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Created for: The Sims 1
This cat skin uses a Kelahn wing mesh; the wing pattern is a design I made just for this project. (I made the horn meshes myself.) You can find more of Kehaln's work at www.kelahn.com. Hell Cats are perfect for anyone who thinks cats are minions of the devil, or anyone who is nauseated by cutesy little angel cats. I made these to go with my Good Kitties (angel cats); it's funny to put them in the same household and watch them play and snuggle together. Just like my fairy cats, the wings will occasionally "float" above the body; I've been unable to correct that flaw because Milkshape shuts down whenever I try to edit them.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/44379
ItemID: 44379
Credits: Kelahn
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