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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
This Creation belongs to a Set - Click here to show the whole Set
Nose mask 04 Overlay version, will adapt to chosen skin colours and can be used with overlay skins.
update 2023-03-18: enabled for infants
This is a re-upload of the nose mask 04 as a proper set instead of a zip file. This way, sim creators can include the nose mask in their sim uploads.
Sim creators, please use this version for your sims and delete the old version :)
HQ mod compatible: preview picture was taken without HQ mod!
Skin detail category
all genders
all ages
will not show up on random sims
HQ texture
custom thumbnail
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1581488
ItemID: 1581488
Revision: 3
Filesize: 167 KB
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