Personal Update about Tha's health
Hi, Simmers!
Since I posted before, I had problems with stomachaches since March. Now, I finally returned to the GI doctor to show all my medical exams (blood tests, endoscopy etc...) and the diagnoses are gastritis, esophagitis and lactose intolerance.
I started being treated with medicine for this matter, but because of all the pain i had and the inability to eat properly until today (since March) it all lead me to have bad anxiety crises and a very big fear of eating. So am having medical appointments for this situation as well (psychologist).
I feel better, though 🙏💙🥰
There are days i feel perfect, other days not so fine... But it is all a process, a really slow process... like baby steps.
And i really appreciate that you guys kept me on your prayers, your thoughts and good vibrations!
All this love i receive, i keep on my heart and it makes me a bit more strong to keep going.
Thank you very sincerely, Guys! 💐🧡💛🧡💐
May all be embraced and feel safe, health and happy for all we have today.
Much love for you all!