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Created for: The Sims 3
This lot has one ground level, the official graveyard, and then there is a 4 stories deep graveyard-themed tomb underneath. The tomb is rather big so u might wanna keep that in mind when prepering your sims for their vacation. OBS: when u have entered the tomb there might be a chance that the entrance will close behind u... so in case your sim wants to leave before finishing the tomb u should make sure to have some flight dust or maybe a sim skilled enough to teleport out of there.
In case u wan't to hear a short story behind the lot u can find it here: http://www.thesimsresource.com/members/Yngven93/blog/view-post/post/20791/Six%20feet%20under
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1057567
ItemID: 1057567
Filesize: 5 MB
The TSR Creations below were used in this Creation.

When placing a tomb remember that your sims can't be in the country at the moment, they have to be at home were u press "Change city" and then onwards to a foreign country where u'll place the tomb. Maybe all of u already knew this but I had some problems with it so just thought I should mention it :P
*I originally built this lot were the graveyard in france used to be*
**One thing that I was not able to fix was the big floor buttons, all of them u can both stand on or place a statue on, but please do what's right for the buttons apperance, if there are 2 footstep then step on it, if not then please place a statue on it! This will not only make me happy but it will also be more fun for u to do the tomb correctly :)** Another thing: there are no "shiny glittery things" which shows u where to go next, so plz keep your eyes open for your surroundings.I hope u will all understand the riddles and other obstacles, If not, or if u need help with anything else please contact me! I will be happy to hear any comments/complains/questions u might have :)
Credits: Murfeels and Muranos amazing (but not mandatory) objects that have been used in this lot.
- Furnished: Fully
- Decorated: Throughout
- Stories: 5
- Lot Size (z): 64
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