![Sims 2 — Summer Park by ricarpin762 — in this summer park Sims can enjoy spacious green areas, with a reception in the](/scaled/1870/w-594h-450-1870382.jpg)
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Created for: The Sims 2 Creator Terms of Use
in this summer park Sims can enjoy spacious green areas, with a reception in the club which are the bathrooms for both sexes, television to share with their neighbors, double whirlpool, a large swimming pool, a grocery store and a river that crosses the park.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1090896
ItemID: 1090896
Credits: parsimonious, holysimoly ,modthesims, simpleton
- Lot Size: Large
- Furnished: Fully
- Decorated: Throughout
- Stories: 1
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