Facebook Cover Photo Contest!
Baby it's Cold Outside! (Ok, so in some parts of the world it's not very cold at all, but it is here, so just agree with me!) And when it's this cold, we need something warm and cheerful... like a new Facebook Cover Photo showing your Sims celebrating the holidays!
Take a screenshot in one of your Sims games (Sims 2 or Sims 3) that best portrays your Sims in the Holiday spirit. Show them hosting a gift giving party, or having a snowball fight, or sipping hot cocoa on the front porch. Your shot can be anything related to Sims celebrating in the cold, but it must be PG-13.
Upload your screenshot to TSR, with the title 'Holiday Spirit!' To do that, hover your mouse over the Account option at the top of the page, scroll down to Edit Screenshots and click. Choose the tab at the top that says Submit Screenshot and fill in the information. Make sure you change the Public to Yes.
You may enter as many times as you like.
Entries must be submitted by 10PM EST on Sunday, January 5, 2014. Winners will be announced by Thursday, January 9, 2014.
The first prize winner will see their screenshot on our Facebook page as our cover image and will also receive a full month of VIP access to the site (no advertisements, use of the download basket, etc).
Second place will get two weeks of VIP access.
Third place will get one week of VIP access.
(If the winner is already a VIP, the time will simply be added to the number of days left on their current account.)
NOTE: Facebook cover photo size is 850x315 and our logo will be on top of the bottom left corner of the image.