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Created for: The Sims 2
Once Open A Time In a far away town called simsville there was a little girl named Blondy after her stunning blonde curls. She was spoilt by the town from birth and became a mean, bossy little brat. The Robot fairys looked after the towns children and were ashamed to have such a youngling in there town and decided to fix the problem that blondy was becoming. On blondys 10th birthday she was visted by the robot fairys, Roberta, fobot and rairys. The fariys Brought a magical pink brush for blondy, as soon as the child layed her greedy eyes on it she wisked it out of there hands with out a thank you or anything. She began brushing her beautiful blonde locks with it. The Brush began to glow and vibrat turning blondy's hair shades of pink. The town members gasped with shock. Blondy's eyes became brown and clear she felt diffrent...she like being nice! The Fairy explained (with a lie) to the Towns folk that blondy had been possed by the aliens and they had saved her. The town rejocied delieght and everyong lived happily ever after. The End
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/319196
ItemID: 319196
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