![Sims 2 — Haunted Hollow Campground Dorm-6 Cabins by Kamus4547 — A campground for the students who can't afford a regular](/scaled/168/w-600h-450-168314.jpg)
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Created for: The Sims 2
This Creation has Requirements - Click here to show them
A campground for the students who can't afford a regular dorm room. Individual cabins and common areas. In back is a cemetary believed to be haunted, but that's only rumor. Or is it? ALL MAXIS. See Notes for more pics and info. Enjoy!
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/452941
ItemID: 452941
A campground for the students who can't afford a regular dorm room. It has all the amenities of a regular dormitory, just in a 'rougher' style. Each student has a cabin with a bed, and shares the rest of the facilities which include a main cabin with a kitchen-dining area, study area, and reception area. The bathrooms are 'rustic', but functional. There is a 2-story cabin overlooking the lake with a computer study area and game room
More pics of this dorm can be seen at:
http://forums.thesimsresource.com/showthread.php?p=3386660#post3386660 in posts 889 & 890.
Recommended items:
Wooden Rail Fence (dark wood)
The Bang-On-A-Can Bathroom
Dark Rough Rock (Part of Martian Landscape Set)
Puddle Water Terrain Paint
Short Heathland Grass
Dark Boulders
Water terrain paint
Rock 1 Terrain Paint
Dungeon Wall Set
Pirate Cove Wood Siding
with and without base
Simaddict 99
Garden Rock Flowerbed
Tall Cat Tails
Tall Grass
Trellis Ground Plant
Trellis Climbing Plant
Small Garden Bush
Magic Smoke
Gravestones (full set)
Windy Summer Day Terrain Paint
Water 2E
Water 2B
Water 2CR
Water 2
Black Widow Spider
Mystic Plant Rose
Cordyline Plant
Dogwood Tree
Garden Fern
Garden Rocks
Modern Staircase
Rockery Stone Large
Sim Man 123
Sword Fern
The San Paolo Collection
Desk and Hutch
Walkway Planks
Stones Terrain Paint
Stone Walkway Terrain Paint
Other Sites:
Outdoor Rocks by 4ESF at 4eversimfantasy
Repurposed Boards Floor by Melly at MTS2
"Recolourable" Wooden Stairs by Numenor at MTS2
Lisa Fireplace by Fresh-Prince at MTS2
- Dorm Rooms: 6
- Lot Size: Medium
- Furnished: Partly
- Decorated: Externally
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
Required Expansion/Stuff Packs:
- University
- Nightlife
- Open for Business
- Pets
- Family Fun Stuff
- Happy Holiday Stuff