![Sims 4 — Multilayer chain on the leg by Sims_House — Multilayer chain on the leg 8 options. Chic multilayer glitter](/scaled/3290/w-600h-450-3290850.jpg)
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Multilayer chain on the leg
8 options.
Chic multilayer glitter chain on one leg for women.
Search in the socks category. Suitable for all drawn tight-fitting items such as skinny jeans, shorts, leggings. Can be combined with tights. Suitable for short dresses. When combined with the bottom, having a volumetric mesh may have overlapping textures.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1550309
ItemID: 1550309
Filesize: 483 KB
Poses on the photo FLOWER CHAMBER
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- Creating Tool used: TS4 CAS/Mesh Tools
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