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Created for: The Sims 3
I watched The Hunger Games, and I saw Katniss' red nose. so I decided to make this blush based on it.
It has no higlights, but it's not the same as any blushes I've seen!
My winter blush is also making your sims' faces quite red, Leaving an impression like you were living in district 12 ^0^
Do enjoy!
Short URL:
ItemID: 1160059
Filesize: 624 KB
*Is recolorable, the top channel controls the whole color.
Eyes by me (Lumina Eyes), and another eyes also by me (Unpublished)
Eyeshadow by me and Ephemera (On the Katniss-like Sim, the blush was my creation.)
Lipstick by Rosesims and S-Club Privee,
Skin on the CAS is EA's default, on Katniss-like Sim is Lemonleaf's skin
All hair by Newsea, Clothing by Lianasims3 and EA
- Age : Teen, Young Adult, Adult
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