First Ever Blog Post
---Attention Please.!---
My Name Is Mikayla, I'm startng the new year getting out there...that's part of my resolutions.
(BTW, I do the "..." thing alot so sorry if that annoys you...I try not to come on too strong.)
So Here Are My Resolutions! :D
-Post Creations On This Website (After I find out how...)
-Get Myself Out There
-Make My First Ever SIMS 3 Movie.
-Have a SIMS 3 Game Going Longer Than Two Days (I get bored then create new families out the BOOTY, seriously, you should see how many sims I've created and saved...I'm planning on posting those.)
(P.S. I get off subject, ALOT.)
Personal Resolutions ;)
-Fix My Attitude
-Change My Style (I'm tired of attempting to be "Scene", I'll just go with Hipster/Vintage)
-Start Hanging Out With My Best Friend INSTEAD of Preps. (They treat me poorly and they are always up my ass...excuse me, sorry, butt. And My Friend, Elizabeth and I have never argued..unless you count fighting over the last soda in the lunch line... )
So Theres That!
I'm planning on being the sim and house creator for be patient!
I'd also like to mention the creators who inspired me, Pralinesims, TugmeL, dorenski and Serpentrogue! Thanks for all of your wondeful creations!
-If you don't know who they are, SEARCH THEM FOR BABEH JESUS SAKES!
Thanks For Reading!