Best Tips To Dealing with Menopause

 Menopause is a natural stage in the life of every woman. While some breeze through with few issues, there are those who experience discomfort and symptoms that interfere with their normal enjoyment of life. Every woman is an individual and will experience menopause differently. For those who become bothered with troubling symptoms there are remedies that can help tremendously. Here are a some of the ways you can address specific symptoms.

Hot flushes

Hot flushes are one of the most commonly reported symptoms of menopause. They are caused by decreasing estrogen levels in the body. The ancient Chinese therapy of acupuncture has long been used to decrease hot flashes and restore energy flows within the body by pinpointing (no pun intended) specific nerves in the body for a natural form of treatment.

Boost your mood with Omega 3

Omega 3 are essential fatty acids that are required for normal brain function. When you take the recommended doses on a daily basis, they help to restore cognitive functioning and can help to boost your mood, clear your thinking and improve your memory. The best sources of Omega 3 EFAs are found in fish oil found in trout, salmon, anchovies, sardines and other seafood.

Exercise helps to reduce menopause symptoms and promote better health

Exercise helps to keep the blood and oxygen flowing better to cells of the body for nourishment. Getting adequate amounts is essential for burning excess calories from foods that would otherwise be stored as fats, for building lean muscle mass, and for stimulating the production of feel good chemicals in the body. It is also associated with improved cardiovascular health and maintaining a healthy body weight.

Amp up your calcium intake for better bone health

During menopause, many key nutrients in the body are diminished or depleted. Increasing your calcium intake can help prevent diseases such as osteoarthritis and other types of weakness in the bones from developing. It also helps to provide for better dental health.

Start Kegel exercising for stronger pelvic muscles

Menopause can cause a weakening of the tissues in the pelvic region, sometimes resulting in loss of elasticity and incontinence issues. In order to strengthen the pelvic muscles and lessen the risk of embarrassing and inconvenient bouts of incontinence, perform Kegel exercises on a daily basis. They are easy to do and can be done anywhere.

Don’t let menopause stand in the way of intimacy

If you find that your libido is sagging then do something about it. Women who have enjoyed a healthy sex life prior to menopause can still enjoy the same level of intimacy. If the symptoms of menopause are the cause of your lack of desire, there are remedies available that work!

Relieve dryness with a vaginal moisturizer

There is a broad selection of over the counter vaginal moisturizers, lubricants and female enhancements. Although these are not cures and they need to be used every time for results, they do provide temporary relief from vaginal dryness.

Always get a good night’s sleep

Fatigue and exhaustion can interfere with your normal desire for intimacy. Be sure to get plenty of quality rest each night so you will feel your best the next day. If you are having problems with night sweats, insomnia or other conditions which interfere with your ability to get a good night's rest, there are some natural remedies which may help to alleviate these conditions.

Ask your doctor about hormone therapy

Since hormonal imbalances, in particular, the lack of estrogen in the body is the major cause of menopause symptoms, replacing estrogen and other sex hormones is the best logical treatment. Your health care provider may recommend that you begin hormone replacement therapy. This is recommended for some women who have other health conditions that can be improved from the use of these synthetically manufactured hormone replacements. Caution should be used as they have been know to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and certain cancers in some women. Women who have a personal or family history of cardiovascular issues and cancer may not be eligible for this type of treatment.

Alternative treatments

The use of natural menopause supplements is becoming more popular with health care providers and women around the world. It provides the benefits of hormone replacement therapy without the health risks.

Natural menopause remedies use plants that contain ingredients that act like estrogen in the body. These are known as phytoestrogens. They are most commonly found in soy, wild yam and black cohosh among other plants. The helpful compounds are extracted from these plants, concentrated and combined with other helpful ingredients known as lignans, found in flax seed oil and some grains, into a supplement form.

This alternative treatment has been reported as being highly effective in reducing symptoms by many women experiencing discomfort due to menopause.


There are several different treatment methods available for women who experience uncomfortable symptoms of menopause. As each woman is different, one treatment option may work better than another. There is no good reason to tolerate discomfort from the symptoms of menopause when so much help is available.


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Best Tips To Dealing with Menopause
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