Future Plans That I WILL Stick to :)
Now.......it's been over a month and while my internet problem isn't completely solved I can actually access it now, so it shouldn't be a problem to start uploading the next chapters of Tomb Raider! So don't worry I haven't discontinued it! And I promise to never ever ever do that to you guys :).
You know that's always been my kind of rule with these stories, I'll stick them out until the very end! Like with Good vs. Evil, I started to lose interest halfway through and I really wanted to stop, but I already knew how I was going to end it, so I put all my effort into it and made it as good as well I could possibly have made it, and it turned out really well....if that doesn't sound to presumptuous of me to say. Anyway the point was no matter how long it takes I WILL always finish a story that I start........(except for that one that was really bad.....and I deleted its existence....)
So anyway the real point of this was to let you know that I'm officially back and continuing to write sims stories, and to make it easier and have some fluidity in my stories I will be posting chapters every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, which may actually mean that you'll be reading them every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday depending on how long they take to be published. I'm not sure anymore, because it used to take a day to be published but the last few things that I've submitted haven't taken much longer than an hour to be published on the site.
Alright so now I must be off to finish cleaning my room. I still have to write some more chapters because I think I only have up to chapter 7 or something completely written up, then also need to make up a 'previously' for the next chapter because off the top of my head I have no idea what's been happening in the story, so I don't expect you to remember either! :) 7 weeks is way too long between chapters. I really promise it will never happen again!
Oh so you can expect to be reading chapter 3? I think it's chapter 3....I really should have written this after I checked these things. Anyway the point is you shall be reading the next chapter in the Tomb Raider series, on Monday and then the next chapter after that one Wednesday and the one after that on Friday and so on and so forth until this series has finished! THEN I'll start doing the sims version of Underworld! and then after that I'm working on a more of a drama story that I've already written! But waiting to make until I've finished all the Tomb Raider series.
Anyway if you were wondering what was on my story agenda^.
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!! and a fabulous New Year!! Cannot believe it's 2012!!
Adios xox