FINALLY! I know how to use Photoshop
I've always wanted to create stuffs like objects or makeup and clothing. But the thing is I didn't know how to use Photoshop! I used mostly Paint Net. for my first five creations. I've tried hard to understand all the process to make a simple custom dress, but I knew then that there were no chances for me to succes.
After few experiences, I said to myself relax and take your time, it's like learning how to ride a bicycle, you always fall the first times. I start to re-read all the tutorials about the sims 3 and memorise about the most important things. I've ''experimented'' a lot with photoshop, modify pictures, learn about the contents..etc.
And finally, I made some paintings and makeups! It's not a huge work like a bed or a bride's dress, but I'm quite proud of what I've acomplished in a month.