Old Fashioned Community lots
Hello Everyone! I'm building a series of old fashioned community lots and someone suggested I blog about them so I can share my ideas and get input from others before I publish them. They are probably going to be more Victorian in style, but will work for many different historical periods including Georgian, Regency, and Edwardian. Sims will be able to visit the lots and I will be using the custom rabbit hole rugs made by cazarupt so the buildings will have all the same options as the EA community buildings. I'm building the lots on the little island in Riverview, so they will be pretty small. My first lot is a book store and lady’s shop. The lady’s shop is just for fun since sims can’t actually buy things there. I put a dance studio on the top floor so sims can go there and dance. LOL I'm hoping there will be more options for community lots when Ambitions comes out. We'll see! The bookstore has a lot of little areas for reading and I put an art studio on the top floor. The second lot will be for the business and journalism careers. Sims can still visit the lot, but it will be full of desks basically! I posted a couple of screen shots. Let me know what you think! Thanks! Missy