Egg on my face...
I have accidentally uploaded a half-finished version of the "Not So Simple Coffee Mug" - a bit of mental califcication going on here as I get my simming legs back under me, I guess. I neglected to update the GUID to the new one. this is what I get for trying to me smarter than I am, I suppose.
I will be uploading the corrected mesh within a short time, so let's the database isn't crushed under the weight of the site traffic on Monday!
It took longer than expected, but the updated file is finally in the pipe.
The exact problem dealt with the GUID. In reconstructing the file so it would be base-game compatible, I had neglected to update the ObjectData with the new GUID, so the recolours were sort of lost.
When you download the corrected version of the file, simply copy the new file into your downloads folder and allow the new file to over-write the old file. When you re-enter any lots on which you have used the "Not So Simple Coffee Mug", you should discover the wooden posing model, simply remove the model in build mode, then place the coffee mug and use the swatch tool to choose the recolour.
All of the recolours are contained in the base object, so you see thirteen (13) recolours and several -- eleven, if memory serves -- fill states.