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Created for: The Sims 3 Creator Terms of Use
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1499383
ItemID: 1499383
Filesize: 95 KB
"Soft Brows” available for male and female. All ages. Sims 3 version. TS3 1.67 compatible. Do not reupload.
-> If you find any bug or something, tell me.
I test all my CC before uploading. But still, tell me if there is any problem. Thanks! <3
Credits (Preview pic's characters) NONE OF THESE ITEMS ARE INCLUDED IN THIS PACKAGE - Skin by teru_k from MTS (http://modthesims.info/m/225481) - Hair by EA - Eye color by EA - Pic edited with Photoscape and Photoshop.
Note: I’m still alive! XD. How are you doing? I hope this 2020 isn’t hitting you too much. Quarantine is hard, hold on! Let’s resist. Quarantine didn't help that much, but I could do some new creations I'll be uploading these days.
Credits: Skin by teru_k (MTS), Eyes and Hair by EA
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