Member Blogs


Ooi everyone. My excussesss. for beeing so slow. *bows* WEWT. I'm formal. K. I will stop. Anyways ~

I'm off to school now and yea. I'm sorry for the slow update of "Sudden End" or "Dear You"
School's going to attack me again and I unexpectedly had to work in the weekend :[
PLUS. Sudden End was Rejected, because I forgot about one of the PG13 rules xD! Bad me, so that chapter should be up sooooon.. I think. OK. I REALLY HAVE TO GO NOW. I'm currently only commenting there, and sometimes here, so yea.. I might go on rampage later today to bomb everyone with comments. Oh, PLUS. I have to reply to some people back. SORRY for my.. Slow/Lazy-ness. Hehehe ^__^  

HugeHugs, Nisuki 

Thank you very much for your comments

Finally I have my laptop repaired and has been a long wait, lol, but I have it with me again, after two days reinstalling everything, (it's been crazy, lol), I have finally been able to upload my set, hope you like it, also I want to thank you all for your comments, you are very kind, so many that I've found that I can not answer to me one by one, so take this opportunity to thank you for here

My Favorite Mods


Mods make Sims 3 gaming easier. At least, I think they do. Want to find out for yourself? Here are my recommendations for mods, and a brief summary of what they do.  A * means I've actually used this mod or an earlier version of this mod from the link posted for it.

Disclaimer First!

Please read the notes for the mod on the link posted to it. Since neither I, nor anyone else at TSR, created any of these mods, you will be installing these at your own risk.  So: Read ALL Mod Documentation Before Installing! You have been warned.

Mod Categories I Use

Here's how I group the different types of mods that can be used in the Sims 3.  These mod categories are not defined anywhere according to my knowledge. I made them up.

Game Be Good

These customize the global game play in any world or saved game I choose. I want my game to act the same every time I load it, and I don't want to have to spend time entering cheats or parameters every time I play.

Sims Be Good

These customize the way the sims act in the game. Whether the mod is used or not during gameplay depends on the scenario it is designed to modify. If that scenario doesn't happen, you won't see the effects of installing the mod.

Objects Be Good

These modify the properties of in-game objects or the availability of in-game objects during game play. Whether or not the mod is used during gameplay depends on the object it modifies and possibly how the object will affect Sims in Live Mode.


My Mod Quick Link List

These mods all come from other sites. Some of them require a free membership before you can access the downloads.

Game Be Good Mods

In Game Camera: Adds controls to the game camera in Live or Build/Buy mode

* No Drift Free Cam Mod by AikeaGuinea at ModTheSims  I recommend it!

In Build/Buy mode, slows down camera Zoom speed and gives game camera more stop angles for more precise picture taking. This does not affect the Sims cameras, only the one used to view the game.

* No Drift Free Cam in Live Mode by Guhudain and Cmomoney at Mahamudosim3  

I recommend it!

 Same as above but in Live Mode.


Console Cheats: Auto-enters Ctrl+Shift+C cheats at start-up of game

* Build/Buy Restriction Choker by ButtLaser at ModTheSims  I recommend it!

Opens the Community Objects panel on the Build Mode screen for any lot, community or otherwise.

* Short Cheats and Auto Cheats by ButtLaser at ModTheSims

Adds abbreviated codes for game players who toggle these codes on/off several times during game play. Some console cheats are auto-entered at game startup but you can turn them back off.


Game Intro: Gets rid of Intro or splash screens

* No Intro by Rick at ModTheSims

Replaces the Intro Video with a black screen.

* No Maxis Intro by EllaCharmed at ModTheSims

 Replaces the Maxis Splash Screen with a black screen.


Day/Night Cheats: Controls the management of Day to Night in-game

* Longer Days by Gurra at ModTheSims

 Causes sunrise and sunset times to occur at the times specified in the mod. Different flavors available.


  Edit Town Cheats: Customize the way you can use Edit Town mode in-game.

* AddLotSize by VelocityGrass at ModTheSims  I recommend it!

Adds a lot size of any length and width you specify (cannot be greater than 64x64).


Sims Be Good Mods

Autonomy: Whether a Sim will or will not automatically do an action during game play

* Eat Your Leftovers by Werismyki at ModTheSims

Sims will or will not eat leftovers first if there are any in fridge, and will or will not put leftovers away autonomously. Different flavors to pick from.

* More Autonomous Laundry by TwoFootMama at SimAsylum

Sims will be more likely to automatically Do Laundry.

* Auto Gardening by Werismyki at ModTheSims

Sims will be more or less likely to automatically Tend Garden, including Harvesting of plants. Pick one flavor.

* No Play Sprinkler by Deceaseddoll at ModTheSims  I recommend it!

Sims will or will not choose to Play in the Sprinkler during game play. There is a version for Sim Pets. Use one or both.

* Auto Pay Bills by Werismyki at ModTheSims

Sims will automatically pay bills before the One Day Left warning. Different flavors for more or less expensive bills.

* Auto Flush Toilets by Werismyki at ModTheSims

Sims will automatically Flush Toilet every time after Using the toilet. Pick one flavor.

Phonix by ChaosMageX at ModTheSims

Adds menu-based choices for custom Sim interactions whenever a Sim is talking on a telephone.

* No Auto Smartphone Tasks by Werismyki at ModTheSims  I recommend it!

Sims will not use their Smartphone during idle time. You can still tell them to use it. Also includes a no auto-answer-phone flavor.

More Autonomous Pranking by Twofootmama at SymsAsylum

Sims will be more or less likely to set up a Prank situation for another sim during game play. Can affect adults. Pick one flavor.

No Stir Crazy/Stir Crazy after 7 Days by JustAnotherSimsFan at ModTheSims

Turns off or slows down the Stir Crazy moodlet and its effects on a Sim. Pick one flavor.


Interactions: Timers and automators for Live Mode Sim tasks. Custmoize Live Mode Sim tasks.

* Dresscode Sign by Consort at ModTheSims  I recommend it!

Puts an orange Pool Sign in the Pictures and Paintings section of Buy Mode. In Live Mode after it is placed on a wall it will  automatically change Sims to an outfit you specify every time they enter the room where the sign is hung (no whirl-around animation). Place sign on lot, then in Live Mode click on it to set.

* More Likely to Watch Instruments by Twofootmama at SymsAsylum

Sims will be more or less likely to drop what they are doing and listen to another nearby sim play an instrument. Pick one flavor.


Poses: How to get a Sim to stand still in a pose during game play until you release him

* Pose Player by Cmomoney at ModTheSims  I recommend it!

Puts a clapper board object in Miscellaneous Objects in Buy Mode. In Live Mode after it is placed anywhere on a lot it will add menu interactions to each sim on the lot allowing for custom poses. Works with any sim on the lot it is placed on. You must download poses separately. Many pose downloads specifiy that this Pose Player is required to use the poses.


 Objects Be Good Mods

More Space in Hampers by Gobot101 at ModTheSims

Hampers take longer or shorter times to be full, resulting in more or less laundry for Sims to do. Pick a flavor.

* Slower Food Spoil Times in Fridge/Counters by Werismyki at ModTheSims

Food will take more time to Spoil when in the fridge or on the counter giving sims a longer opportunity to use it. Pick a flavor.



How to Install Mods in your Game


Sites with Well-Designed Mods

ModTheSims: Membership (free) required.

NRAAS Industries: No membership required.

SimsAsylum: Membership (free) required. 

Simlogical: Membership (free) required.


Sites with Links to Poses

MySims3Poses: No Membership required. This site contains links to other sites, which actually contain the poses.







Want to Design a Mansion?


If you want a beautiful but real-looking mansion, consider using a house plan of an actual luxury home.  You can get several for free right off this site (see link).  It's one of my regular go-to sites when I need big house help.


 What You Need 

  1. A house plan (on screen is best)

  2. Graph paper (also called quadrille paper)

  3. A few sharp pencils

  4. A plastic ruler (see-through is best)

  5. A pencil sharpener

  6. A good-old-fashioned eraser

  7. Clear tape (optional)


What To Do


  1. Choose a home from the site.

  2. Click on the home and scroll down to the house plans.


    - There will be one house plan for each floor of the home.

    - There may be other house plans there if the home has any outbuildings such as a stable or unattached garage.

    - Some homes also have the elevation drawing (front of house) so you can see what kind of exterior items to use.

  3. Using pencil and ruler, copy each house plan to the graph paper.


    - Here is the scale, which seems to be standard with house plans:

    2 x 2 foot square = 1 square on the paper

    - Which for building in the game, won't mean anything. So look at the house plan and find a toilet, a sink, a washer or dryer. The space that each of these occupy in-game is 1 tile. Copy your house plans using the same scale.

    1 square on the paper = 1 tile in the game

    - You may have to measure to find out how many squares each room is. Just remember that house plans are to scale which means that every bit of space is in correct proportion to real-life measurements.



How This Helps You

If you can successfully copy the house plan to scale onto graph paper:


  • You can build a home in the game square by square.

  • You can use FullScreen mode in the game since your layout is on paper in front of you.

  • This will really cut down on your building time and make you a more confident lot planner.

  • You will minimize building mistakes.
  • Your home will be symmetrical (balance is required for beauty).
  • All the rooms will fit (no having to stick parts on afterward).
  • Best of All:  You'll know the exact tiles where any stairs or elevators will be on your lot, before you even start building! Very handy for multiple-story homes or stairs to a basement underneath a foundation.


 Some Tips 

  • Get the House Plan Right on Paper

 Huge houses weren't built in a day. Take the time to get the house plan right and make sure you understand it. It's easier to erase than to rebuild. Believe me. Don't be afraid to erase! If you are not confident about copying a house plan, use lighter pencil strokes that are easy to erase, then darken them when you are sure of the layout.

Number off your graph paper across the very top and down the left side. I usually number every other line. Start with 0 as the first number.  Do one page for each floor of your layout. You'll see that:

One piece of 8.5x11 graph paper = about a 30x40 size lot with some spare room

For larger homes you will have to run one house plan onto more than one piece of graph paper. Because I number off my graph paper, I do not need to tape papers together, but you can if you need to.


  • Pay Special Attention to Staircases in Multiple-story Homes 

 The Most Important Thing:  Get the spiral stairs (or elevator) in the same place on every floor. The exception is straight (6-tile) staircases. In the Sims 3 they cannot be stacked. So for straight staircases, plan for one more row of tiles than what the home plan shows. The staircases will have to go side-by-side instead of one-atop-another. Or modify your floor plan to use spiral staircases if you want stacked stairs.


  • Start Small 

Practise on smaller homes first. That's what I did. Since I learned about house plans, I don't build anything without one - and now I can create my own house plans, straight from imagination to graph paper!


  • Save Your Graphed Home Plans 

If a downloader has a question about the size of items on one of your published lots, it's much easier to whip out a binder and locate the house plan, than it is to start up the whole game, make sure that version of your lot is still installed... well, you know.

Or (knock on wood) you can easily rebuild a complicated house if you (ulp!) lose your work in the game. This has saved me a few times!



House Plan Sites 



Create Your Own House Plan Online for FREE


House Plan Symbols and their Meanings



Google and Wiki Search



Hi guys, I'm sooooo sorry because I'm late for my next chapter of the story and I'm so mad at myself.

It's just that I've been busy all this time, and couldn't find the free time for me to shot some pictures. And the text isn't ready so, I'll try my best to post it this weekend.

Also, I haven't read the new chapters that were submitted, so that's my new task for now. :D

That's it. I don't know if anyone reads this but I just felt like I needed to apologize. :)

XOXO, Maria ♥

You raaaisee mee uppp ~

That song has been stuck in my head for the past few days :c Anyways, Chapter 8 is done and The Finale of Sudden End is also right around the corner. 

There's nothing more that I've to say... BYEEE :3

Story~ Story~ Story~

Woot, my brain's drain for now but it felt so good. ^^

I'm still brainstorming about  my characters as well as make them. I feel so satisfied the way they looked like~ >u</

I'm thinking about sharing them here at TSR, but well... I need to finish their stories first.

By the way, can you tell me some of your own stories or favorites for me to read? :)

These past few days, I had a lot of things I needed to get done like cleaning the house and such because I'm living alone O___O

It's been raining for days and it was the perfect time to write a book right? :)
Oh, with music to play along with the rain. I often listens to sweet melodies such as piano pieces when writing. Plus, a hot chocolate would add some spice. yeah!


I'm doing screenshot for my next chapter, but I need to clean some unnecessary files for the sake of my PC's memory, but I dunno what to delete O____O

Oh, well... I need to work hard to upgrade my PC xD

Happy Simming!



Back at

Hello folks!

I stopped making Custom Content because i had many problems and my meshing and texturing skills, like my freetime. School, Removals and many little things were ABSORDING my time, so there wasn't time to expand my meshing skills. And I'm a lazy Person. And now that Sims 4 is comming out soon, i will concentrate on learning how to create CC for TS4 (when it's time) .But I discovered a new funny activity! Taking and editing Screenshots for Sims 3.

In the Moment i have problems with uploading anything.
So i will upload some Screenshots as soon as possible. I think i was very successful and the photos came out great.

See you soon. In love, your Sheila!

Here's a sample. :)


Mushy Stuff..about retiring and having fun.


After a long time of only thinking about it, I decided to actually retire.

It's been so much fun and a big part of my life for a surprisingly long

time. Thank you all for the support and the enormous number of comments

I received since I started.

It's funny, I can't even remember when I started creating here!

I think I was like 16 or 17 years old at the time.

But now I have two jobs in RL and I'm a university student.

I don't have the time anymore, and quite honestly, when I do,

I don't want to spend it in front of my computer.

Plus my creating skills aren't getting any better (maybe even the opposite).


So, you know, that's it. Creating imagenery castles (in my case

mostly pretty clothes for "dolls") just doesn't add anything to my life 



Thank you again for all the love and support. It really has been FUN.

And that's what creating is supposed to be about right? 

Cause when it's not, it is high time to stop.


Ok and now I stop writing cause nobody will read it anyway :D :D


Have a good life and stay awesome..!




This mouth:mix download

Last time I took to blogspot Sims York City.Na this blog administrator makes a very nice downloads by celebrities as well as by their fantasy. Some of its downloads and give here.

Also here to add a download from the dead pages (it means that there is) like for example: Glamstuff, Glamsim, SimChic, Melissa Sims, Freaky kiss, Blue sims and much more ...

I add also my creation

Oops, forgot to update!

Maggie and I have been working so hard over the weekend to build more lots for our fellow Simmers, I almost forgot to post an update -- I was able to fix Meadowland Court! After 2 revisions, it's finally done! Well, as of September 29th, anyway. Please go see --> HERE!

Now, I can rest easy and help Maggie create some beautiful homes for your beloved Simmies! 


Fall Colours

Oh to be in the Maritimes now that fall is here.


Some day I'm going to take a trip to the East Coast of Canada in the autumn.  Being a teacher and being married to a professor means that September brings back to school not time for vacation.  So I will continue my armchair travels for now, and let my imagination take me to Prince Edward Island.

My current project is Beaconsfield Historic House in Charlottetown.  When I saw pictures of this Victorian "Second Empire" style house I knew I had to try building it, even though Sims 3 does not give us a proper mansard roof and dormers as was available in Sims 2 Apartment Life.  However, I am giving it my best shot.  And this house is HUGE!  According to the Beaconsfield website the house was "Built in 1877 for James and Edith Peake... one of Charlottetown’s most elegant homes. Featuring the finest in materials and craftsmanship, it was also equipped with all the latest conveniences of the day." Of course, I am building it based on photos posted online by the PEI Museum and Heritage Foundation and by tourists who have enjoyed a visit there and uploaded their pics to Flickr.  So as usual the floor plan may not be 100% accurate but I am trying to capture the essence of this beautiful historic home.  My biggest challenge will be not exceeding the custom content limits for TSR uploads!

Check out the original Beaconsfield house here:



Nvm on the shirts ;w;

Tsr workshop is not cooperating uwu;;

Sudden End.

Im so thrilled about my next story.. I already made a quick introduction.. LOL. Anyways. I will be finishing Sudden End in two more chapters, but maybe there will come an epilogue.. but who knows :)

I hope you're having an awesome day. Keep smiling! Loveu♡Nisuki

BTW I'm planning on making a new house. Though I don't know what kind of.. Maybe just a simple one again ^o^ 

OH AND SOMETHING MORE. I FREAKIN WANT MIDNIGHT HOLLOW. But I bought EP showtime not too long ago.. ARGH.. XD Oh wells, doesn't matter! :D

Shirts coming soon~







Welcome my blog :>

I'm fan of Roy Kim. also love Sims 3.

Revised resort lots, finally!

I'll start by saying, I'm a complete newbie when it comes to submitting my lots here at TSR. I've been so happy to finally be able to share my creations with you all.

Unfortuantely, the CC used in my resorts (and my residential lot) did not export into my pacakge files like they should have. This causing an enormous amount of items being replaced in my lots! I was horrified to find this out and immediately got to work on how I can fix this for you guys. I found out that this had happened due to deleteing my DCBackup files. So, uninstalling/resintalling all of my CC it is! 

I apologies for the mishap, I'm starting to learn more and more about how this stuff works! Please take a minute to check out my new revised resorts!

Monta Villa

Kokomo Coasta

Vista de Palms

I am in the process of trying to fix Meadowland Court as well, due to the same issue. Right now, it's too big to upload here. I guess I need to tone it down on the CC a bit, haha. A tricky task for me! 

Thanks for reading!


Homestuck ;w;

Why aren`t there a lot of homestuck stuff on here?

Made a new family~

I made a new sims home that has a vampire and a werewolf and I plan for them to have all the babies~ uwu


School shot me with a massive amount of work and test. but I've already received some marks and I'm happy with the outcome!! My work was not for nothing :D! I had been working on Chapter 7 of Sudden End, day by day a little bit and just now I saw that it got approved already. Huray! 

I'm currently writing Chapter 1. of my new story, but I won't be publishing it, untill the last chapter of Sudden End will end the story. Chapter 9 to be exact :)

Now I'm patiently waiting for more marks, and writing a German letter. My teacher laughs his ass off when he's reading our letters.. Yea, we make silly mistakes I guess LOL. Let's not talk about what kind of mistakes :D 

Anyways, I still got a lot of crap to do for school, but!. YES there's a BUT! I will have a one-week vacation in two weeks! Happy me. We call it; Autumn-Holiday / Fall-break.
I love it ^_^

Well, that's enough typing for today! I hope you're having an awesome day!


So Much to Learn!!

I have (finally) submitted my second lot, Red Maples.  What a challenge!  I included custom content in this lot and found there is a lot more involved in using CC than I imagined.  

In my first attempt at this lot nearly all of my furnishings were CC.  I ended up with a file much larger than the 50MB upload limit. Ok, back to the drawing board.  More in-game furnishings, less CC.

Next, I discovered I had used some EA Exchange patterns, which I downloaded before I discovered TSR.  I wasn't sure if that was acceptable so I asked the question and was told that, yes, I could use them but that patterns created with the EA Create a Pattern tool do not always upload properly.  So I replaced all of the EA Exchange patterns with in-game patterns and TSR custom patterns.  As suggested, I tested my exported lot in a "vanilla" version of the game, and that's when I learned that some of the TSR custom patterns I used were also made with the EA Create a Pattern tool and wouldn't export properly.  (Too bad because these were really beautiful.)  So, I had to replace them with patterns created using TSR Workshop.  They worked fine and looked great, too! At last, I thought I was home free.  

Wrong!  When I tried to upload my lot, I received the dreaded "RigFix" error so I had to run TSR's RigFix program on my CC. Actually, that turned out to be much easier than I expected from reading all of the posts on the subject.  I just followed the instructions and it must have worked because my lot uploaded fine this time.  Now, it's just a matter of waiting for approval--I hope. 

I know this is a long post but I thought maybe some of you might benefit from my experience, so here it is.  I hope you all enjoy this new lot as much as I enjoyed creating it--over and over, LOL.

Delayed Chapters...

Hey, Sorry if Message in a Bottle: Chapter 5 isn't published yet. Well, I revised my supposedly chapter because it was kind of not 'exciting'.

I finished the manuscirpt and what I'm doing this past days is creating additional Sims for casts.

I hate downloading pre-made sims and I prefer to do my own unique sims so, it was taking a lot of time. Plus, I want my casts to be unique form each other as much as possible. ^u^/

I'm also brainstorming because I'm planning for future stories. I made a lot of characters this week with their own personal stories. Though, I need to finish up my first story first. Haha!

And yeah, I'm also busy writing a book about my game guild's own story based from our online game, Dragon nest.

If only there's a machine that would let you do the things swirling inside your head right away. The one with a helmet-like equips, would put it at the top of your head and just a few buttons.. tada~ finished stories and such. (Sorry, I'm talking nonesense) ^^;

Oh well, I think that's it for now. :)

Hi there !

Hi , Im not new here but now im really hope Im gonna start creating soon and Im soo excited :) 

Im gonna upload some pics soon so let me tell you something about me :

Gender : Female

Hair colour : Blond ( yes , yes Im a blondy ) XD

Fav. sims 3 expansion pacs : seasons and island paradise :)



I'm madly in love with my newest simmies... THEY ARE MINE. YOU HEAR ME? MINEE! I want to virtually hug them. LOL. Anyways..

I should go back to practicing Math.. and learning other subjects. School.. why are you doing this to me.. Just why.. :c

First blog post. :3

Hi everyone. :D

I just made a house that I think I'll maybe upload, but I don't know how's the procedure so I'll probably consult with Nisuki. :) The newest screenshot "Meg" is captured there. ♥ I just want to ask you guys, what do you think about it, do you want me to upload it? :D It's just some family house, not too big, but it looks really cozy and all. ^^

Please, answer me in comments. :3

XOXO, Maria

Errors, errors, everywhere.

Jalee's been having a difficult time uploading a lot that is near and dear to her heart because of how much time and energy she has spent on it. (Yes, this is the one I referenced in an earlier post that is almost an exact replica of her own home.) She has encountered SO many errors and gotten so discouraged that we're doing kind of a daily pep talk where I reassure her that YES, people do want to see this lot, and it is totally worth figuring out the bugs, and I know she agrees with me but just needs to hear it.

This morning I woke up and came to check the site and her lot had mysteriously vanished from the "Approved" list, so I texted her in a panic and asked her to call me when she woke up. I was able to find it and download it myself to test it for her, and to her horror, an enormous amount of the custom items she had searched so hard for had disappeared, leaving blank walls and oddly out-of-place clutter. (Can't tell you how surprised we were by the 9 random containers of wooden kitchen utensils throughout the house in odd places.)

Now quite suspicious about what errors the rest of our lots might have, she downloaded a few of my lots and founds things like shutters not ON the windows but instead out in the air in front of them, or behind them. So, panic mode on my end, too. If I downloaded a house that had all sorts of errors in it, I'd be really annoyed, and I wouldn't blame you if you were too.

We're going through our uploaded and approved lots trying to find and fix any errors we discover. We are very new to this process and are still learning and welcome any tips from people with more experience on this. What's the best way you've found to test your lots?

Also, if you have encountered an error in one of our lots, please do let us know in a private message. We welcome the opportunity to fix it.

I can't say enough, though, how kind and patient the TSR staff has been with us. We appreciate the effort they've made to help us rectify the situations with our current lots, and I would not want anyone reading this to think that we don't recognize that! This is a complicated process and we are just in the beginning stages of understanding how it works and look forward to gaining a better knowledge of that process.

All our best,

Maggie (and Jalee)

Fridges in Medieval and Nomadic Kitchen and Pets

Not sure what happened - but the Download for the Fridge in the Medieval and Nomadic Kitchen had to be updated for Pets again.

I just can think of that the cloud did not use the right Update.

I hope its solved now


Huggles Renate (Medieval) (Nomad) 

Silvania Garden Furniture

As soon as I had uploaded the Fnuggi set, I just HAD to start on another set - what can I say, im hooked :3 SO! I'm working on a furniture set for the garden, and so far its looking pretty good ^^ Okay back to work!


Little update here: I've finished the first part of the set and you can now download it! :D

Hugs from Kit

Fnuggi Playard is finished!

Hi everyone!

We've crossed the finish line - my first set is now on the server waiting to be published :D 

I can't wait to hear what you guys have to say, and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I have while making it! :D so without further ado - here it is!


Hello beautiful! I'm currently writing chapter 6 and yea. It turned out to be a "talk-scene story" Well yea, the beginning.. and with a lot of screenshots.. Well there are some with just a little text.

But hey, there will be a surprise in chapter 6. I'm not telling what it is :D ! 
I will be replying to all the messages on sunday and try to submit the chapter that day too. 

Next week is going to be SUPERRMEGA busy. *sobs sobs* So I've no idea how long chapter 7 will be taking.

Anyways, YOU KNOW why the title is HAHAHAHA? Well.. I was in the mid of writing chapter 6.. When suddenly, a lovely alien ship appeared. Luckily "Elwin" went to check it, because I didn't need him anymore xD! 

I hope you're having an awesome day, keep smiling! LoveLove, Nisuki xoxo

How Helpful are Nail Product Suppliers?

It is urgent need for the parlor owners to have all the beauty tools and equipments. Parlor professionals will have to be ready for cutting hair or treating nails. If you do not use appropriate products for nails the clients might grow irritated. The best is to have arrangements with nail products suppliers. It will help you grow your business in no time. But you will need all the tools and products of your business to concentrate on your salon work.

Starting a salon is the best business endeavor as a person can rake in enormous profits. However without the right beauty supply distributors you will not be able to perform. This is because you will regularly need salon supplies and they are the foundation of your business. Without the right supplies you cannot treat your customers well and help them enjoy your salon treatments.

Clients come with varying needs of beauty treatments. Some might want a hair cut while some will want a pedicure. This makes it absolutely necessary for your parlor to have all the necessary products. You will be able to serve with different nail related treatments only when nail products suppliers will deliver you with the right products. You may brilliantly advertise your parlor but the customer can decide whether your parlor is good or not upon entering it. A parlor that is well stocked can help you operate your parlor more confidently.

For instance when a person approaches you for pedicure she will definitely look for all the items that are being prepared for the treatment. Absence of nail files, chemical solutions to clean the nails can make the person cringe and reject your salon that instant. Hence every parlor owner should have contacts with Nail Products Suppliers so that the parlor is not short of any tool or product.

While looking out for several nail products suppliers you will come across ample distributors. There will be beauty products or hair accessories distributor etc. But make sure you that you look out for the right Beauty supply Distributors. Understand your requirement and then contact the distributor.

When you have different distributors segregated as per the products you will be able contact them immediately as per your need. While selecting a distributor always keep your comfort and style in mind. A distributor should be able to help you with any brand or product that you need.
When you are in touch with all the beauty supply distributors you will be supplied with products on time. In case you run out of a particular product you will not have to go to the market. Simply contact your supplier and he will forward you all the necessary products that you need at your salon.

Once you have found all the right suppliers you will benefit from them for long-time. Every time you come across a requirement in the salon the product will be just a phone call away. From the moment you place your order you can be peaceful because the supplier will send you the products on time.



Rivendell Video




Luna sims for the wonderful LoTRs architecture


MurfeeL medieval stuff


Magikgoldy  Castle-stuff


DragonValley world, Supernatural EP, GenerationsEP,Aventure EP,



Bramdywyne Hamdryas

Audrey Kitchen

Tiara Triad

Manawydan fab llir

TSR artist LOTR Doors and stuff

Tehmango stone paths


Salva Nos Mediaeval Babes  Mistletoe&Wine album


My first year at TSR - thanks everyone!

Hello everyone! I just noticed that I was a member for more than one year here, at TSR! I wanted to say thank you to all who downloaded and commented my creations, it means a lot to me. I have met so amazing creators who are now my friends, thanks to them for everything they did for me! TSR has been the best place in the sims world for me.


I wanted to say to everyone one word: BELIEVE. Believe in your dreams, be yourself and share your creativity and your talent with the world! 

Hello beautiful !

Currently I'm so impatient to start writing my next story. I'm SURE that it's going to be a fantasy one and yea, I'm thinking of putting a little spice of horror to it ^-^ I still need to continue with my story Sudden End though, but I think that one will end soon.. Very soon OwO.. WHAT KIND OF TITLE MUST I GIVE IT... Something simple.. Currently I've the title. Broken or Hurt in my head. Well yea it has to be something negative... I DON'T KNOW. LALALA XD

Ok idek what I'm typing. BYE!


Hi premiere this blog to announce that I'll be a while without climbing new things, my laptop is broken and will take almost a month to return it, afortunadamenten even had two month warranty.

A little before that fails, I the set upload it was working with to a cloud, at least I'm not going to lose, I show you a little advance with my daughter's laptop, with which I enter from time to time, but not do anything new since this I have no programs or the game on this laptop.

I apologize for my English is google translator thing




It's been so LONG~~ O_O

Aww, I just checked my profile and saw that Message in a Bottle: Chapter 4 hasn't still approved. O_O
It's been 6 days since I posted it, I hope it will release soon. Maybe because It has a lot of screenshots and pages? I dunno. but I really hope TSR staffs could approve it soon. :)

I will be making the Chapter 5 after it has been published, though I finished the manuscript and just taking some screenshots. My Sims 3 is taking longer time to load and occasionally freezes. omg.

Ahhh, I was making a house for the story when my game crashed as well as my heart. ohhhh~ T____T

Remeber to save, even though it will take you long time to save your game. Gosh, I almost cried for the hours I spent for that house. >_<

If Chapter 4 has been released, it would make me feel better. hahaha! :D

Have a nice weekday everyone. :)


Hello! Well first of all, I'm supermega sorry for my "slowness". This week I'm stuck in the cinema for a Movie Festival, It's fun! But kind of tiring, sitting there and watch movies.. Anyways, my story still hasn't been approved, maybe tomorrow and my newest sim, Serene Decosta, will be avaible tomorrow huray! I really can say, I'm kind of proud I've made her!

I've also made another Sim. She's named Lure Crescent. You can see her in my screenshot "Stalk! Stalk!" She's a detective xD . jkjk. But I'm super amazed by her beauty myself.. What am I talking about lols.

Anyways, I will be replying to the messages later.. I'm sorry for the wait, I'm just.. tired =.= zzz..

Heading to bed now! Ciao! Hugs&Likes, Nisuki

Latest Headlines

*YAWNS* Thank you very much for your... My Favorite Mods Want to Design a Mansion? LATE LATE LATE! D: You raaaisee mee uppp ~ Story~ Story~ Story~ Back at Mushy Stuff..about retiring and... This mouth:mix download Oops, forgot to update! Fall Colours OMG Nvm on the shirts ;w; Sudden End. Shirts coming soon~ hi Revised resort lots, finally! Homestuck ;w; Made a new family~ SCHOOL ALERT. SCHOOL ALERT. MY BLOG So Much to Learn!! Delayed Chapters... Hi there ! HOLY SIMS... First blog post. :3 Errors, errors, everywhere. Fridges in Medieval and Nomadic... Silvania Garden Furniture Fnuggi Playard is finished! HAHAHAHA How Helpful are Nail Product... Rivendell Video My first year at TSR - thanks... Hello beautiful ! BOHEMIA Scully It's been so LONG~~ O_O *YAWN*
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