Problems Installing My Lots & Sims

I have recieved a few complaints during my time here at TSR that my Lots fail to install with the Launcher. I find this very disturbing. I have had some people test my lots in-game with 100% success, so I know the files aren't broken or anything, but when others tell me that they don't work, I get very confused. As of November 2016 I only have the WORLD ADVENTURES, AMBITIONS, AND LATE NITE EPs, and NO SPs at all, so any lots of mine dated before November 2015 do NOT require ANY EPs or SPs. Therefore, The problem clearly lies with who has certain CC properly installed, and who doesn't. With lots made ater November 2015, you may need to update your game to the latest patch or game EP I have to get them to appear. As of March 2016, I am currently using Patch Update 1.29, so as to avoid all the social crap nonsense going on with Showtime.

1.) PACKAGE FILES: as I ALWAYS say on my Downloads pages: You NEED to INSTALL the Extra CC Not Included files before you install my Lots and Sims into your Launcher, or it won't work! Download ALL of EA's FREE sets and things, including Riverview, at The Store if the frakking Launcher keeps telling you you're missing something.

When I list Package files I use in my creations, you MUST follow THE LINKS I give you, and download EVERYTHING I tell you to. The Launcher cannot read Package files, so you must already have the Package files in your Packages folder under Mods (under Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Mods/Packages. If you don't know what a Package file or Mods folder is, go her to learn what to do: 3: Installing Package Files. DO NOT try to install my Lots or Sims creatios in the Launcher without having FIRST put all the necessary Package files in you Packages folder. DO NOT.

2.) STORE STUFF (RIVERVIEW): Riverview is a MUST. REGISTER your Base Game at EA's TS3 site, and download the world--it's FREE (thank goodness). A lot of CC I use on my landscapes comes from Riverview--stuff like the wood logs and the scarecrow, especially.

2b.) STORE STUFF (WORLDS): I currently have Barnacle Bay, Hidden Springs and Lunar Lakes installed. There is exclusive CC that comes with these worlds that I may or may not use, so if you think something is missing, it might be one of these 3 Store Worlds.

3.) STORE STUFF (FREEBIES): As I said abouve, I recommend that you download it ALL. Any and everything Free at The Store: GET IT. I did, and I may or not use any of these CC objects/clothes in my creations. Sometimes I use them without even realizing it, and TSR does not always list what is included in the creations, I have come to realize. If you don't know what is being offered freely, this is a good site to see everything all at once, and then go to the Store and get them:

3b.) STORE STUFF (FREEBIES--ACHIEVEMENTS and MYSTERY BUNDLES): I learned a Mod the Sims a few weeks/months back that was possible to get FREE THINGS at The Store by uploading your sim Memories to the website. Eager for anything my broke behind didn't have to pay for, I started uploading my Memories to My Studio, and sure enough I received a lot of cool things from EA, which are all listed here: so besure to Upload your Memories, folks, so you can get the freebies too! ^0^ Also, a few moths ago EA started including a few TSM to TS3 conversions as Mystery Bundle PRIZES for buying simpoint bundles at the Store. I have them ALL. You can see images and learn more about Mystery Items here:

4.) STORE STUFF (PAY): I won't name individual files, but I'll list Store Sets I own that I might USE STUFF from Mediterranean Life, Viva Las Vegas Living, Regency Arcade, Olympia Physique, Morrocco Mystique, Buccaneer's Bounty, Hacienda Luxury, Indulgent Living, Zen Againn, Asian Fusion, Old Town Starter, Worldly Goodies: Adrenaline Rush, Transportation to the Future, Pushin Pedals, Speedy Styles, ALL Futureshock, More Magic, Steampunk (plus Retur and Kitchen), ALL Street Couture, Through the Spyglass Bedroom, Frontier Finds Living Room, ALL Faire, Folk Life, Gothique Living and Sleeping, ALL Regal Living, Victorian Fashions, Complete Castle Kits, Tiki Living and Dining, Mid Century Fantasy Living, Killer Classics and Three Lakes, Boho Vintage Womens, ALL Jazz Age, Bayside Laundry and Kitchen, ALL Storybook.

5.) EXCLUSIVE DOWNLOADS: I was lucky enough to snag a few downloads from the T-Mobile GETCONNECTED promotion a few months ago, and got some things. The OFFER is no longer available, sadly: T-Moblie - Retro Record Player and T-Moblie - Musi Arsenal.

So DOWNLOAD all of these things, if you can. If you can't get the Sims Store Pay Items and Exclusive Content, the you can't use my lots, whether they're for or not, sorry :(at least, NOT VIA THE LAUNCHER. It won't work, so YOUR only other option is to....

6.) DELPHY's MULTI-EXTRACTOR as last minute rescue: EDown load my lots anyway, and then go to Mod the Sims and download Delphy's Multi-Extractor at htttp:// This will allow you tur turn any sims3pack into a PACKAGE file, including lots and sims. Turn the lots/sims into a package file, then put it in your Library folder under Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Library if it's a lLot, or the SavedSims folder if it's a Sim, and load the game--EASY! You now have my lot/sims!

If you still have problems, PLEASE: LET ME KNOW!!! I have over 400,000 people who downloaded my things so far, and I count on boht hands the people who told me that they had problems. If I don't know it's broken, HOW will I know to fix it?

I hate knowing that people are having problems with my things. :(It takes me so lonng to do lots (especially the Furished ones--those are a pill) and I trully and utterly mean this: HAPPY SIMMING!


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