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Created for: The Sims 3
I have to admit; I said at some point that I would never do a Craftsman Lot. Well, here you have it ... Main colors used are the neutrals and the powder pink. I have played it for an extended time, but had to delete some of my precious CC in order to give you this lot as is. A big family home I built for the offspring of the Martinez family. It is THE best house for your family. It has more than 5 bedrooms and a beautiful yard. Oh, I can go on about the beauty of it, please, just download and see for yourself.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1351628
ItemID: 1351628
Filesize: 60 MB
The TSR Creations below were used in this Creation.

I use most Extension Packs. I used Outdoor Living Stuff Pack. I ticked all the EP's and SP's I have installed on my computer.
Built on a 40x40 in Twinbrook. Please feel free to place it on a larger lot in another World if you like.
Do NOT share on the exchange.
Boston Niche http://mangosims2.free.fr/
Bookcase, books and sidewalk fencing MarcusSims91.tumblr.com. I used Lunasims hanging rosetas, but unfortunately their site is not available anymore. Nelly Floor lamp by Billyjean at BPS (no longer available), Jope Bedroom Coffee table from SimplyStyling.de
Credits: MarcusSims91, MangoSims, Lunasimslulamai, Jope
- Price Unfurnished: 86192
- Price Furnished: 130452
- Furnished: Fully
- Decorated: Throughout
- Bedrooms: 6
- Bathrooms: 3
- Stories: 2
- Lot Size (z): 40
Expansion packs: World adventures,High End Loft Stuff,Ambitions,Fast Lane Stuff,Late Night,Outdoor Living Stuff,Generations,Town Life Stuff,Pets,Master Suite Stuff,Showtime,Diesal Stuff,Supernatural,Seasons,University,Island Paradise,Movie Stuff,Into the Future
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.