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Created for: The Sims 1
Reached the pinnacle of your career?
Want nice housing in the right part of town? Then come to StoneCanyonRanch, the affordable neighborhood. The homes feature large open livingrooms and kitchens complete with countertops, sinks, and 4 appliances, just as you'd expect. Unexpected touches include smokedetector, alarmsystem, and wallphone. Also, all homes feature a wood fireplace. This home features a large master bedroom with 2 additional bedrooms. Two bathrooms as well. A large entry hall completes the setup with plenty of space for entertaining or use as a study. The bathrooms come complete with sink, toilet, tub, and shower. Wall lighting is included. The inviting brick/siding exterior is included in the zip as well, while the interior decor is from the original game.
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ItemID: 37291
- Lot: 1
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