![Sims 2 — Haunted Hollow by OgdenGroves — This is a hood I made for Haunted Hollow. After you download the file, make sure](/scaled/165/165619.jpg)
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Created for: The Sims 2
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This is a hood I made for Haunted Hollow. After you download the file, make sure you also search for Haunted Hollow Lots, objects, walls, floors ECT..... you will find Hunderds of downloads that you can use in the new Hood to create a Haunted Hollow of you own. Make sure to join us in our Haunted Hollow Thread to show us what you have done, and feel free to create new items and lots to include and share!!!
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/458249
ItemID: 458249
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Installation Instructions:
after download unzip the file and copy into this folder.....
My Documents EA Games The Sims 2 SC4Terrains