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Created for: The Sims 3
One of the largest horses in the world, the Shire originated in the 'Shires' of England and is a descendant of the Old English Black Horse whose ancestors were the 'great horses' of mediaeval times.
It stands up to 19 hands, and may be bay, brown, black or grey in colour.
Despite its great size and strength (an average Shire will weigh 1 tonne and is capable of moving a 5-tonne load) it is the gentlest of beasts and is a good worker in agriculture and as an urban draught horse. (Source: http://www.shirehorse.org/)
Type: Horse - Male
Age: Adult
Traits: Obedient, Quiet, Friendly
I've used no skins, sliders or facemasks!
This pet was created in a vanilla game without any CC.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1209434
ItemID: 1209434
Filesize: 554 KB
PLEASE DO NOT RE-UPLOAD, modify or claim as your own!
I've all expansions and stuff packs installed.
Following expansions are needed:
Expansion Pack "Pets"
Created with Game version: and Patch level:
I’ve used Cyclonesue’s Woodside Barns for taking the screenshots.
You can find the lot in the 'Recommended Items' area!
This pet is created without skins, sliders or facemasks.
Just install the pet via launcher.
After installing, it appears in the - Create a Sim - (CAS) mode.
You'll find it between the pre-made sims and pets,
so you can still modify the name, gender, character and appearance of the pet...
Credits: Cyclonesue
- Pet Gender: Male
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