If you thought you were safe...
Hello everyone - thank you so much for all your wonderful comments in my guestbook and on my creations. I read them all and feel massively grateful and humbled. It's your comments that make me want to create and I love reading them all (unfortunately, given my work schedule I don't have time to reply to them individually but I read every single one and feel very appreciative - and often amused)!
Just in case you thought things had become a little tame in this dark corner of the site, rest assured I'm now working on my particular brand of horrible toilet! Pictures will follow just to make sure I truly upset your otherwise pleasant day. Are there other horrible things you'd like to see? Let me know in the comments if so. Note: wondows are being a bit of a bane right now, not sure what is wrong yet but once I've resolved it I shall start making collections of windows too. Right now though, windows and doors are a bit off the agenda. Anything else, name it as it might inspire my next set.
Happy Simming and stay safe. Hugs and love.