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Part of the 'Peg To Differ' series, this paper towel comes in several patterns and is perfect for everything from tough messes and small everyday clean-ups to holding snacks, and as a napkin or coaster. As an added bonus, this paper towel holder doubles as a fire detector that will keep your simmies safe and look good doing it. Can be mounted to the 'Peg To Differ' pegboard or directly to the wall.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1477019
ItemID: 1477019
Filesize: 627 KB
This kitchen clutter is an add on to the 'Peg To Differ' pegboard series. Make sure to download the base set (1477010) which consists of the pegboards and shelves. However, all of these items can be used on their own as well.
All objects in the 'Peg To Differ - Kitchen Clutter' are basegame compatible.
All objects in the 'Peg To Differ - Kitchen Clutter' can be mounted on any pegboard in the series or directly to the wall on their own.
Custom mesh by RAVASHEEN.
Search RVSN in game for all my cc creations!
Recolors are only allowed when proper credit is given, the original mesh is not included in the recolor, and posted on TSR only. No one is a fan of ad.fly or other spammy links, so please respect this request.
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Insta: @ravasheencc
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Reddit: r/ravasheen
- Recoloring Allowed: Yes - Do not include mesh
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