain pros and cons of eyelash enhancers that help to beautify your eyelashes.
Type of eyelash enhancers:
Longer and darker eyelashes have been thought of as mask to enrich the beauty and femininity. People search for different ways to enrich the look of their facial features this also includes encouraging the growth of eyelashes. There are two types of eyelash enhancers: non-prescription products and prescription products. Let us check out these two types in detail and find out the pros and cons of these products.
Non Prescription Products:
These products are easily available and require no prescription. You can find them online or in retail stores. These eyelash enhancing products are easier to use. You can apply them on the base of your upper eyelids. This helps to stimulate the growth of the hair follicles. It also provides natural condition to the fine hairs strands of the lids.
The applicator is present in the product which can be used to apply the powerful liquid of the enhancer. You can use this product with or without mascara. If you are not comfortable using this product with the applicator you can also use the wand of the mascara. This holds the lashes together so that they appear thicker and darker.
These products are available at reasonable prices. You can use them even you are a contact lens wearer. The best eyelash enhancer products are easy to apply and do not lead you to tedious method of application for the contact lens wearers.
However, there are certain people who are sensitive to these products. The extended use of these products can sometimes cause irritation to the people wearing contact lens. They can get infection on their eyes due to blinking. There is a risk to smear the lenses and scratch it with the people wearing contact lens.
Prescription Products:
The prescription products for enriching the look of your lashes include Latisse. This product has been approved by FDA. It contains all natural ingredients which have been approved as safe to use by the FDA. This enhancer is effective to enrich the lashes and make them look gorgeous. You can apply this eyeliner at night using the sterile applicators.
Simply dab the liquid on the lash line of the upper lid. This spread the throughout the lash line at night when sleeping. It also helps to encourage healthy growth of lashes with natural blinking and closing of eyes while sleeping.
These products are semi-permanent prescription therefore it is quite expensive. Discontinuing its usage will lead your lashes to its regular length and thickness. Most people using this product have experienced serious side effects. Some people complain of darkening of their iris. There are some people who noticed extreme redness and dryness of eyes caused from the allergic reaction to this product. You should check the sensitivity before opting for any of these products to ensure safe and healthy lash growth.
After going through the types of eyelash enhancers we get convinced that both these products work to encourage the growth of lashes. However, with prescription eyelash enhancers you should be aware of the ingredients used in them. Some of them contain glaucoma which is harmful to sensitive skin around the eyes. Some people have noticed itchiness after regular application. The non-prescription products like maxolash, revitalash on other hand are safe to use and do not cause any serious side effects. You can read the Eyelash enhancer reviews to check the ingredients present in them. This will ensure you are opting for safe products that work to enhance the length and density of the lash follicles.
Just a note to remind you all that i do read every comment made on my sets , and I thank you all for the wonderful inspiring comments you all leave me, I am so sorry I don't always get time to answer you all personally but I just want you to know they are GREATLY APPRECIATED
Lulu :)
One More Week!
As I said holidays over where I live only one more week :( So when school comes back I'll try post but probably not as much, I've put CHAPTER 7 up, so excited for you to read it I tried my best! Hope you guys are all well and happy. :") Camp Paradiso will have a few more chapters before the end anyway love you all :') Oh and please let me know, on my camp paradiso story I got them to go to University there were some drama there big drama. But anyway would you guys like me to put that up or leave it out! Cause I really don't know please tell me!
Hey everyone I am going to share a great story with you
Hey everyone I am going to share a great story with you.This will be an Indian Love story..lets see how many is excited for this .
Why I love The Sims
Many people love The Sims and so do I.
I've played The Sims since the first game came out and I can't stop playing. As the game as improved over the years with number 2 and now number 3, the possibilities and options have increased significaly and the fun just keeps growing.
The game to me is a way of dreaming a bit and also a way to but my mind to action. Who haven't created a Sim that they dream about being? The game is all about dreams and putting them out there. That's why you can play for ours and become addicted. It makes you happy and relaxed.
I love The Sims because it never gets boring!