Member Blogs
Been working on a little something!
The start of this month has been mad busy, lots going on at work and at home... shortly, I shall be decorating for real, rather than just virtually. My university course starts in October, so a busy busy year ahead for me.
I have been working on a new lot to share, though the process has been painfully slow. It's an inspired house that takes attributes from buddhist temples and Indonesian stilt houses to create a truly wonderful home.
My latest peice is called Chibalba. Okay! so I know this is the Mayan name for "the underworld" but please don't reflect too much on the meaning; I just think it's a lovely sounding word. Chibalba - pronounced She-bal-ba.
Anyway I hope that it gets accepted and uploaded to share with you guys here in the TSR Community, I like to give a little something back. However if it doesn't you can always find it here (my personal blog) if you're interested in downloading.
Thanks for reading
x x x
No, we're not crazy.
We've had a few of our creations released over the past week or so and have gotten some really lovely feedback from other people here on TSR. I do try (and I know Jalee does too) to thank people for the comments they leave, but sometimes time gets away from us.
Today is Monday--theoretically, it's a day off for me, but what does that really mean? It means my husband wakes me up at the crack of dawn to complain that there's no breakfast, and then leaves the house in a snit (I'm not complaining; he's truly adorable like that). It means I run to the grocery store, clean the house, do laundry, make dinner, and hardly have time to sit down at the computer until a few moments ago, and I decided to send a few thank you comments back to people who have commented on mine.
I click through to someone's page and am startled. Looks like I already thanked them! Hmm...
Next commenter: same story. And the next. And the next.
Am I losing my marbles? Am I so tired at this point that I've forgotten thanking these people for their lovely words?
Needless to say, I just spent a very confusing 10 minutes trying to remember what happened today. I'll spare you the details, but the conclusion is that: Jalee thanked these same people for earlier comments on her resorts.
So no, we're not crazy. If you get more than one "thank you" from us within a day's period, don't worry, it's only because there are two of us, and somehow in the 13 phone calls we average between us per day, we found other things to talk about.
Probably not going to upload anything more to TSR, seeing's how all the effort I put into finally figuring out TSR WORKSHOP, and making items and taking pictures, everything gets rejected. So whatever. I'm done.
Get ready for LONG chapters! >:)
Yay! I finally finished the "Message in a Bottle" Chapter 4!
This one was purely made from my sweat and blood and I'll be happy if this would get approved soon.
I'm still waitng for the Chapter 3's approval. I Hopefull it would come out soon.
Thank you for reading Message in a Bottle. ^^
Hey you!
!!! Sudden End - Chapter 6 is submitted! I'm terribly sorry that it actually took a long time. Chapter 7 will come right after 6, ok maybe 2-3 days, but not 1 week! xD Anyways that's it for now!
Now I'm going to read all the stories I still need to read =D! And replying to some messages ^__^
Burned Out Brains...
Oh my, I'm so tired after re-uploading my firsts' story: "Message in a Bottle" Chapter 4.
When I was about to finish re-touching it, it was suddenly... GONE! O_O
I almost cried but I didn't gave up! unfortunately, when I was done uploading the screenshots, I can't seem to save the texts and always got the error 500 >_<
I was working on in for about 12hours of uploading, checking the grammars and shooting new screenshots at the same time. I hope if I were about to put the script tommorow, I won't be able to experiece the 'sudden death upload' moment again. I'm going to cry and would probably make me lazy for being active here, even though I really love this site. I sacrificed my 3D model for the story, which is okay with me because I really love story telling... I just don't want re-uploading it again and again. you'll know why I'm frustrated after I finished it (with prayers and miracles). haha!
haaaa.... I hope tommorow--- I mean, later... the site will be in nice shape ^^
I think, I need to sleep now and dream of Jasper. xD
Are you reading? Good. Here's a cookie, don't get bored while reading.
Anyways, I've had a BUSY day. (friday the 13th, wait.. THE DAY OF DOOM!!!?) jkjk xD I had school and had to work untill 10:00 PM. Now I'm home and it's .. 11:00 PM. So I'm going to bed, after I finished this blogpost..
I will be finishing the next chapter of my story "Sudden End" tomorrow. I'm probably going to retry uploading a sim, WITHOUT a subscriber item, tomorrow too. And I still have to reply to MANY messages + thanking everyone who commented. Oh shet, I still have to read some stories too which got added today! Argh argh. I will have enough time tomorrow!
Did I bore you? Good.
Creations, furniture, decorations
I want to know if I can use furniture from artists who seem no longer to be doing anything here for sims1? I want to use some of their old stuff (sims2 stuff) for my houses to use on another sight. You won't let me put my walls/floors or houses on your sight, so I found some people who really care about their members.
Now can I use, shakeshaft, Reevena, Jope or Cashcraft. I will assume they are no longer doing anything for the sims2 game. I am going to use my walls/ floors and houses on the other sight, even the one I think I left for you, just the viewing.
If you have any politeness you will at least answer this post.
If they are no long creating sims2 for you, then I think we should be allowed to use them on other sights. I tried to get in touch with eveyone of these people, but you have it so they can get no email from me.
Have the decency to answer this post please
email me @
I'm hurt that you make it so impossible, awful, meanly, inconsiderate for some members to be able to get their creations on your sight.
We'll see how decent you are to your members, if you answer this letter, I have 7 days left to reup my membership, if you want me to reup, then answer this blog.
Problems since Island Paradise patch came out
Hello everyone! I want to tell you that during this time, after the game update 1.55, my game has gone very wrong, several problems that are caused by using custom content from this page. I want to clarify, I'm not saying that the content of TSR is corrupt, I think the CC from here are excellent!. Unfortunately I can not use them again, several users of The Sims 3, included me, that bought our copy of Island Paradise could not play anymore because this errors:
- When choosing a household, and click the checkmark icon, it turns gray and does not load the game, therefore, it is impossible to play.
- I can't share creations, OF ANY KIND, get a window saying "FAILED TO SHARE (name of the creation)"
Really damn tired of these two errors, I tried all kinds of solutions, (I will not list them all because it's toooo long, just know that I got terrible headaches), I looked for help on the official forums and I was relieved to know I was not the only one who had these problems, EA is aware of this and they said they are working on these bugs.
So it's not a problem caused by corrupt CC, since before the 1.55 update, my game and of many users ran well. I just hope a solution, as it is sad not to be able to use CC in the game or in building houses as I do.
Sometimes I think that EA creates many updates to make incompatible to all content that is not from their store, The official EA support clarifies that "the use of unofficial custom content can lead to problems". So in my case I can not do anything else, just to play with the basic content of The Sims 3 and its expansions, plus the contents of the store.
I do not know if anyone here has the same problem as me, I "envy" those who do not have problems playing with CC, since these problems do not affect everyone, so my next creation will have only store content and base game and expansion stuff, it is sad, very sad, I was so happy with my content and houses from the amazing artists from TSR and now I can not use anymore!
I hope all this is fixed with the next update, with nothing more to say, I say goodbye.
After days of being a TSR active...
I was amazed how friendly people around here, it makes me happy and lessed stress! ^u^
I was busy writing the manuscript for my first Sims story: Message in a Bottle.
It was originally done but in a novel-liked style so I needed to convert it to Sim-stlye. :D
Oh, the screenshots are making it longer and I did a LOT of revisions, though the stories and characters are the same ^^
I wish I could extend the clock from 24 hours a day to 40 hours a day. I haven't finished texturing my 3D character for a short-film plus I got interested on making some CC but I'm having a problem with the preview images in TSR workshop o_O
I can't squeeze out my time, but making Sims story is so much fun!
Happy gaming! :D
Catching You Up!
Alright hey guys, I really hope your enjoying Camp Paradiso when I'm done with it I'll try think up another story :') I have one in mind but not sure if I'll put it up anyway hope your enjoying I'm on school holidays now! WOO! So might put the chapters up more quickly and yeah :') Also I didn't put chapter 5 out for a while cause I had the 1D concert and stuff and now I'm sick.. :( WAAAH But that will probably just mean I'll get bored more easily and one day you will see chap 6 then chap 99 in 1 day. Lolo yeah won't happen anyway I'm a chatter box so even on here I love just writting and writting which too me is just like talking and talking anyway keep reading and hope you enjoy! CHAPTER 6! I've posted it so it should come out soon! In the mean time read CHAPTER 5! woo it got on the studio spotlights! :')
It's what's on the inside that counts, right?
So if you've read my last blog, you know Jalee and I are avid lot decorators but new to sharing our stuff with the world. We have been discussing what kind of houses we want to spend time on, and which ones we want to share. I personally have a more traditional decorating style so I naturally gravitate toward dark wood and patterned fabrics, among other things. My boss has a few houses and tends to choose modern designs, and since I spend so much time in his homes I figured I could draw some inspiration from them. My decision to step outside of my comfort zone and try a modern beachhouse yesterday was impulsive, for sure. I placed a lot in town and then just ... stared at it. I've never built and decorated a modern house before! Where do you start?
Okay, okay, I'll start a sweet little cottage and use some of my traditional style just to get the juices flowing. Great!! It went well! I spent a few hours on a 10x10 lot building a two-story house with all the accoutrements I would expect in my own house. "Starter home" not so much, because it turns out I have expensive tastes, haha.
So I finish the interior, decide on a color for the exterior, slap a pretty roof on it, and VOILA! All finished. Time to take screenshots for the submission. *snap* *snap* *snap*
Hmm. I never realized before that I don't spend time on my exteriors ... and looking back on other houses I've done ... sometimes it really shows. How embarrassing. All right, Simmers, it's time for some research. I've got to learn how to put together brick and stucco and stonework and siding to compose a curb appeal masterpiece. Stay tuned...
You're so beautiful.
♡ Bonjour!
Ah, school was actually fun today. Somehow a lot of fun moments happened today!
RANDOM FACT! Did you know that many of the "fun stuff" in my stories, actually may have happened in my real life? My story is a fiction, but of course things around me and other stories or text are a big, big, BIG inspiration! :)
Currently, I'm trying to finish decorating the new lot for my story. I'm sorry, but I CAN'T publish it on here. Because many of these stuff are from "subscribers" and external sites >__<!! (I don't even know all the exact links!) So I'm sorry beforehand.
Well, that's it! Thanks for reading. If you actually did haha. Hugs & Like ♡ Nisuki
First Post...
Err, It's my first time arranging my profile. I've been playing Sims for years (not continuosly) and I only used this site to download CC before ^^;
I'm a busy working student before and I don't have the time to explore TSR and that was a big mistake >_<
I was now enjoys playing sims now after I got to know better about this site, yay! *claps hand to the air*
Though, I still have some minor headaches to arrange my profile. It may take a while for me to get to use to it, I guess.
But it's pretty exciting, well... without the minor headaches HAHA!
Well not in one day. *looks at my pile of homework* Well..
French.. Math.. Geography.. Economics..
Hm.. Maybe I will be able to finish all the stories.. Every subject ain't difficult, except for Math.
Math.. I don't like you.
*stares at it*
Some things to let you all know who is intrested.
2 things to say!
1. my 'gothic victorian requests' are still open if your intrested go and look to my other blog about it. Make use of it like Bobo1.
2. I made a sims3 page un tumblr for all my other sims3 creations!If intrested go here:
Enjoy and feelfree to ask questions about it :)
Hello dewdrop!
Why hello ♡ Dewdrop :x .
Well, to go straight to the point. I'm currently busy designing the new "decor" (lot) for my story Sudden End. They might be there for 2-3 chapters and I think I'm going to last the story for 5-6 more chapters. Depends on certain stuff..
Second thing! My new creation, Dawn Lavoie, is published, but it seems it has a subscriber item. But I thought It didn't had.. I tried using Custard Tool, but nothing weird/wrong was in it.. Oh well, I will look more careful next time! Sorry to all the non-subscribers who wanted to download her D:
And as last..
♡ Have an awesome day & week, keep smiling, bye! ♡ Nisuki
Right now I'm quite obsessed with lighthouses. You will see... I try to create them as realistic as I can (and EA lets me....). Therefore I use the fog emitter excessivly.... so if you download one of my lighthouses and fog, crashing waves, seagulls or whatever annoy you while playing, just sell the fogemitter in the buydebug-mode or delete it.
Some of my lighthouses will have a beam others won't. Depends on my mood.
About Me
About Me:
I will not tell you my age, address or other personal information.
I am a dancer
I am in ISER (Which is a company)
I like to sing
I nearly have the whole collection of the sims 3
I am not in a relationship.
I have a few crushes.
Don't want to brag but I'm slightly rich..
My favourite colour is red
I have facebook, Instagram,Kik, Skype,Yahoo and Snapchat
That's all!!
Thanks for reading this!
New Account - Awesome Creations - Problem With Creating - Lifesimmer on Youtube - R.I.P Quxxn.
Hello Simmers! This is a new account.
Firstly, I would like to say that I know how to download creations that all you awesome creators created! Seriously, They're abosolutely AMAZING ! I'm jealous ;) !
Secondly, I don't know if I create anything on this website but I think we can 'cause all you simmers created things. So please comment (If you can....) how to create things ! :)
Thirdly, If you would like a 'Let's play' Video, Then I reccommend you to watch 'Lifesimmer' on Youtube. She is an amazing simmer and has the WHOLE collection of the Sims 3 and the Sims 2 ! :O (Btw, I am NOT Lifesimmer ! Or am I.... ;) )
Since were talking about simmers. I would like to say .. R.I.P Quxxn ! May you rest in peace my awesome simmer :'(.
Thanks for reading this !
P.S There may be spelling/punctuation errors.
Autumnal Greetings
It's getting colder.
Outside it's cloudy, windy and leaves are falling. No doubt the summer has gone and it's autumn time again !
Enjoy the sounds, smells and lights of this beautiful season! I wish you all a wonderful,colorful autumn!
Not to mention those who live in the southern hemisphere: I wish you a lovely spring with sunshine and joy.
Waiting to export...
Jalee and I have been building and decorating our own lots for ages. I've been forbidden to tell you exactly how long we've been playing, but I can assure you that our Simship (Sims relationship--new word? Someone alert the people at Oxford) is over a decade long. We have also been skulking around The Sims Resource for a significant length of time. Only recently did we start toying with the idea that we could upload our own lots to share with other people.
Cut to a few months ago, when Jalee called me up to tell me that YES, FINALLY, her house was finished. You have to know her to know what this announcement meant. She has extensive experience in interior design and that definitely translated into her game. She has probably been playing with that house for over a year--decorating, re-decorating, scouring the internet for that ONE PERFECT RUG that looks just like the one in her real house. The list goes on and on. For her to tell me that it was done was a monumental moment.
"I wish I could see it!" I said excitedly. "Take pictures! Email them to me! Maybe you could make a video with your phone and send that!" So she did. They were gorgeous! I wanted that house in MY game. I could place it near my Sim's house, move Jalee into it, and we could hang out in the game ALL THE TIME. How could we make that happen? Why, EXPORT IT, of course!
Not so fast. We're hardly tech-savvy. Our husbands handle all the computer-related business in our houses. But even we can manage to click the "share" button, right? WRONG. We've been clicking this button for months for several houses we're particularly proud of, trying to share them on the TS3 exchange. We always get the same message: "Export failed." This is, of course, exceedingly frustrating for those of us with no understanding of WHY we are failing. Surely our games were just broken. The beautiful resorts and houses we built in our games would just have to stay there.
Then, magically, several days ago, Jalee sent me a text message: "OMG!!! I was finally able to share my Monta Villa resort!! I expanded it and it worked." (Please do check out her resorts, they are gorgeous! The first one will be published tomorrow.)
Me: "WHAT. WHAT??? What did you DO?!"
Jalee: "I think maybe it was the patch."
So I drove home and loaded up my game and still--I FAILED.
However, now there was hope! Jalee could do it! I could probably figure it out! So here we are, today, having spent about 5 hours on the phone with each other, trying to figure out why my beach resort won't export. I have done everything I can think of, and done everything the internet told me to, and finally I chose to run my game with no CC, and BAM--it worked. I then had to go in and replace the things that went missing, of course, so it isn't quite what I wanted it to be. Now, I will admit, my resort is not nearly as COOL as it was when it was chock full of the beautiful custom content that I've been downloading from TSR artists for years, but it works.
I want it to work the next time, too--only maybe NEXT time I can keep my CC to share with you all. Does anyone have any hints or tips? I'm sure someone out there has the answer...
Happy Simming,
attempting to get sims 2 running on windows 8!
As I have seen across te internet people can not get the sims 2 running with windows 8...I refuse to give up just yet!! Trying out some new patches now, might have to try uninstalling and usin origin to reinstall them as apparently that might work.
Currently my game loads, even let me access a house with sims in! But then crashed shortly after. :( If I find success I shall be telling all! Wish me luck! :)
My first Story
Hey there!
This is my first post but I don't know if someone will ever read this :D Whatever.
I told a few people that I want to publish a story. My first one. YAY! Besides the normal fears the story could be awful or nobody likes it I have some other issues.
My problem is I would like to publish the Intro in a few days or in a week. I "only" have to translate the Intro from my main language into english, create the sims, build some lots and take some screenshots.
Yeah.. I could take some lots I've already built or Sims I've already created... But nah.. I'd like to create new things. (erm yeah... I "talk" to much, this is NOT the problem :D)
So how could I describe the Problem?
I only have TS2 at this time and I've downloaded some CC that would perfectly fit into my story. I'm also really happy with TS2 but I would like to buy TS3 in the next few days or maybe weeks, because I want to try it and I believe the Screens are better than with TS2. So if I start writing the story with TS2 and then change to TS3 would be stupid. I hate it when the characters and the locations look different and we all know if I would do this they definitely would.
The next problem is I don't have enough money this time so I only can buy the basic game and 1 or maybe 2 EP's. I could buy the other EP's or I get them to my Birthday in October. :D Well... The EP's aren't the Problem.
I worry about the CC's (I have almost 20.000 downloads) and I know what to do in TS2. And I have no idea if there is the same or almost the same CC I would like to use for my Story which I already have in TS2. I guess I won't tell you what I exactly need because I think its' a Spoiler :D
Next problem is I'm not sure if my computer respectively my graphic card can do it because it's very old. I think recommended is everything thats better than ATI Radeon 5900 Series but I only have a 5700 Series.I don't know how different they are or if this is working. No idea!
Now my questions for you: What would you do? Start writing with TS2 and change to TS3? (Thats something I don't like to do) Or would you start with TS3? But the question is: Is my computer able to do it? Because it's old.. And is there CC that would fit into my Story? And I can't publish my Story so soon like I said. :( I honestly don't know what to do now...
If someone can help, has a plan, an idea or just want to say: "SHUT UP!! STOP THINKING GIRL! JUST DO IT! DON'T WRITE THAT MUCH" please let me know :D
Have a nice and beautiful week ♡
xoxo the much writing Girl Sarah
Spelling mistakes or ungrammatical sentences may be eaten. Bon appetite! :D
Updated wings coming soon(will fix some problem)
Hello! I need to say that I am planning to update my wings, because thay have conflicts with some hairs: Texture of my wings is visible through the hair and looks like their texture is on hair, but hair is in front of that accessories.
I searched the problems and fixed:
*qualitive look in CAS without shadows and blur look.
*Cas priority without conflict with hairs
Sims3pack and package format will be updated in my blog and here soon.
I meant these problems:
Please wait 1-2 days for approval of my new updated version
I'm back!
Hello all,
Sorry I've been so busy recently! I had to reinstall my game and getting it working again has taken many many hours!
When I get playing again, I shall be preparing some new clothes for upload for girls :) They've been a long time in the making but I haven't been able to get good photos so that has been the delay. Watch this space, I'll be working on them over the next few days :)
thanks for following my work! If anyone has any area of my work they particularly like e.g. lots then please comment so I can focus my time on things people will appreciate :)
Annie xoxo
Well yea.. it's about the story. Maybe it will be a week untill the next chapter comes.
I'm planning on making a HUGE.. certain lot for the story and I have no idea, if I'm able to finish it, while I have school :[ I will try to stick at a 5days but max it will be 7 days ^__^
Sorry if this wasn't important to you, but maybe it is. thaha *pokes you*
Byebye! Much likes and hugs! Nisuki.
Hello you!
Wah! Today I was really busy with house chores and homework. At the end of the afternoon I had to work till 8:00PM .
Now I'm still doing some homework, and currently replying to all the messages and thanking everyone for the comments!
I haven't started yet with chapter 6 of my story. I'm not sure when that one will be done.. I think 5 days ^__^
If you've any questions, you can ask ~ I don't have anything more to say - 3 - !
Have an awesome day, keep smiling & hugs ♡ Nisuki
Use of my creations
Hello everyone!
I wanted to make a little note about the use of my creations.
- You CAN'T reupload or modify my creations.
- My objects, makeup, clothes and accessories are TSRAA, it means that you can use them for your sims and houses that you submit to TSR!
- You can use my creations for your sims and houses and upload your creation on your website but you have to write that I'm the creator of the object/clothing/accessory/makeup you used.
Thank you so much to people who support me and like my stuff! Have fun ;)
My First Step to Becoming a Fashion Designer
I’ve been designing for sims almost for 6 years! Designing is my favourite spare time hobby! It’s not fair to call it a “hobby” because I’m planning to make it in my whole life! This is my passion, I was always saying I want to be a designer in real, well some exciting things happened! This summer I graduated from high school! I applied some universities, I won English translation and interpreting but my lifetime wish is becoming a fashion designer so I also applied some universities’ fashion designing department! They made aptitude tests; these tests usually have 2 parts! 1st part you draw a sitting model, I succeed this part! Then 2nd part, they are not planning this part, they surprise you by giving a random topic or random drawing materials! My favourite part is the 2nd, they asked us to draw a clothing collection about the historical place, the tower in Izmir! They want us to inspire from that building! This was soo fun for me!!! While very stressful for others! I draw a collection very quickly and leave the class! The next they they announced the results! I won a scholarship (It’s a paid university) moreover I won the first place!! I never felt happier than this before! OMG amazing! My family, my friends we all screamed happily! My dream is about to come true! I’m raising Watch out! I’m coming :P ! ROAR JJ
BTW Keep your eyes on my blog, I will let you know
more about my university life and my real designs! Also keep your eyes on my
creations, hope my department will help me to increase my designs’ quality!
Frequently asked questions (TS3)
Please check this post for an answer to your questions before asking, thanks :D
1. Where can i find that hair?
- I will for the future leave a comment in the creator notes with a link to the creator of the hairs.
- On my sims you will always find a direct link to the hair in the creator notes, if the hair is not included in the download. You will then have to seperately download and equip that hair in CAS. I do use donate hairs and if you want it you will have to pay for it yourself. I will not in any way help aquire it for free.
2. Do i need the EP's you have for the sim to work?
- First off please read creator notes and make sure your game is updated. Usually it has no affect on the sim. I might use some clothes or hair from my EP's but if you dont have the same EP the items will simply be replaced and have no affect on the sim.
3. Do i need World Adventures for the sim to work?
- First off please read creator notes and make sure your game is updated. No you do not necessarily need world adventures for the sim to work. It is stated as a required EP because i have the EP. Same as above question applies.
4. The Sim does not look as pictured?
- Please read the creator notes to see what is included and what is not and make sure your game is updated. I do use skins for my sims. You can find the skin here: Skin by Teru_k
To be able to use the skin your game has to be set up for package files, here is a guide to help with this: Package file setup guide.
PLEASE FOLLOW THE GUIDE STEP BY STEP. If this is not the issue please PM me with the issue and i will check the sim and get back to you.
The Skin i use is non-default, this means it does not replace game skin and you actually need to switch to it for it to display on the sim. Heres how the skin should look like when installed: Ingame Skin.
Heres a picture of the difference with and without the skin: Skin difference, this difference can be more or less significant from sim to sim.
The sim is missing clothes, shoes, etc and it's not stated in creator notes?
I often use content from EP's like clothes, shoes and accessories and if you don't have the same EP's these items will be replaced by similar clothes from your game. When you download a sim you can check your launcher and you should see a yellow warning sign that says: "This item has dependencies on EP content that seems to be missing. The missing EP content will be replaced with proxies" if you hover over it.
5. Why are some CC not packed with the sim?
- As a creator at TSR i am bound to follow some rules when i submit a sim. You can read more about the rules here: Sims and Pets submissions requirements.
In short no CC outside TSR is allowed to be packed with the sim. Only TSRAA-yes CC is allowed to be packed with the sim (some clothes, accessories and most hairs on TSR is not). Lastly no package files is allowed to be packed with the sim. These rules has mainly been set to protect the downloader from faulty CC and game issues but also to respect the wishes of other creators here on TSR and outside TSR.
6. Where can i get those shoes?
- On my sims you will always be able to find the CC either in the tab: TSR creations if it is included or in creator notes. For other creations i can only say ask, and i will get back to you.
7. I can't find the Sim i installed?
All installed sims can be found in the CAS (create a sim) section along with saved Sims. If you can't find it there you should see if you can locate it in your downloads section of you launcher and see if there is any error. If you can't find it in your downloads you did not install it and should try again.
If you did not find the answer to your question here, feel free to ask on my creations, questbook or PM me :)
Is it really like that, or am I just high?
Well, yesterday, I accidently scrolled all the way down from the TSR site.
and guess what I saw.. I saw this
Recent Activity
and I was literally stunned for a moment. I saw the intro of my story standing right there.
Recommended by 4 people? What???? Is that possible? And how the? I guess the text had a lot of impact? O_O I'm still speechless.. Or is it just me, that I see that.. I DON'T KNOW!! *SLAMS KEYBOARD* ASQWESADAQSXZ. oh and EVEN it's just 4. I'M STILL AMAZED. KYA! *squeals*
Anyways, I'm probably finishing chapter 5 today, it's not a fabulous chapter. Since you are going to meet some new simmies, and probably learn more.. about the graves.. ^__^ Take your tissues with ya ~ Nah, just kidding xD
And I'm making a second lot, which is (I think I've said it before, dunno) a bit more to the modern way~! After that I think I'm going to make a simple little house :3 !
If you've read this, oh my holy sim. I will give you a hug and a sweet. *HUG & hands over sweet*
Have an awesome day, keep smiling, hugs ♡ Nisuki
Prep for Sims 4 - Tell me what pattern sets you would like to see
With the news coming in on Sims 4, and my hope we will be able to continue with custom patterns, let me know which (if any) of my Sims 3 patterns and or patterns sets you would like to see again in Sims 4.
Practice makes perfect, and if I know ahead of time what to prep for it will help me have a leg up once the tools are out there and available.
Looking forward to reading your responses.
Thank you all for your nice comments!
What a warm and nice welcome!
I really appreciate all the downloads and I will try to keep up delivering interesting and enjoyable lots.
I wish
you all a wonderful weekend!
You just have to read this, bcus I like you!♡
Hello Beautiful ♡
If you are one of my readers, or one of the persons who downloaded my first creation, OR a random person who just randomly came to my profile.
I like you ! ♡
Yes, I had to say that!
- Currently I'm still writing Chapter 5 of Sudden End.
- My next house will be a simple little rectengular modern house! This will be my first try. O__O
- My 2nd creation (A Sim) Was rejected. I guess one of the mkup I used might not have been from TSR.. I'm not sure.. I'm gonna change it O__O ! Hopefully you'll see the Lady soon :) .
Have an awesome day, keep smiling ♡ Nisuki
Feel free to request me :)
Hello guys, I'm a new creator here and I want to become a real mesher.
After my 2 sets: Wooden Dining Room and Albums Collection, I can see that people needs something outside my available set (as in the Albums Collection - I just made only 4 singles that I love), but everybody else wants their favorite singles too.
I intend to do my Albums Colelction Part 2 as those requests about Demi Lovato, One Direction and Selena Gomez.
Sooo, from now on, if I release any set but you want to have your favorite part (any parts), just give me your idea on my Guestbook and I'll contact you later :)..
Best regrade!
Have a nice day everyone!
Hey everyone I'm new and as you can see, I'm furpal1. I haven't been playing the sims that long, but I've learned by watching lets plays of lifesimmer on YouTube mostly. If you'd like to help me with anything, comment!
Life goes on
And here it is, September. A time when life goes back to normal, work and school starts again. And so for me. A new year in school, one year closer gradutation and one year of commuting (hopefully not so long time now). With this said I want to tell you that my time for meshing is very limited. I have only around 4-5 hours when I get home until it's time for bed for me so I can not guarantee that I will upload anything for some time, but! As for now I can tell you that I am working on a set, a kitchen more particularly. I have done most of the counters so now it's just kitchen appliances and deco to be done!
That was all for now!