I have something to confess
There's no easy way to say this, but here it goes: I'm afraid I can't update hair fashionista 2 because I can't find its texture and meshes. I looked everywhere but nope, it's not on my machine anymore. I must have deleted them accidentally. I must learn to name my work properly and put them in properly named folders to avoid this stuff. Yeah I know, this isn't cool. It was my favorite hair too.
But can I just say this one thing? I'm very happy that there are still people signing my guestbook to ask if I'll update my meshes especially now that there are lots of better hair to download on TSR:) It really means a lot to me, thanks guys.
Also, if there are any Workshop gurus reading this, I'd be glad to know if there's a way to extract a .sims3pack to get its contents. If there is, I'll make sure to get that hair work and announce it with big bold letters.